Raised a house of obsession

Chapter 141 The Legend of Master Qiu

Chapter 141 The Legend of Master Qiu
Once upon a time there was a mountain with a temple on the mountain. There was a group of monks in the temple who ate fast and chanted Buddha's name every day without caring about worldly affairs.

However, a severe drought caused a shortage of food, and the temple could not afford to support so many monks, so everyone had to eat one less meal, and everyone had to go hungry.

In order to reduce the burden on the temple, one by one the young monks returned to the vulgar and went down the mountain, and they never returned: some became knights and acted on behalf of the heavens; some married wives and had children, lived a normal life; , high above the temple.

One day, a young monk named "Qiu" resigned to the abbot of the temple: "There are fat meat in the kitchen, fat horses in the stables, hungry people in the people, and hungry horses in the wild. This leads beasts and cannibals. There is darkness in the world, but I would like to restore brightness to the world."

The abbot sighed bitterly, "What can I do?"

Qiu, Qiu, how can you change the world as a young man?You are just a monk.

Qiu raised his fists, and a strong will was released from his body.

The abbot still shook his head, "Not enough, not enough."

Autumn, the youngest master of the Burning Mountain Temple, a top talent once in a hundred years.

But once you go down the mountain, it’s hard to come back.

In the end, Qiu folded his hands together, bowed and said, "I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

The abbot sighed and put him down the mountain anyway.


A flash of light, a thousand years of beauty, a few turmoil, a quick lock, and a sudden release of the rein.

That year, Qiu was 62 years old. He had already transformed from a young monk to an old monk.

Many areas in the Eastern Continent have left behind the prestigious name of "autumn".

However, he did not realize his dream, and the dim world did not change at all.Traveling thousands of miles and reading thousands of books, the more experiences you have, the more you know the warmth and warmth of the human heart.There are many things that he can't change.

But on this day, Qiu climbed over that mountain and came to a vast wasteland. Facing the scorching sun, he dared not move forward.At this time, a group of businessmen came. They seemed to have heard of the reputation of "Master Qiu", so they generously let him join the caravan and wanted to take him across the desert.

"Master, you are polite. Natural disasters and man-made disasters occur frequently here, and bandits and robbers come and go from time to time. One more person will take care of you."

This piece of land has not rained for many years, starvation is everywhere, and the original population is not one in a hundred.Except for some old, weak, sick and disabled, most of the young and middle-aged people have relocated to the outside world.

There were many unruly people in the poor mountains and rivers. This caravan traveled for two days and two nights before they encountered a poor village and were ready to stop for a rest.

As a result, he had just settled down in the village when he encountered a group of bandits who entered the village to rob.

Seeing that the bandits were about to kill someone, Qiu yelled loudly. Just as he was about to save someone, he saw one of the bandits froze for a moment, dropped his knife on the ground, and yelled, "Master..."

It turned out that this person was a young monk from Ranshan Temple.

After many years, the little monk turned into a bandit and even became the leader. Qiu couldn't help being angry, but she burst into tears, and shouted: "Evil, why are you hurting people here!"

When the little monk heard the shout, he knew that there was no possibility of escape today, so he knelt down and wept: "Master, the world slanders me, bullies me, insults me, laughs at me, despises me, despises me, hates me, deceives me, How to deal with it?"

Qiu replied: "Just tolerate him, let him, let him, avoid him, be patient with him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years and you can watch him."

The little monk lowered his head and knelt on the ground: "Master, I can't do what you said! For many years, I have not returned from the mountain, and I have gone through thousands of things and countless calamities!"

"When I first came down from the mountain, I rescued an old man. He was seriously ill, and I served him day and night without sleep. However, in a blink of an eye, the old man recovered and stole my money. How do we deal with such people?"

Qiu was silent, and after a long time, he replied: "If you lose the things outside your body, you will lose them. If you have less desire for material things, it's not a big problem."

The little monk said again: "Later, I passed another village and saw an old man selling his sons and daughters, so I gave him dry food to save his family from starvation. When we got to the village, the old man was selling his sons and daughters again, so I gave him some dry food."

"When the old man got the dry food, he was very grateful to me."

"The third time I saw him, he was selling his sons and daughters again, and I didn't give him dry food. The old man actually flew into a rage and said that I would die without saving him, what kind of a shitty monk."

"What can I do for this kind of Shengmi benefactor, who fights against Miqiu? I will tolerate him, let him, let him stay for a few more years, and he will remain the same without repentance."

Qiu remained silent.

This time, he had no way to refute.

The young monk added: "Three years ago, I was seriously injured and dying. I was lying on the roadside. People came and went, but no one saved me."

"It was a woman who saved me in the end. At that time, I didn't know she was the daughter of a bandit. Later, when I saw her holding a sharp knife, killing people and stealing goods, I was shocked. I tried my best to persuade her not to do evil, but she said, you drink Water and dry food were stolen. Without these stolen supplies, I would have died on the streets."

The little monk said loudly: "Master, what should I do, should I commit suicide on the spot, or should I repay my brother with the spring?"

Qiu was silent, but she burst into tears.The world is cold and warm, like drinking water, what the little monk has experienced, why hasn't he experienced it?He even experienced more, had deeper emotions, and was sometimes confused.

The legendary Buddha, after all, does not exist.

The little monk asked four questions in a row.

If he was able to answer those two sentences at the beginning, in the end, Qiu was unable to answer.Even if the theories in the Buddhist scriptures are one set, but in practice, it is not like that.

The little monk said: "Master, it is normal to suffer from hunger and starvation in poor mountains and rivers. The women, children, old and young in this village are by no means good people. They live by plundering caravans."

"If we don't come today, you will be robbed tonight. I know that my sins are serious and I don't deserve to live in this world. I am willing to be slaughtered. I only hope that you will return to Burning Mountain Temple and leave this hell on earth."

Even, this was also a question in his mind. Qiu remembered the conversation he had with the abbot before leaving the mountain.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell."

This is an ambition, but now that he is 62 years old, his ambition must not be fulfilled.

The little monk finally said: "Master, I know that you don't want to go back to the Burning Mountain Temple. However, I know very well that the great wish of saving the world cannot be fulfilled. Not to mention saving the world, even if you save a village It's even harder."

He raised his head and roared loudly: "Look at the women and children in this village. They are hungry and wear three girdles. They are greedy for the disciple's body! If Master can persuade them not to eat my body, let me be safe." Burial, then the master has won."

"If not, then I have won. Master, please go back to Ranshan Temple. Don't suffer and be tired here."

(End of this chapter)

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