A god of beauty

Chapter 238 Natasha Crazy Jinx Reese

Chapter 238 Natasha Crazy Jinx Reese
Natasha feels amazing now.

My current outfit.

Fiery red starlight all over the body.

and also……

"who are you?"


Bathed in the fiery red and warm starlight cluster, Natasha looked at the black and white starlight elves circling around her, and was slightly stunned when she heard the voices coming from all directions of the palace.

Shouldn't Agatha be on Earth?
"The moment Mister reconnected with the stars, I was everywhere."

Agatha spoke lightly, Agatha not only accompanied Lake, even, because of Lake's unreserved trust, even the entire star system was managed by Agatha.

you could put it that way.

Among the stars, Agatha doesn't need any proof. Her every move in the Valoran universe among the stars is almost a symbol of Lake's actions.

"……I don't know."

Natasha looked down at the familiar yet unfamiliar self reflected in the gold shop like a mirror on the floor and said, "What's going on?"


Still her appearance.

but other?


pupil color?
What the hell happened to this shit.



Natasha suddenly heard movement behind her, turned her head and saw a familiar person walking in from outside the hall: "...is that you?"

Natasha knew the visitor.


After the one who came to their earth and met for the first time, he gave her a string of bracelets and mysteriously said something about returning it to the original owner, claiming that he came to them to arrest their husband who ran away from home demigod woman.

The law enforcement officer of the Picheng Branch of Valoran Universe.

Future Soldier Catherine.

Catherine stepped into the palace, looked at Natasha, and said, "Agatha, you can go first."

Agatha said, "Ma'am."


Agatha is offline.

Catherine stared at Natasha, who had changed her appearance, and gave a chuckle, then said lightly: "From the moment I came down to that universe and saw you, I knew that Lake didn't leave without warning this time. No, but a premeditated and planned departure."

Natasha blinked.

Although Catherine spoke a strange language, she understood everything, but, to a certain extent, she didn't understand a single word.

What leave without saying goodbye.

What is premeditated and planned?

Seeing Natasha's confused look, Catherine lowered her head and sighed: "That's what's wrong with your Reese family, and none of them are normal. Lake is like this, and you were the same way back then. Now I finally know why Lake At that time, when he saw you, he wanted you to be his sister, and Zoe was also crazy, but frankly speaking, Zoe was just a brat, but you? You are different, you are really crazy, no wonder, why did Lake I'll take you away when I leave, and it's still sneaky, lunatics can only play with lunatics, now..."


As Catherine said, the silver-white sniper in her hand flashed for an instant, and the next second, the sniper pointed at Natasha, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared: "Now, tell me... you brothers and sisters What the hell is he planning?"

Natasha opened her mouth, her face covered in circles: "What the hell are you talking about, I can't understand a single word."

who am I?
where am I?
What am I doing?
Catherine sneered: "Are you going to have a showdown?"

Natasha looked powerless: "I don't know what you are talking about, so what, can I go back, our world is being invaded."

What are these things called?
Anyone here to give me a heads up or something?

"Enough, Catherine."

At this moment, there was another sound from outside the palace, and then, Lena, who was dressed in a gorgeous palace attire, stepped into the palace, hit a hache and said: "It's useless if you ask, didn't you see, she didn't Recovering memory, we all know this before, I really don't understand you, what are you angry about?"

"Who knows if she's pretending to be normal."


Reina smiled suddenly, turned around, appeared in front of Catherine, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm just worried that Jinx won't come back, don't worry, wait a few days, they'll get it over there Come back here, once she sets foot on the flame star, our crazy sister-in-law will still come back."

Catherine hesitated slightly.

at this time.

Lena turned around and slapped Natasha with a mask on her face. The next second, the Starlight Road reappeared, and with a bang, she took the armed Natasha back on the Starlight Road to Earth.

Catherine raised her head and stared at the gradually disappearing Starlight Road for a moment, she put away her sniper and looked at Lena: "What are you doing, I'm almost forced to ask."

Lena snorted and smiled: "What else will you do if you extract a confession through torture?"

"It's still headshot, do you want to try?"


Lena waved her hand, glanced at the statue of the male god standing high above the palace, and said lightly: "The brothers and sisters like to play, let them play, anyway, for us, there is more time, his excuse is Such a mouthful, and, I think this is a good thing, at least, he went out to harm others, instead of staying here to harm the creatures here, you don't know, how long I have suppressed the people of the Lieyang Starfield, because Worried that they would find out about Lake's reputation if they made contact with the outside world."

"That's good."

"Give them hundreds of years to make them forget, and then, I don't have to worry, my people know that their goddess' husband is a notorious evil god."

Lena said, turned and walked towards the outside of the palace, then thought of something and waved: "By the way, don't forget, your confinement is not over because of the end of time, the starlight over the Noxus Immortal Fortress Road repair, you need to complete it, don't let Lake come back and mutter why there is a mess in the private passage of the Rees Protoss."

"……and many more!"

Catherine regained her senses and watched Lena go out: "Then what are you doing?"

"I made an appointment with Sierra to go to the hot spring."



In the starlight channel.

"I'm a lunatic, and I have a certificate from the hospital."

"The meaning of Jinx is Jinx, stupid!"

"You want to be my brother, why, I don't have a brother."

"Becoming a god? Is there any madman for fun?"

"My brother told me, you follow the rules, and we, break the rules."

"Wait, where are we going?"

"What about the rest of your people, Titan?"

"Hahaha, you've all been tricked."


"Where am I now?"

The starlight fell, and as the starlight dissipated, Natasha reappeared in the warehouse of the Jersey base, her eyes were a little confused, and she was about to reach the peak and open the interstellar gate leading to the Kirita Starfield. Gradually, The eyes went from confused to ignorant, and then gradually returned to a clear state.


"I'm in a catastrophe."


(End of this chapter)

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