A god of beauty

Chapter 45 Reed Richards Ready to Blacken

Chapter 45 Reed Richards Ready to Blacken
Not only Reed Richards was dumbfounded, but even the people sitting in the back watching the trial were also stunned.

Franklin's compensation of 50 billion is a lot, but it is not a record in the history of litigation in the United States. Therefore, it is a lot, but it is not worth making a fuss about.

But 100 billion?




This is definitely a record. There is no doubt that the reporter of the New York Daily, who was sitting at the door and had already written the press release when the jury came out in 15 minutes, was stunned when he heard the result of the trial. Afterwards, he directly pressed the delete key to completely delete all the manuscripts he had thought up before.

next second.

The reporter got up and rushed outside.

This is big news, and as the first New York daily to issue a notice one second after [-]/[-], they will never and cannot miss any big news...

One side of the spectator seat was stunned.

The judge in the seat slammed the gavel a few times: "Bailiff, if there are any more noisy people, arrest them immediately."

Several bailiffs standing on the other side of the spectator seats nodded immediately.


judge's office.

The plaintiff, the defendant, Coulson, and the men in suits from the Stark Industries legal department gathered together.

The man in the suit of Stark Industries handed in the known patent transfer document signed with Reed Richards before, crossed his hands, and said with a calm expression: "My lord, as you can see, we have already transferred..."

"I don't care about your transactions, that's for the IRS."

The judge sitting on the judge's chair interrupted with a wave of his hand, glanced at the man in the suit, then looked at the people standing in his office at the moment and said: "Gentlemen, this is my court, I don't care what deals you have, but I I have to say that this is the most incredible case I have seen in the past 30 years as a judge."

Ron En, head of the TNT&G law firm, and his assistant Tom smiled.

The amount of litigation in this case is as high as 100 billion. In terms of the basic commission, they will have [-]% of the account.


As for how much will actually be accounted for?That is not important anymore, the important point is that through this agent, the reputation of TNT&G Law Firm will be improved to a higher level.


Stark Industries and Victor Industries have already said that the IRS will take care of it. In short, the amount of compensation is so much.

Reed Richards looked ugly.

He is not a fool, otherwise, he would not have come up with this kind of strategy to kill two birds with one stone against his rival and ex-girlfriend.

It is clear.

He was tricked.

He was tricked by the double reed played by Victor Industries and Stark Industries.

As soon as the verdict came out, his mobile phone messages kept coming, informing him that his house, car, banknotes, funds... In short, everything that could be exchanged for Franklin had been taken away. The liquidation professionals at the door will do the liquidation.

It seems that one thing has been confirmed.

He will not appeal, or in other words, even if he appeals, no court will accept it.

In a word.

The first trial is the final trial!

At this moment, the shady scenes of the capital were clearly revealed in front of him.


The judge sighed, thinking about the European luxury sofa that had just been delivered to his family, and said to Ron En, the lawyer representing Victor Industry: "Tell me, the trial is over, why are you still in my office?"

Ron looked at his partner, Tom who was loved by female judges.

Tom smiled brightly and said to the judge: "Your Honor, according to the liquidation report, Mr. Reed Richards still has about 300 million Franklins who are unable to pay back, and Mr. Richards has the ability to flee, so Victor The industry applied to the court to imprison the accused until the debt is settled."

"Very reasonable."

The judge nodded, then looked at Richards with a livid face and said, "Dr. Richards, what is your opinion on the plaintiff's request? Or, what can you guarantee that you will not flee?"

Richards felt only anger burning in his heart.


Guarantee what?
He has already lost 100 billion 3000 million Franklin, and the most valuable patent in his hand is not his, what else does he have now?
Seeing this, the judge sighed and said, "In this case, I agree here..."

Coulson, who got involved, hurriedly said, "Your Honor."

The judge looked up at Coulson. "What, DHS wants to represent Richards' debts?"

Coulson shook his head and said, "Your Honor, we didn't..."

"That's good. This is my court. I don't care who your leader is, but it won't work here."

The judge directly interrupted, thinking about the whole set of luxurious European court-style furniture that he ordered online yesterday, he called in the bailiffs outside, then looked at the crowd and said, "Since there are no objections, well, the defendant Mr. de Richards has not paid his debts, or without any guarantee that he will not flee..."

Coulson made a last-ditch effort: "Your Honor, the Department of Homeland Security is willing to..."

The judge interrupted again with a sneer: "Detective Coulson, the Homeland Security Agency's ass hasn't been wiped clean last year. This is the last warning."

Say it.

The judge waved directly at the two bailiffs who walked in and said, "Bring Mr. Reed Richards to Rekers Island Prison..."

The two bailiffs nodded.

The judge was silent for a while, and at the moment when the two bailiffs were about to make a move, he glanced at the crowd and then ordered: "...protective imprisonment, after all, Mr. Reed Richards has already compensated 100 billion in one go. "

The two bailiffs nodded again, and then walked towards Reed Richards who bowed his head and said nothing.

The latter slowly looked up at Victor's representative and the man in suit from Stark Industries.

next second.

Reed Richards laughed.


Very weird, like a man with a cleft mouth?


After Coulson was politely invited out of his office by the judge, and after reconciling with Natasha outside the court, the two stared at the leaving vehicle.

"What should we do now?"

"I do not know."

After Coulson glanced at Natasha next to him and said this, he took out his phone and called an office in Washington Sanfei's headquarters and said, "Now, call the director for instructions."

Natasha shrugged her shoulders and stared at the high-rise building in front of her. For some reason, at this moment, the incomparably brilliant buildings in front of her were all made of bare bones.


The old man who was recuperating in the glass sun room opened his eyes and looked at the little girl who came in from the outside and said, "Sharon, what's wrong?"

Sharon Carter held the phone in her hand and said, "Auntie, Washington's number."


Peggy Carter, who had been eroded by the years, hung up the phone, sighed, and said to Sharon Carter who was standing in front of her: "Give me the phone number of the little guy, and learn to play with me." , Hehe, his father doesn't even dare play tricks on me."

Sharon opened her mouth, looked back, and said, "Auntie, in fact, Tony Stark is already at the door."

Peggy Carter: "..."

 Capital is a cannibal, I love flower growers!

(End of this chapter)

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