Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 62 Make a big news

Chapter 62 Make a big news

The last two weeks have been chaotic for the British wizarding world. First, the famous adventurer and Professor Lockhart of Hogwarts was imprisoned in Azkaban for suspected murder.

He betrayed the Potters again, causing Voldemort to kill them, and cruelly used a spell to blow up the hero Peter Pettigrew and the twelve Muggle criminal Sirius who escaped from Azkaban, causing the streets to be hunted for him of dementors.

Later, Dumbledore was expelled from the school by the school board because he repeatedly made the same mistakes and was deemed too old to be headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Umbridge, Deputy Minister of Magic and Senior Investigator, became Hogwarts' interim acting headmaster and allowed dementors to enter Hogwarts, causing many students to be frightened.

Still, good things happen in the end.

On September 25th, the Ministry of Magic announced in the Daily Prophet: Under the great attention of the Minister, Mr. Fudge, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, after nine days and nine nights of hard investigation, had captured the vicious fugitive Sirius Black last night .

At that time, he was colluding with a wizard from Russia, Pavlovsky, who seemed to be planning some conspiracy. He was captured by plainclothes officers from the Auror Department of the Ministry of Magic. It is reported that the Russian wizard was the murderer Lockhart. friends.

On Saturday morning, September 26, the Ministry of Magic will conduct a public trial of Sirius and Pavlovsky, which will be broadcast live on radio.

At the same time, this live broadcast will test the screen live broadcast technology. In densely populated areas such as Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade Village, and Hogwarts, in addition to the live broadcast of sound, there will also be live broadcast of live images.



In the office of the Minister of Magic, Minister Fudge, Deputy Minister Umbridge, reporters Rita Skeeter and Lucius Malfoy are sitting together talking and laughing.

"We were able to bring down Dumbledore this time, thanks to Headmaster Umbridge who decisively seized Lockhart's handle and made a quick attack. Let's toast her!" Rita Skeeter raised her hand towards Umbridge. wine glass.

Umbridge also raised his glass, but instead of drinking it directly, he said, "Without the support of Chief Malfoy, how could we have sent Lockhart to Azkaban so quickly.

"Similarly, without Chief Malfoy's influence on the school board, how could Dumbledore step down? If you ask me, it's all thanks to Chief Malfoy." After finishing speaking, he raised his glass to Malfoy.

Lucius Malfoy raised his glass and did not drink it, but said: "All of this was done under the wise leadership of Minister Fudge. Without the full support of Minister Fudge, we would not be able to accomplish anything. I suggest that everyone Let's toast the Minister together."

Lucius, Umbridge, and Rita raised their wine glasses to Fudge together, and Fudge said proudly:

"During the years in the Ministry of Magic, I only did three things: first, marginalize the wizards who are close to Dumbledore, and make those former wizards of the Order of the Phoenix retire or become marginalized people in the Ministry;

"Second, comprehensively cooperate closely with pure-blood wizards; third, dilute Dumbledore's influence in the Wizengamot. In contrast, getting Dumbledore to leave Hogwarts is only a small contribution That's all."

"A person's fate must take into account the course of history, but I think our united struggle is more important. Rita's article, Umbridge's strategy, and Lucius' influence have jointly created everything that is now .

"I propose that we all have a drink together, a toast to our hard-working past and bright future!"

Everyone present raised their glasses and drank happily.

After drinking this cup, Lucius Malfoy asked: "There will be no surprises in tomorrow's public trial plan?"

Fudge stood up, patted Malfoy on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, judges, witnesses, the Ministry of Magic, and reporters are all ours. How can he play with us? Tomorrow, I want Dumbledore to die socially!"


These smug laughter and conversations were clearly transmitted to Lockhart's mind by the quill turned into by the shadow clone that Rita Skeeter carried, and then transmitted to Deng through the wand, Pensieve and projection. In front of Bullido.

"Professor Dumbledore, look at how your former good student treated you." Lockhart said to Dumbledore who was sitting casually on the ground.

Dumbledore replied with a wry smile: "I put too much energy into dealing with Voldemort and training Harry. I never thought that the Ministry of Magic would become like this."

"You should have thought of it earlier, Dumbledore, the biggest hidden danger in the British wizarding world is not Voldemort, but the Ministry of Magic and the pure-blood family wizards. Don't you know how Malfoy and those pure-blood family Death Eaters escaped trial? ?"

Lockhart looked at the silent Dumbledore and continued: "You just haven't put your energy into the Ministry of Magic for a few years, and the Ministry of Magic has become like this. You are already 111 years old. Do you still expect that after your death? How good can the Ministry of Magic be?"

Dumbledore moved his mouth, but no words came out.Lockhart knew what he wanted to say, he wanted to say that there were others in his death.

But in fact, they all know how unreliable the political model of relying on a high-profile sage to suppress Xiao Xiao is. This incident of Dumbledore's resignation is the best proof.

"So, Dumbledore, your persuasion is useless. I won't be satisfied with simply clearing up the grievances for Sirius and myself. Tomorrow's big news, I'm done!"

That's right, the capture of Sirius and Pavlovsky and the public trial tomorrow is exactly Lockhart's plan, and the purpose of the plan is to make a big news, make a big embarrassment for the Ministry of Magic and lower the Ministry of Magic. prestige.

And Dumbledore quickly saw Lockhart's plan, so he contacted Lockhart through Lupine, trying to stop Lockhart from doing this.

Dumbledore suggested that Lockhart deal with this matter in a more peaceful way. He hoped that Lockhart's punishment falling on Malfoy and Umbridge would be enough, and there was no need to extend it to the entire Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore gave Lockhart many examples of the country's magic world falling into chaos and riots after the Ministry of Magic lost its authority, to dissuade Lockhart. He wanted to tell Lockhart that ordinary wizards would suffer in the end. .

Lockhart rejected Dumbledore very firmly, and showed him the above picture he saw through Rita Skeeter.

This man who has been fighting against the dark side of the magic world all his life, the most powerful wizard in the world, and the protector of all good people in the magic world finally did not persuade Lockhart and could only choose to leave.

Dumbledore knew that he would still be the headmaster of Hogwarts after this matter was over, and he would still have a chance to bring everything back on track.

Just as he was about to Apparate to leave, Lockhart suddenly stopped Dumbledore.

Facing him, he asked: "Professor Dumbledore, do you want to know how I managed to get Fudge and Umbridge to choose to broadcast the public trial process on their own initiative?"

"I can only guess that it must be related to what Sirius said, but I can't guess the specific circumstances." Dumbledore replied.

"Fudge and Umbridge let Sirius attack you during the public trial, portraying you as a villain who, jealous of Harry's savior status, made Sirius betray the Potters and finally threw Sirius into Azkaban .”

Dumbledore paused for a moment, and without further words, he disapparated and left.

 The end of the second volume of the Ministry of Magic has begun, please collect, ask for a recommendation ticket, and ask for a monthly pass.thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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