A god of beauty

Chapter 125 2 way

Chapter 125 Two Ways
Lake wanted to laugh.

Punishers are punishers after all, but capable people have certain privileges after all.


"Okay, since you want to stay here, then stay here. Anyway, five months is not too long. Do you have any money?"

Lake shrugged his shoulders and said, don't think that superheroes don't have money troubles, this is a capitalist society, are heroes great?Here, only the dead and gods do not need to worry about Franklin.

other people?
Ha ha.

Frank turned his head and glanced at the nutrition cabin, which seemed to be a little bit fainter than before, and said, "It's not too far from here to Hell's Kitchen."

Lake laughed.

It seems that the death of his wife Maria and daughter Lisa not only awakened Frank's violent gene, but even made it to a higher level.

At the very least, when Frank was still Captain Cassel, why did this guy have plans to go abroad almost every time?
Soldiers who perform missions outside the mainland, in addition to their due allowances, also enjoy a large amount of expatriate bonuses that are far higher than the allowances they need...

10 minute later.

Lake and Natasha walked out of the warehouse behind them, and the silver Tezerola started silently, then turned into a stream of light and drove towards Manhattan.

inside the car.

Natasha on the co-pilot asked curiously, "Why do you want to recruit Frank?"

Lake shrugged, let the car drive automatically, and looked at Natasha: "I thought you wouldn't ask, it's very simple, I want to save this universe."

Lake smiled inwardly and said nothing, as he said, doing things with righteousness has always been invaluable.

Natasha frowned slightly: "I thought it was you."

"I did it, that's right."

Lake said: "However, this universe of yours obviously belongs to the kind of personality that he can't live and everyone else can't live. Therefore, for the origin of your half-dead universe, you have set your sights on me in advance, and I need to find a spokesperson."



Lake looked at Natasha, and corrected solemnly: "Allies, friends, partners, whatever you want to call them, but they are definitely not subordinates. As I said, I am here to save this universe and bring him to continue to survive. It is true that the only way to save is for me to successfully obtain the origin of the universe, but I am willing to share, and I am willing to share.”

Natasha: "..."

Saying this right now is paving the way for the future, but one day, a guy clamoring to destroy half of the living beings will appear with an airplane propeller on his shoulders. Then, there is no doubt that Lake, a good god, will naturally be their ally.

Lake said: "However, if the half-dead universe origin notices me and initiates the Great Annihilation in advance, as long as I have not plundered a trace of the universe origin, I have nothing to do."

He is an outsider. If you compare the universe to a country, it is like that Lake came here illegally. If you want to stay here permanently, a legal certificate is essential, because only in this way can he live legally and be promoted legally. ...

The origin of the universe is the green card.

Before he got a trace of the origin of the universe, Lake was a real black man. Once the origin of the universe notices it, if that guy directly blew himself up, then everything will be over...


As long as a little bit of the origin of the universe is in hand, it will be fine.


Natasha listened to Lake who told his plan without reservation and asked curiously: "How do you plan to get it?"

Lake smiled slightly and stretched out two fingers.

Obtaining a green card for one universe is easy and simple, but difficult to say.

First, make this universe think you are the protagonist, or be recognized by the gods of this universe as a local, or, directly slap a creator god and drink his blood, and become an illegitimate child recognized by everyone ...

Just like what Lake did in Valoran, with those words, Lake was very lucky that the dragon's tail of the Star Forging Dragon King smacked at that time.

As for the second...

"Is there a descendant of you?"

Natasha blinked at the second option and said, "It seems simple, and it sounds like the same policy we're implementing."

This is what Eagle Sauce implements. As long as you are born in China, you will automatically obtain a local passport, and then your parents can obtain a resident green card based on their status as relatives.

"It's not that simple."

Lake smiled: "The higher the level of life, the more difficult it is to have offspring. I have lived for more than 1 years, but I only have one daughter. Moreover, this daughter was born with a goddess before I became a god." fertile."

If it weren't for this being a daughter.

If it weren't for this being the only daughter.

Ha ha.

Still the same sentence, if it was a boy, dare to confront him, he would have slapped him to the wall long ago.

Natasha opened her mouth, frowned and said, "Then there is no other way?"

Lake shrugged.

Please, he came here thinking of plundering this universe, that idiot would just give him a trace of his origin.


Both of these methods are extremely difficult for Lake, just as Eagle Sauce will not admit that a foreigner is Captain America, the same way, the origin of the universe will not admit that he, the Supreme God from outside, will do it with good intentions their heroes...

"So what are you going to do?"



Lake nodded, got out of the car and put Tezerola into a dark stone bracelet on his arm again, and said: "The gears have turned. In the future, you will be the protagonist, and Tony Stark will be the protagonist. Wait until the original vitality is seriously injured." , as long as you nod your head and express that you need my help, then it's time for me to make a move."

Natasha's expression was slightly taken aback: "Work visa?"

Lake thought for a while, then smiled, and shrugged: "The description is very vivid, and that's almost what it means."

Natasha lowered her head and said, "So, if I agree with you to intervene, you can make a move?"

Lake shook his head: "It's not that easy. The origin of the universe is not a fool. I need the consent of at least four protagonists. One person agrees. Once the origin of the universe detects it, it will immediately take action, but four people? Wait until he realizes it. When he canceled the fate of the four protagonists, I had already succeeded."

Natasha nodded half understanding.

Lake looked up at the Star Building and invited, "Go in and have a drink?"

Natasha regained her senses and waved her hand: "Forget it, I still need to go back. Stark Industries seems to be very unstable recently."

Lake nodded, but didn't say anything.


When Lake returned home, he pushed open the floor-to-ceiling windows of the swimming pool on the balcony, looking at the stars in the sky, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

There is one more day in a month.


It's about to come.

(End of this chapter)

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