Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 54 A Note on Why I Wrote This Novel and the Style of Subsequent Writing

Chapter 54 A Note on Why I Wrote This Novel and the Style of Subsequent Writing

It's a bit embarrassing to say, but the idea of ​​writing this book originated from an online "conversation" with someone else.

I debated for a long time with another person in the comment area of ​​"Harry Potter" on the rationality of the social operation mode of the world. I read the original book many times and presented various evidences to refute him (her) .

But in my opinion, this person is a dead duck with a hard mouth. In the end, I wrote a full [-] words of content, stringing together my views, and listing them one by one to send to him.

Then I found out that he blocked me! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
To be honest, I was so angry that I didn't sleep for several days.Later, I simply thought, if you don’t read it, I will show it to others, so these three thousand characters became part of the outline of my novel.

I decided on a novel to present my ideas.

Before writing this novel, I read a lot of Harry Potter fan works on the starting point, and to be honest, they were all so wonderful that I flinched a bit.

But I finally decided to write it out, because I think most of those other fans are sticking to repeating the plot of the original work, and rarely touch the inner part.

There is a novel "Harry Potter and the Way of Rationality" that I have read many times. I have analyzed many magic systems in "Harry Potter" from the perspective of natural science and probability, and I am very touched.

So I decided to write a novel to briefly analyze the rationality of the social structure in the world of "Harry Potter" from the perspective of social science.

Some people think that I am looking for a sense of reality in the virtual world, which is a very ridiculous behavior. "Harry Potter" itself is a work positioned as a children's book, and it is normal for the social structure to be unreasonable.

But I don't see it that way. First of all, I don't agree that "Harry Potter" is a children's book. Otherwise, I am so old and still like to read it all the time. Wouldn't it be a shame.

I think "Harry Potter" is more like a detective novel covered with fantasy and magic.

Who is the villain, Richlow or Snape, in the first Philosopher's Stone?Where did the basilisk come from in the second "Chamber of Secrets"?Who the hell is Riddle?

The third "Prisoner of Azkaban" is my favorite one.Who's the bad guy, Sirius?Or is there someone else, Lupine's true identity, the arrangement that the mouse Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew.There is also a time converter.

Repeatedly reversed, it really made me want to read it.

In the follow-up writing style, I want to add a little humorous and playful atmosphere while maintaining the reverse style of the original "Harry Potter", I hope all readers will like it.

Finally, I am very grateful to the two great gods who started.The squid boss who loves diving and the boss who gets down to business.

These two are barely my friends, to be precise, they are my half friends, mainly because I know them and they don't know me, so they can only be regarded as half friends.

Squid who loves diving, his "Arcane Throne" and "Lord of the Mysteries" I absolutely love them.From it, I learned a lot of writing methods on how to combine reality and fiction.

Closer to home, big brother, I have read the novel "My Senior Brother is Too Steady" several times, and I have learned from it how to use a relaxed atmosphere to package reversals and plans.

Many thanks to the two big guys.

Finally, talking about some of the content of this book, I initially felt that the social operating structure of "Harry Potter" had too many loopholes. These should be some imperfections left by Ms. Rowling when she first started writing.

But I find that reality is often more absurd than fiction.

To give an example: in the novel, business wars require various plans and conspiracies.However, in the real business war, another founder took a hammer and snatched the official seal from the company.

So I simply took some loopholes in Ms. Rowling's novels as rationalized settings, and gave them a corrupt position, and then started to ask Lockhart to change this decadent world.

Maybe I have some ideas that are different from Ms. Rowling's. As I said at the end of Chapter 9, "What kind of magic does a book writer know?" This is a joke, but it is indeed some of my views.

I think that after "Harry Potter" was created, there are 1 Harry Potters in the eyes of 1 readers.Everyone has their own understanding, and it is normal that it is different from the original author's intention.

Finally, a huge thank you to Ms. Rowling, she created a great and wonderful magical world, so that we can find our own happiness in it to this day.

In the end, I actually studied aircraft design as an undergraduate (look up at the stars, down-to-earth 23333), and later I also engaged in related work. In fact, I did not receive much systematic education in social sciences, and more came from my own interests. If there are any fallacies in my self-study, readers are welcome to give their valuable opinions.Many thanks!
The above are some of my personal stupid and straightforward opinions. Readers may wish to take it as a throwing brick and write down their own opinions.Please sprinkle the Panjiang River, each pouring into the land and the sea.

 Stop asking me what to say about squid and get down to business are my friends.

  "These two are barely my friends. To be precise, they are half of my friends, mainly because I know them and they don't know me, so they can only be regarded as half of my friends."

  Did I express this sentence poorly?It's just a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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