Chapter 63

September 26th was an ordinary day, but it was turned into a holiday by the Ministry of Magic's public trial of Sirius.

Almost all the wizards in the UK put on formal attire, and rushed to the place where they could watch the live video of the public trial early in the morning, discussing excitedly.

The evil of Sirius and the live video technology that will be used for the first time this time are the focus of their discussion. It is said that the live video technology can be realized thanks to an ancient alchemy product contributed by reporter Rita Skeeter, the Wizengamot A medal is going to be awarded to her.

The Leaky Cauldron and the Three Broomsticks were full of people, and even the usually unpopular Pig's Head was crowded with people.

There is never a shortage of spectators in the British wizarding world. When the live broadcast on the curtain in the lobby of the Leaky Cauldron started to move, all the wizards watching stretched their necks like ducks.

Lockhart used magic to live broadcast the images he received from Rita Skeeter to all the students in the Azkaban School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Dark walls, gloomy and dim firelight, rows of step stools and wizards sitting on them wearing purple robes and silver "w" embroidered on the left chest.

Most of the students of Azkaban were sent to the original Azkaban prison after going through such a similar trial, so they were very devoted to it.

The two Aurors said to the members of the jury and to the audience in front of the live broadcast screen: "The prisoner Sirius Orion Black, the witness Vladimir Demidovich Pavlovsky and the physical evidence have all been brought. arrive."

"The trial begins!" Fudge announced, knocking the gavel down.

"September [-]th trial," said Fudge in a booming voice, "for the escape from Azkaban of Sirius Black, who had committed murder and terrorism."

Fudge's voice was loud and full of dignity, and Lockhart could see that he was much more confident than when he judged himself last time.

"Cornel Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic, Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary, and Amelia Susan Burns, Director of Magical Law Enforcement interrogator. Observer reporter Rita Skeeter served as recorder."

"The fugitive Sirius escaped from Azkaban at 23:[-] a.m. on September [-], using an Animagus to transform into a black dog.

"Discovered by dementors at Pavlovsky Dojo, No. 25, Diagon Alley, at 12:31 noon on September 30th."

"Such conduct violates the Ministry of Magic Order and the Prisons Act."

After saying this in one breath, Fudge said to Sirius in the audience: "You are the fugitive from Azkaban, Sirius Orion Black?"

"Yes." Sirius replied.

"Prisoner Sirius, since you are an escaped prisoner, you do not have the right to hire a lawyer to defend yourself, do you understand?"

"I am clear."

"Prisoner Sirius, you escaped from Azkaban by tricking the Dementor guards through your Animagus transformation on the morning of September [-]th, right?"


"Prisoner Sirius, please use your Animagus transformation in court. Auror, bring a dementor."

Fudge unchained Sirius with his wand, and a Dementor was led into the Inquisition by the Aurors.The wizards around all showed expressions of disgust.

Sirius got off the stool and obediently turned into a big black dog. The dementor was brought before Sirius turned into a big black dog, and approached his dog's head, but there was no response.

"Enough, take away the dementors, this can already prove the way prisoners escape from prison."

Fudge locked Sirius with his wand again and continued: "I think the prisoner Sirius has been convicted. Do the two other interrogators have any questions?" He looked to both sides.

No one spoke up to continue to ask questions, Fudge continued: "Then, the interrogation is over, please raise your hand if you agree with the allegations."

For a moment, all members of the jury raised their hands.

A few seconds later, Fudge's voice sounded again: "I declare that the accusation is established."

"Prisoner Sirius, do you have anything else to say before we announce the punishment?" Fudge asked.

"My lord, the physical evidence I bring can mitigate my crime!" Sirius replied.

"Auror, bring the evidence."

An Auror fetched a rat from a seat next to it.

mouse?How could it be a mouse, shouldn't it be a notebook?Fudge suddenly felt something was wrong. He remembered a farce at the Ministry of Magic yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon, when Sirius showed the evidence notebook for the first time, several people in the Ministry of Magic said it was a mouse, but when he and Umbridge agreed that what he saw was a notebook, those few people also agreed. Admit that I was blindsided.

"My lord, this mouse has been transformed. You only need to use the revealing spell to restore him to its original shape." Sirius said to Fudge.

No wonder some people misread it, it turned out to be a product of deformation.While comforting himself constantly in his heart, Fudge took out his wand, and raised his wand at the mice in the audience.

"Hurry up!" Accompanied by Fudge's incantation, what appeared in front of all the wizards watching the trial on the spot and through the live broadcast was not the notebook he was thinking about, but a person.

A very short man with thin and messy hair, thin and wrinkled body, like a fat man who has lost a lot of meat in a short period of time, with a pointed nose that makes people imagine a mouse involuntarily.

"What's going on?" Fudge couldn't help but yelled out, and this was also the question of all the wizards watching this public trial.

If Lockhart was there, he could give Fudge an explanation.

This is a plan, a plan waiting for Fudge to take the initiative to implement. Lockhart only participated in a little bit, and Fudge is the most important executor of this plan.

Yesterday Sirius took the initiative to expose himself to being captured by Dementors and Aurors, he pretended to do anything to survive, and took out a notebook.

The notebook records all the evil things done by Dumbledore. Sirius lied that the notebook was given to him by Voldemort, letting him work as an undercover agent in the Order of the Phoenix, and at the same time recorded all of Dumbledore's scandals on it.

It does record some scandals about Dumbledore, but they are all fabricated by Lockhart.

Probably Dumbledore was greedy for power and fame, deliberately indulged the two Dark Lords Grindelwald and Voldemort, and then waited until they were about to destroy the Ministry of Magic before jumping out and defeating them to gain prestige.

Dumbledore's diet was extremely corrupt. For a meal and a small bowl of stew, hundreds of live pigs had to be killed to get the tenderest meat from the back.

Dumbledore is greedy for money, lewd, men and women take all, and has a strong taste. The half-breed giant Hagrid is his male favorite, so Dumbledore raised him in Hogwarts and allowed him to raise many dangerous animals.

Fudge had no doubts.Lockhart thought this was normal, that all noble people were hypocrites in the eyes of the mean.

In fact, the record that Fudge saw was just Lockhart's illusion, there was never any notebook, only a mouse that Peter Pettigrew turned into, and now Fudge himself turned the mouse into Peter.

It is worth mentioning that Lockhart did not use illusions on ordinary wizards of the Ministry of Magic who obeyed Fudge's orders, but only used illusions on Fudge and Umbridge, allowing them to see the notebook.

But when both Fudge and Umbridge said the mouse was a notebook, no one objected.

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(End of this chapter)

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