Raised a house of obsession

Chapter 142 Please Master Zhang Shan

Chapter 142 Invite Master to Return to the Mountain

When the little monk said this, he kowtowed three times vigorously, his head was bloody, but he was not moved at all.

The young monk suddenly took out a sharp knife, stabbed himself in the neck, and killed himself. His action was so decisive that even Qiu had no time to stop him.

After this incident, the caravan left in fear. They would rather sleep in the wilderness than stay overnight in this village.

The bandit team also left.Qiu did not pursue them and let the bandits live.

Only Qiu stayed in the village, weeping bitterly, dug a hole with both hands, and buried his apprentice.

And that night, there was a sound outside the hut.

The old monk stood up and saw that the disciple's body had indeed been dug out.

"What are you..." He thought of a possibility.

"Old monk, the caravan has run away, we have nothing to eat, we are so hungry, the baby is so hungry, what do you think we can eat?!" the old man at the head said viciously.

As the master of the world, Qiu is not angry and pretentious, and the old man dare not provoke him, but the dead must be used as waste, right?Not only him, but the rest of the women and children also stared at Qiu viciously.

Qiu sighed and handed over all his dry food.

"How can humans cannibalize their own species? That is undoubtedly a wolf and a beast."

"How can such a small amount be enough? There are 23 people in the village, and this amount of dry food is only enough for three days! There is not enough food in stock, and the whole village will starve to death!"

Seeing that the monk was quite talkative, the old man snorted coldly and said, "Wolf and beast? Monk, you don't know what it's like to be hungry. If you're so hungry that you go hungry for ten days and a half months, even Guanyin soil will have to eat!"

"So what if it's a jackal or a beast? People have to survive."

Qiu looked at the body of his apprentice, and remembered what the little monk said before he killed himself, "Master, master! If the master can persuade them not to eat my body and let me be buried safely, then the master has won."

"If not, then I have won. Master, please go back to Ranshan Temple. Don't suffer and be tired here."

Looking at the hungry crowd, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

All kinds of past events come to my mind, and the years have passed by several times, leaving no room for mediocrity to lament.

And he himself is just a mediocre person and cannot become a Buddha.

This time, he will lose.

If you lose, you have to go back to Burning Mountain Temple.

Under this enlightenment, I couldn't help feeling disheartened.

"Then, just eat me!" Qiu shouted suddenly, his right hand condensed into a knife, and he waved it down resolutely, and his left arm fell off with a "snap".The current grandmaster was not angry and powerful, but there was not a drop of blood on the wound. This was because he used powerful spiritual energy to forcefully seal the wound.

And the old man standing in front of him was also stunned, and then looked at this grand master with a shocked, unbelievable and fool-like eyes.

The men picked up their arms and quickly backed away.

However, one arm is obviously not enough.

the next day……

Day three...

Day [-]...

Until the seventh day!
After all, seven pieces of flesh were cut off from Qiu's body. Even the current masters could not bear such self-mutilation, so that he was on the verge of death, only breathing intermittently.He opened his eyes and turned his ears sideways, trying to see clearly the thoughts in the hearts of these old and weak women and children.

There was a whisper in my ear.

"This man is really stupid. He may have gone crazy. But he doesn't know that his apprentice has been sprinkled with salt and exposed to the sun a long time ago, so he won't rot in a while."

"That's fine, that's fine."

"Then wait until this man dies. There is enough food for a while."

That's it, that's it.

Qiu thought in his heart, unwillingness and despair welled up in his heart, and more of it was actually dazed.

At this time, there was a sudden noise at the entrance of the village.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was the group of bandits who came back with a carbine and killed them.The bandit leader at the head couldn't help crying when he saw that "Qiu", a famous contemporary master, was like a human pig, with seven pieces of meat cut off from his body and all his hands and feet were missing. He was feeding it to these old, weak, women and children. , grabbing the ground with his head, "Master, what are you doing!"

"Master, please go back to the mountain!"

"Master, please come back to the mountain!" Many bandits knelt down one after another.

"That's it, that's it."

Qiu finally kept his promise and returned to Taohua Mountain, the first stop in his life.

However, on the second day after he returned to the mountain, he broke his breath.


The dream was coming to an end here, only a strong anger and unwillingness filled Zhou Yi's heart.The desperation coming from a grand master is naturally so great that his whole body is about to explode.

He couldn't tell or describe this feeling, it was the darkness after the belief was shattered, and it was the final swan song of life.But he knew that this was the true inheritance of the Fire Tong Quan, a powerful spiritual skill capable of fighting against the evil spirit.

However, the dream is not really over.

The next dream was the burial of this contemporary master.

Fallen leaves piled up all over the sky. In this autumn, amidst the weeping of everyone in Taohua Temple, the master was buried in the soil like this. The fallen leaves returned to their roots, and a large number of maple leaves covered his body.

The whole world seemed to be burning red.

"Master likes peach blossoms. I will plant some peach blossoms here."

The monks in Taohua Mountain wept bitterly. After burying Qiu's body, they planted a peach grove.

However, at the second hour after everyone left, a light blue spot like a firefly floated out of his grave and floated into the air.

Floated into the distance.

Floating thousands of miles away, the land that made him sad.

The name of that piece of land is called Dalai Country.

The dream is over.


Zhou Yi slowly opened his eyes, covered his temples, and suppressed the sense of despair in his heart.At this moment, his heart was beating wildly at an unprecedented speed!

Because he discovered a huge secret!

A somewhat terrifying secret buried deep in history.

He recognized this light blue point of light.

Its name is... Autumn!
At the same time, a light blue spot like a firefly appeared in front of his eyes, silently, as if waiting for Zhou Yi to make a final decision.

"Autumn...how did Autumn come here? Doesn't it only appear in autumn?" Zhou Yi's pupils dilated slightly.

He is a little flustered now.

Facing such a supernatural phenomenon that is so powerful that it is almost unsolvable, he has no ability to resist.When Master Qiu was alive, he was a contemporary grand master. What kind of concept is this?That is, the strength of Mr. Zhang Haoran who ran out to do archaeology.

The powerful obsession after death has reached an unknown level.

"Qiu...Master Qiu. I am not in despair. Can you spare me?" Zhou Yi said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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