A god of beauty

Chapter 171 The Scorpion's Curtain

Chapter 171 The Scorpion's Curtain
What was Kabul called before today?
Imperial Cemetery.

What now?
... finally be worthy of the name.

Half a month later, the five countries returned to Kabul. This time, the five parties chose a place to camp in a very tacit and tacit understanding.

The world-destroying scorpion crisis is resolved, but the scorpion corpses all over Kabul are a troublesome thing. Like other vultures of different appearances, they are elite scientists sent by various countries. Then the theme becomes post-disaster reconstruction and the battle for corpses ...

In the eagle sauce Grishke base, the Buckingham luxury plane took off and flew directly towards the beautiful mainland.

Lake, who was holding a glass of bourbon, sat in front of Dr. Banner, who was wearing a casual suit, and pushed the glass in front of him.

Dr. Banner returned to his senses with a smile and waved his hands: "Thank you, but I can't drink."

Wine will get drunk!
Drunk, his body is about to be taken over by Hulk again.

Dr. Banner stared at the white clouds outside the window, was silent for a while, and then said: "To be honest, I can just get off the plane here."

Lake took a sip of bourbon and laughed.

Natasha, who was sitting by the side, said, "Dr. Banner, please trust us, we have no malicious intentions."

Banner regained his senses and cast a deep look at Natasha.

no offence?

So who used the cartoon to lure me... to lure the Hulk away?

Seeing Dr. Banner's small eyes, Natasha shrugged helplessly, and changed the subject: "The desert emperor has gone back?"

Lake lay down on the back: "Of course, after completing the task, I will naturally go back."

The reason for this war is only two purposes, first, to kill the dog's head, and second, to take the blame.

The dog heads back to Valoran.

The origin of the universe's eyes also fell on the desert emperor, especially after the emperor and his eldest daughter went back again. Thinking about it, the origin of the universe should think that this incident was just an accident.

after all……

He was so weak that he didn't even have the ability to lock the door of his own house.


Lake is very satisfied with this result, and, through this incident, once again perfectly laid the foundation for him to be a good god.

Let's put it this way, there is a lot of time, take your time, accumulate food widely, build walls high, and become king slowly. He likes the results of destructive battles. Since he can take this universe with confidence, why do so many things?
Tony, who was sitting not far away, got up, sat diagonally across from Lake and asked, "That old man on the battlefield just now?"

Lake looked back at Tony with a calm expression: "Old man, hehe, that's Odin, who once led an army to defeat the God King of the Nine Realms, Tony, to be honest, you have to learn how to respect the gods. .”


"Nine Realms?"

"The one from the Nordic God King?"

Victor and Susan, who were sitting behind with Susan, spoke in surprise. Tony thought about Lake's previous spoiler and said: "He is the king of gods in Norse mythology."

Lake nodded.


Tony thought for a while and said, "It doesn't look like it."

The old man is not so much a god king, but an old man next door.

Lake said lightly: "I said that this universe of yours is about to come to an end. As a result, even your gods here will not be able to obtain true eternal life. Therefore, I am here. You need my salvation, and so does this universe."

Tony's brows fluttered and said: "We are not dead yet, can you put the word rescue on your lips less, we have not forgotten the purpose of your coming."

Lake raised his head: "...I can't!"

Words should be spoken frequently.

What is subtlety, this is subtlety, not to mention, how to be subtle, Lake has already experienced the power of language.

Just look at Valoran, how Lake was slandered as an evil god by everyone under the power of words.

Nasty Old Timer.

Lake was ruthless. What do you mean I betrayed the Time Academy? What the hell, other colleges have such an explanation for voluntarily withdrawing from school. Why, I don’t want to go to school, and I voluntarily dropped out of school. In your eyes, it is betrayal?

Crazy line!

After thinking about it, Lake returned to his senses and said, "Anyway, congratulations, your world has temporarily returned to peace."

Several people looked at each other and shook their heads.

next second.

Tony frowned suddenly and said, "What do you mean by temporarily?"

Natasha and the others came back to their senses.

Oh yes.

Lake chuckled, thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's a slip of the tongue, maybe it's not, but peace is a good thing, isn't it?"

Lake entered the arena, unrecognizable.

By the stars, look what I've been doing here?
Lake thought in his heart, being disturbed by him, the ghost knows that the future plot will not unfold like the original story line.

Is Saul coming back?

Will Loki still be hugged and thrown by Hulk?


To be precise, when Loki came over to make trouble, would the Avengers in front of him still fight among themselves as before?
Unlike the original Avengers, it is no exaggeration to say that apart from Hulk and Hawkeye, Tony Stark, Victor Fangdu and Susan Stone, as well as Natasha Romanoff pretty much all came together around Lake.

Who else should be in the Avengers?

Hehe, I'm afraid he's still asleep inside the ice layer, and with Lake making such a fuss, even the stars don't know when S.H.I.E.L.D. will dig.

Although the scorpion crisis was resolved this time, in addition to the casualties of the Five Nations Alliance in Baghdad, the Aegis also suffered casualties.

This is not!

Immediately following the Buckingham luxury passenger plane, to be precise, among the military planes 1000 meters above the Buckingham flight line, the flag of SHIELD was covered on the coffins filled with cargo compartments.

Nick, who was in the dark corner of the cargo hold, stared at no less than one hundred Aegis flags with his single eye.

Among them, Nick Fury is sure that the hearts of more than 50 people do not belong to S.H.I.E.L.D. The identity, and Franklin who needs to pinch his nose and spend a large sum of money...

Planning needs to be expedited.

Nick Fury, who was originally bent over and supported his knees with his arms, sat up and glanced at Hawkeye Barton who was silently wiping his bow and arrows on the opposite side, and his confidant Cole who came down from the top with a satellite phone in his hand. Sen thinks so.

Coulson walked down and handed the satellite phone to Nick: "Hill's phone."

Nick got up and took the satellite phone.



Maria Hill, who was at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, looked at the fluctuations just detected by the Valoran satellite in New Mexico and said, "We have another guest."

Nick: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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