This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 214 Shimura C 34.0

Chapter 214 Shimura Ciesan 4.0
When Bingsan woke up, he was in Kaguya's bedroom.It means the same as the first time.

It's just that everything is really different.

Six ladies wiped Bingsan's body.Xi sat on the bed and ate grapes.Hi Duan was eating meat on the side.

Bingsan took a glance and found that the whole world was different.

First of all, everyone has a name, blood bar and blue bar on their head. Although it is a percentage, it can at least let Bing San know the status of the other party.

Secondly, the names all have different colors. For example, Hidan's name is blue, Nozomi is golden, and Kaguya Hime is green.It is estimated that it will be useful, and we will know it after testing it out.

Third, there is a small circle under each person's name.Bingsan concentrated, and the small circle became bigger, with six-dimensional data drawn inside.They are attack, defense, defense, harmony, defense and war.Don't know what that means.

Fourth, concentrating on other people's names can get rough data.For example Xi.

Name: Xi (Human).

Faction: Shimura Heizo (temporary).

Rank: Elite.

Bingsan glanced at it, huh?Kaguya Ji's race is actually a vegetable?

Ahem, Bingsan means that Kaguya Ji's race is tree elves.I don't know if it's because the system's defined rankings are funny, or if Kaguya is really a vegetable person.Anyway, she's not human.

Bingsan sighed, and looked at his panel.

Host: Shimura Heizo (biochemical human),

Force: 499
Min: 499
Wisdom: 499 (+7)

Body: 435
Remarks: The technology of Orochimaru is famous all over the world.Have you changed today?
Skill 1: Extraordinary creature; cell activity +900%, chakra generation speed +1300%.Cell aggressiveness (max).

Skill 2: attribute affinity to water, earth and wind (passive)
Skill 3: Ice Archery (Level 95 0.01%)

Skill 4: Lushan Shenglongba (Passive)
Skill 5: Chakra Mastery (Passive)

Skill 6: Ninjutsu; One Qi Transforms Three Purities (Activated)
Skill 7: Ice Attribute (Specialization)

Skill 8; Blur;
Skill 9: Son of Nature (Passive)

Skill 10: Soul Slash (Passive) Each attack adds 5 points of soul damage.

Skill 11: Super-speed regeneration.

Skill 12: False Flash.

Skill 13: Curse of Life (Passive)

Skill 14: Law of Nature (Passive)
Skill 15: Ice Bloodline.

Skill 16: I am invincible.

Skill 17: Empty hands.

Skill 18: Attribute conversion, cool down for nine years, November and nineteen days.

Special status: time and space seal.All attributes reduced by 15%.

Bingsan took a closer look at his broken system, and found no other changes yet.

Bingsan sighed, hey, I just grew up a few days ago, and I had no choice but to switch back to this state before I experienced the joy of growing up.

"Hey~" Bingsan sighed and said, "Are you all okay?"

Xi said: "It's nothing, it's just that the chakra has been sucked dry, and I feel empty, lonely and cold. What about you?"

Bingsan shook his head slightly and said, "It's hard to say."

Bingsan suddenly asked, "Where's the Box of Ultimate Bliss?"

Xi said while eating: "Shenshu's buttocks are pressed!"

Bingsan suddenly remembered the little god tree, so he asked, "What did the little god tree turn into?"

Xi rolled her eyes and said, "You subconsciously ate it, and the remaining core was eaten by the white snake."

Xi suddenly remembered something and said: "You still have a calf, what are you going to do with it?"

Bing Sanyi rolled his eyes and said, "Burn it!"

"I guess that's what it's going to be, it's burned," Hee said.

Bingsan feels himself carefully, and Bingsan finds that he is a little different.Can't tell where it's different.

In short, you have to wait until you test it to find out what is different.

Bing Sanyi rolled over and sat up, only to fall to the ground with a soft thump.

Bingsan muttered: "Damn, I forgot." Then he twisted his buttocks and stood up awkwardly.

He is now a softened and transformed body.

Hee said, "Are you okay?"

Bing San shook his head slightly, licked the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm fine, I'm just not used to it. It will be fine in a while."

At this time, Hui Ye put down the embroidery in his hand, walked over and said, "Don't feed the sacred tree and eat people anymore, he has been corrupted by those dirty thoughts."

Bingsan nodded and said, "Don't worry, we have a measure."

Then he asked Xi in a low voice, "What's going on there?"

Xi said: "What else can I do, still like that!"

Bingsan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "No change at all?"

Xi said: "Yes, there are more people who are pursuing power independently, but you are not here, and we don't know how to transform the human body, so we have already fed the sacred tree. The sacred tree is a bit full now."

Bingsan nodded slightly, opened the door and went out.Looking at the stars in the sky, Bingsan murmured slightly: "Do you dominate the heavens? Lei Yang!"

Bingsan clenched his fists and looked up at the starry sky.Bingsan suddenly felt something different about his body.

Bing San closed his eyes and felt slightly.In an instant, Bingsan opened his eyes, purple eye shadows emerged from the corners of his eyes, and the purple pupils in his eyes turned into golden snake pupils.

On Bingsan's forehead grew a silver-gray horn.A white eye grew in the middle of Bingsan's forehead?
Bingsan's clothes turned purple, and six blue gouyu embellished the neckline.Two Dao-seeking jades condensed and formed behind him.

Bingsan slowly raised his feet off the ground.With a wave of his hand, Qiu Daoyu turned into a spear?
Bingsan felt that his six-path pattern was weird.

Uchiha Obito opened the six paths, and he has six Taoist jades, with white clothes, black tattoos, and divine fire on his back.

Uchiha Madara has six paths, a bone forehead protector, horns, six gouyu, a white cloak, and blood eyes of reincarnation.

But look at yourself, what is this? The clothes are purple, there are only two Taoist jades, the horns are blurred, the tin staff has turned into a spear, and it has a supercilious eye!
Bing San autistic on the spot!

In the end, he sighed and murmured: "Young children are malnourished. Forget it, wait for the real fruit of the sacred tree."

In fact, Bingsan already knew that Xiao Shiwei was born as part of the system.Not only is it weak and pitiful, but also mentally unsound.A freshly fruited, malnourished, green apple at best.

But after thinking about it, Bingsan is also very happy. If he can enter the six-path mode, he will be able to stand up and increase his standing properly.And Hui Ye would destroy the world if he ate one, but he had a chance to eat one and a half.

Thinking about it, Bingsan laughed heck.

Xi walked out slowly and said, "It's midnight, it's time to rest, why are you giggling here. Bing Sanjun."

Bingsan smiled and said, "I just woke up from a coma, and I don't want to sleep."

Xi waved his hand and said: "I see!" He turned and left.

Hidan was also thrown out of the house by Kaguya Hime.Hiduan looked back at Kaguya Hime's food basket in three steps, and left reluctantly.

Just as Bingsan was about to turn around and leave, he heard Hui Ye shouting from inside: "Bingsan-jun, please wait a moment. This is for you, I hope you like it."

Bingsan took Kaguya's scarf, and for a moment, Bingsan seemed to see Hinata.

Maybe Hinata is really Kaguya's direct bloodline, with the same face shape, beautiful eyes, and gentle personality.

Bingsan took the scarf and sighed slightly, this gentle and virtuous woman didn't know her fate yet.Bingsan suddenly felt very guilty towards Keng Huiye.

The moment Bingsan turned to leave, his lips trembled slightly and he said, "I'm sorry!"

Kaguya Ji didn't hear clearly, she tilted her head and said, "What?"

Bingsan turned his back to Hui Ye and said, "No, it's nothing, see you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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