A god of beauty

Chapter 126 End of August

Chapter 126

Time flies by.


Lying on the deck chair on the balcony, Lake stared lazily at the high hanging sun, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

A long sigh of a sigh.

Mikaela, who was busy in the house lately, didn't know what she was busy with, happened to walk through the floor-to-ceiling windows and heard Lake's sigh. She stopped, and Mikaela, who was wearing a long black dress, set her eyes on the body lying on the ground. On Lake: "You seem to be sighing more this month."

Lake returned to his senses and turned to look at Mikaela with a sudden smile.

Can it stay the same?
In this March, Lake finally found the feeling that he used to live on the origin of the earth as soon as he was in class.

After all, his stars are coming soon.

Lake is excited, happy, and...

all in all.

Lake looked at Mikaela and said, "In two more days, the stars will fall, and I will once again have the stars, the dawn, the bright moon, the incomparable divine power blessed by the Trinity."

Mikaela smiled and said, "Can you catch the baseball bat?"

Lake: "..."

Can you forget about the baseball bat?
Lake's face turned black. This baseball bat is really going to become a big stain in his history as a god, and it's still a stain that can't be washed off.

Mikaela covered her mouth and snickered, you are a god, you brag at will, anyway, to me, you are a god who can't catch a baseball bat.

Mikaela was very happy, and then waved to Lake and said: "I'm going out, you are sure not to go out for a while, you know, you haven't been out for more than 20 days."

go out again?
A thought flashed in Lake's mind. In the past month, Mikaela went out more often.


No one wants to plant green grassland for themselves, right?

Such a thought flashed through Lake's mind, although he knew it was impossible, after all, he was a god, even a fool girl would know how to choose.


In terms of appearance and temperament, among the male gods, Lake dares to say that he is the second, and there is no other male god who dares to say that he is the first.

Dare to say that the first one is dead.

Lake got up from the recliner, touched his chin and said, "Mira, what have you been up to lately?"

"Recharge yourself."

Mikaela pulled an NYU pass from her pocket and said, "You may not have noticed, but I'm only 19 years old and I have a lot to learn."

Lake was slightly taken aback.

Well, he has really forgotten Mikaela's age, after all, age is of no use to the gods.

Just say Kesha.

She is a [-]-year-old woman, but if Keisha and Mikaela stand together, if they don't talk about temperament but only appearance, people will not be able to see any difference.

After Mikaela finished speaking, she lifted her bag and yelled upstairs: "Rushman, it's time for us to go."

"Come on, wait for me."

Luo Xuman, who was surfing the Internet in his room upstairs, heard the call, closed the notebook in front of him, grabbed his bag and rushed out.

With a month-long training performance, Roshman has successfully gained a firm foothold in the New York Ballet Theatre.

Of course.

Rushman's skills are still far behind those of the elders in other theaters, but at least many media have noticed the newcomers that the ballet troupe focuses on training.


The two women said goodbye to Lake and went out together.

For the invitation of the two women to go out, Lake directly thanked Bumin, just kidding, it was only two days away, and when the two days came, his stars descended, his divine body reappeared, and his divine power arrived. ?

Hold back for these two days, and then, make waves as you want.

Who knows what will happen if you go out to surf these two days, hold back these two days, you must hold back these two days.

Thinking in his heart, Lake took another sip of bourbon and lay back on the recliner, planning to spend these two days lying there.

Around Lake's sunglasses, he crossed his hands, took a deep breath, cleared his mind, and prepared to take a good nap at noon.

next second.

Lake suddenly took off his sunglasses and sat up suddenly from the recliner.

……and many more.

Lake blinked: "Agatha."

"Yes, sir."

Lake got up, looked at Agatha who was projected beside him and said thoughtfully, "New York University should be on a quarter system, right?"

The school and vacation time of local universities are actually different. Some schools implement a semester system, which is similar to universities in the East. The nine-month academic year is divided into 1 to [-]-week semesters, which is also the most traditional school system. .

In addition to this semester system, there are others, such as the early semester system, the trimester system, and the quarter system implemented by New York University.

The school system divides a year into four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and each season corresponds to a semester, about two and a half months. The courses are compact, and each semester must immediately enter the state and adapt to frequent exams.

Just a word.

Learn to learn happily, and play freely.


The winter class has just ended, and the vacation was just over ten days ago. The spring class will not start until the beginning of April. Therefore, at this time, Mikaela went to New York University to study knowledge to recharge her IQ?

This reason...


No, is it a lie to God?

Lake's face turned black and he said, "Agatha, project Mikaela's location."

Agatha's rare refusal: "Sorry, sir."

Lake was slightly taken aback: "What did you say?"

Agatha said: "At the third Reese Protoss meeting, sir, under your authorization, it was written that I must not be used to penetrate and detect the location of the ladies."

Lake: "..."

It seems that there is such a thing, Lake touched his chin and frowned: "Why is this written?"

"After you followed Mrs. Irelia and severely injured her senior brother, Irelia sued the eldest lady Keisha..."

"I remember."

Lake touched his chin, nodded with a slightly strange expression, there was such a thing.


Can this be blamed on him?
Of course not, men are jealous, not to mention male gods, once Lake went to find Irelia first, so he asked Agatha to help locate, who knows, he saw a picture of them staring at each other by the river.

Lake immediately jumped up, and came directly to Valoran from Star Riss, and then punched and kicked the guy in the dagger and windbreaker. He has always only wanted him to turn someone's corner, and I have never heard of anyone who dared to turn his corner Woolen cloth.

After the beating, Irelia stared blankly at being beaten into a pig's head. Seeing that Tyrone was about to go to Hades to report to Carl, he said in disbelief that both he and Tyrone were disciples of the Kinkou Sect. It's brothers and sisters here...

Lake was embarrassed on the spot.


At the meeting, Lake, who was denounced by the girls, had no choice but to add a rule to Agatha, unless the girls were in danger of life or detected signs of green grasslands, Agatha was not allowed to assist Lake in doing evil...


The green grassland was added by Lake himself. After all, it would be troublesome if there were too many women. Who knows what would happen if the rain and dew were not evenly distributed.

Although this possibility is almost non-existent, be careful.

Lake was equally cautious about the hat.

As for the latter sentence of committing crimes?

(End of this chapter)

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