A god of beauty

Chapter 239 Heroes, Debut

Chapter 239 Heroes, Debut
The faint blue light in the Stargate pervades the entire space.

next second.

Accompanied by a shocking muffled sound, there was boundless silence.

very quiet.

It was so quiet that even the Avengers who were ready to go in the warehouse could hear each other's heartbeats.

Everyone looked at each other.

Captain America Steve looked at Thor who was holding Mjolnir, Thor's hammer.

Susan seemed to be breathing deeply in slow motion.

Dr. Banner keeps his head down in slow motion with his glasses removed.


Natasha, who wore two long fiery red ponytails, came back to her senses and looked at Tony who was holding a scarlet Merlich shining with a symbol of violent power.

Tony's appearance has also changed drastically.



Also, I don't know if it's the effect of the equipment or something else. In short, it's the thick biceps, the muscles, and the curves, all of which show the existence of the perfect biceps. It must be a man, moreover, a man among men, that is, the legendary straight man of steel...

at this time.

In an instant, a wave of light suddenly circulated on the Stargate, and then there was a movement so huge that even the ground trembled, and the gust of wind whizzed in an instant.

next second.


A strange-looking creature suddenly appeared in the Stargate.

Everyone looked at the Stargate, and the half-body-protruding monster also noticed them. Afterwards, both sides were stunned for a moment, and the next second, the monster raised its head and screamed, and was about to retreat back.




The US team regained consciousness in an instant and shouted, almost at the moment when Steve's words came out, accompanied by scarlet lightning, followed by a red energy cannon bombarded on the protruding monster .


The monster split apart instantly like plaster that was blown up.


Susan waved her hands and pressed vigorously towards the Stargate. In an instant, the Psychic Shield closed the entire Stargate, and then shouted at Victor and Tony: "Vic, hurry up!" , I feel like I can't stop it for long."

talking room.

Susan's figure involuntarily took a step back, and then, bang bang bang, the entire Stargate seemed to be hit by something at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tony, who was hiding under the hood, held Merrick in his hand, looked at Victor, Natasha, and Dr. Banner who took off his glasses, and said, "It's time for us to perform."

Say it.

Tony took the lead, and Merlich's electric energy surged and formed an electric energy group to protect him: "Follow me."

Natasha and Victor nodded.

"……and many more."

"Dr. Banner?"

With a shy smile on Dr. Banner's face, he pointed at the three of Tony and pointed to the Stargate: "I think you may need a pioneer."

Tony stopped walking and made an inviting gesture to Dr. Banner.

Banner took off his shirt, took a deep breath, and threw it not far away. This dress was his last memory in college, so it couldn't be broken.

"Dr. Banner!"

"Is something wrong, Captain?"

"...you can unleash your anger as much as you want over there."

"Ha ha."

Dr. Banner smiled at Steve, lowered his head, and turned around. Green lines began to appear between the necks. Along with the height and transformation of his figure, Dr. Banner said: "I will tell you a secret, Captain, if you Need to watch two hours of [SpongeBob SquarePants] before bed, and you'll be just as angry as I am all the time."


Dr. Banner is offline.

The superhero, Hulk Hulk is officially launched.


Hulk yelled at the Stargate in the same posture as King Kong's debut, and Captain America yelled at Susan when he saw this: "Remove the barrier."

Susan nodded.


The moment Susan withdrew the Psychic Mask, the Kirita army on the opposite side of the Stargate let out a roar. Following the roar of a bug queen in the valley, the Kirita army moved in unison and walked towards the Stargate.

This time!

A flying dragon that was about to poke out its huge head suddenly paused, and the next second, under the watchful eyes of the Kirita people, the whole body of the flying dragon seemed to be in a vertical state.

and then...

A green giant directly held the mouth of the flying dragon with both hands, raised the flying dragon abruptly, and slowly walked out from the opposite side of the Stargate.

"hold head high!"


The flying dragon that was restrained by Hulk let out a sharp hissing sound, but the hissing sound did not last for two seconds. Afterwards, Hulk directly tore the mouth of the flying dragon with his hands, and then, grabbing the fragments of the flying dragon's mouth, Hulk Ke looked at the endless Kirita army on the Kirita planet and made the loudest roar ever.



The entire Kirita planet also fell into a second of silence.

next second.

Kirita is completely crazy. For thousands of years, no one has dared to set foot on their territory. The guardians of the Kirita tribe in the crimson valley watched the three people who came out of the stargate, and the wind was even more messy.

Who is hacking whom?
at this time.

To be precise, it was the moment Natasha passed through the stargate and arrived on the crimson land of Kirita. In the most core underground palace on this planet, the zerg master who had been sleeping in the so-called pool of life suddenly opened his eyes. Kai's eyes, which hadn't been opened again since he surrendered to Thanos, had been controlling the ability of his Mind Gem, and the moment the Zerg Master smelled the breath of stars on Natasha, it was instantly shattered.

next second.


An angry hiss like a wrist snake sounded from the Crimson Earth, and the queens scattered all over the planet were stunned for a moment, and then the queens came back to their senses and roared angrily.

This is like the Tarot card effect.

Layer upon layer.

Next up!

Tony, Natasha and others felt the change in the atmosphere. To be precise, they felt the gaze of their eyes. Just now, they also received the attention of many bugs, but it was more because Hulk was a superstar, and they were a foil Same.

But right now?
There is no doubt that they all became superstars.

Victor frowned: "I have a bad feeling."

Natasha greeted the black and white elf to turn it into a weapon: "Yes, I agree, and I don't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or a sigh of relief."

Tony held Merlich tightly: "They seem to have turned their target into us. By the way, who of you will go back later and tell Steve and Sol that there is no need for support over there, but we need it here?"

The moment Tony said that.

The Kirita moved.


(End of this chapter)

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