A god of beauty

Chapter 46 The plot of reversal begins (recommended)

Chapter 46 The plot of reversal begins (recommended)

"Isle of Rex Prison!"


In the Star Building, Lake, who heard Agatha's report, couldn't help shaking his head and smiling when he saw the introduction about the prison projected in front of him.

Let's say that.

The prison system in the United States is very complicated. There are private ones sandwiched between public ones. The public ones are operating at a loss in various states, and the private ones want to make money. Naturally, there are hundreds of states.

Rex Island Prison is notorious for torture and death, and the bail system is famous for favoring the rich.


What about protective custody?
In Lake's view, protective confinement is nothing more than accelerating the blackening of the superhero in the original timeline, the current prisoner Reed Richards.

……and many more.

Lake, who was wearing a black suit that hadn't changed for 1 years and changed to a red tie, looked at Mikaela who was violently making coffee with a flatiron at the bar and was wearing a pair of hot pants.

In Mikaela's words, the coffee brewed by a coffee machine has no soul.

Of course.

For this, Lake has reservations.

Lake looked at Mikaela who put the iron into the coffee cup and frowned slightly: "I remember, Mr. Vickers seems to be in this prison too."

Mikaela took out the dimmed soldering iron: "Yes, he's been there for two years."

Lake said, "It's been a while."

Mikaela smiled, and raised the soulful coffee in his hand towards Lake to signal, do you need a cup?

Lake smiled and politely expressed his thanks, no need.

Mikaela shrugged, and walked out from the bar with coffee: "It's not too long, and I paid for the prison through the Blackwater Company for a month. Now, his life is very nourishing."

Lake laughed and said, "Didn't plan to pick him up?"

Mikaela waved his hand, took a sip of coffee and said, "It's better to stay inside than let him go back to his old job outside, and he was born there, at least, I don't have to worry about letting Agatha project one day." When I came out, I found his body, not the picture of him smoking leisurely in orange clothes."

Lake smiled and said nothing.

It's good to put it over there.

Frankly speaking, Lake can handle the relationship between his wives well, but he is not very good at handling other relationships.

For example, he and Katerina's father, the Noxus general who made great military exploits and could be regarded as the military version of Xu Xian.

The relationship between Lake and the Noxus general has always been at odds.

Let's say that.

A few times, Lake really wanted to attack this old thing, and that old thing also attacked himself several times.


That old guy dares to think and do it, otherwise, that old guy will instruct his adopted son Darius to continuously use the guillotine big move without cooling down on him?
Lake was concerned about Katerina's feelings, so he could only think about it in his heart. What he did most was to cast a spell on the old man. Once the old man went to such a romantic place, his wives would I knew it immediately, and then rushed over there and set fire to the Fengyue place.

Because of this spell, I am very honored that there is no more romantic place on the ground of Noxus...

And Catherine's father.

and also……

In general, Lake has avoided any meeting with the elders of his wives.

Mikaela looked at the projection, and Reed Richards, a prisoner sitting motionless in the prison, sipped his coffee and changed the subject: "Do you think he will follow your rhythm?"

Lake smiled, "Of course."

Mikaela looked down at the coffee cup, said something wrong with the taste, ran to the bar again, and said curiously while reheating the soldering iron: "I thought you were going to deal with four people who came all the way here The guy who came to trouble you."

Lake smiled: "To be precise, there are two."

Mikaela looked up and said, "Two?"

Lake nodded.

The biochemical devil Reed.

Stone people.

These two people who were controlled by him behind the scenes as prisoners are the target people. As for Johnny the vengeful flame soul and Susan the widow maker?
how to say.

The location of Vengeance Flame Soul is Texas, and Johnny likes to go to some noisy places, such as bars or certain places, so here comes the problem, Texas, but a monarch also prefers to go...

And that guy's temper is not very good.

What is there to say?

Don't come to the door, it's a big treason.

Come to think of it, that hell lord probably wouldn't say no to the foreign power sent up.

As for Evelyn?
Evelyn became a widowmaker because Lake killed his husband. Now, will the current widowmaker Susan be like this?


Of the four enemies, two have been quietly eliminated by Lake. Even if the death chanter can watch this place, he is probably already in a state of confusion. He probably thought that this place was caused by the universe itself. strength.

Mikaela listened and nodded: "Well, even if it's two, when do you plan to make a move? You said that your stars are still on the way and won't come so soon. You don't have to be afraid of the speed at which they will be blackened." Faster than your stars?"

Lake laughed and said, "Who said I'm going to make a move?"

Michaela blinked.

Lake walked over, picked up the bourbon that he hadn't finished drinking last night and drank it down: "If there are villains, there should be heroes."

Originally, the Fantastic Four were heroes and Victor was the villain.


The feng shui has taken turns. Since the world needs heroes, then they are just one hero.

Victor fits the bill perfectly.


Lake said, "Agatha!"

Agatha's figure emerged: "Here!"

Lake asked: "How did the giant lava beast in this life live in Vernon Bain Prison?"

Agatha's tone was the same as before: "Sir, as you expected, people from S.H.I.E.L.D. have gone to Vernon Bain Prison several times to demand that Ben Grimm be taken away."

"The results of it?"

"Never succeeded. The warden was very tough."

"Hehe, now this giant lava beast is the beckoning cat of their prison, can he not be tough?"

Lake said with a smile.

I have to say that the warden of Vernon Bain Prison is a master of business. When everyone in New York knew that there was a stone man criminal in this prison, my good fellow, countless people visited the prison.

to this end.

The warden directly opened up a channel. As long as you give money, let alone a visit, you can feed and feed. In just ten days, the warden's private overseas account has already received six figures.

In this case, let alone fake S.H.I.E.L.D. of various law enforcement agencies, it would be extremely difficult to take the stone man away even if the genuine one came to Vernon Bain Prison.

In a word.

The administrators of public prisons pay less and work more. Nowadays, it is hard to improve. Who would want to?

Ask the dozen guards and hundreds of inmates at Vernon Bain Prison?


 It's Friday, guys, tomorrow is a holiday, are you excited, Lao Mi is going to soak in the hot spring tomorrow, hahahahahahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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