Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 53 The Difference Between Voldemort and Grindelwald

Chapter 53 The Difference Between Voldemort and Grindelwald

After recovering from the Boggart's magic, Lockhart quickly waved his wand and said, "Funny funny." The vision created by the Boggart changed.

The Great Hall of the Ministry of Magic suddenly turned into a round platform, Lockhart on the Iron Throne turned into a clown, Pavlovsky into a white bear, Sirius into a dog, and Lupine into a wolf , The serious court scene turned into a farce in a circus.

Lupine and Sirius looked at Lockhart. Lockhart didn't know what they had guessed from the illusion, but he didn't want to hide it anyway, so he directly opened his mouth to explain.

"I think the current Ministry of Magic sucks. Those bureaucratic politicians make me sick! I want to overthrow them, but I am afraid that if I overthrow them, I will become like them, or even worse."

After speaking, he looked at Sirius and Lupine.

Sirius was a little surprised, while Lupine was calm. He probably guessed something from Lockhart's talk about deliberately going to prison and recovering werewolves.

"Lockhart, you remind me of someone, a Dark Lord," said Lupine.

Sirius retorted, "Dark Lord, hey! Moonface, Lockhart is not the same as Voldemort, wait, are you saying..."

"Yes, I mean Grindelwald, the previous Dark Lord who was imprisoned in Nurmengard. Although I haven't really met him, I have read many books about him."

Lupine added with a bitter smile: "When I was wandering and starving as a werewolf, I often thought about the way this world is used. For this reason, I read a lot of books, many of which were about Grindelwald.

"I have to say that sometimes, especially when I am in despair about life, I often find many of his ideas very attractive.

"Lockhart, I have to be honest, you make me feel the same way."

Lupine finished his speech, looked at Lockhart, and Lockhart also thought about it, and finally he decided to tell the truth, expressing his views on the two Dark Lords.

"I've always thought that Grindelwald and Voldemort were both bad guys, but not the same kind.

"Voldemort's badness is inherently bad. Although he is smart, he is as bad as a child. This does not mean that he is stupid, but the logic of his behavior - whoever makes him unhappy is his." haters.

"I read that Voldemort killed his father's whole family, but the fundamental purpose was to avenge the remnants of their Muggle blood in him. In the end, he expanded all this to all half-blood wizards and Muggle-born wizards.

"I later learned that Voldemort had killed his uncle and grandfather, and I also thought it was revenge, for they had kicked his mother out of the house.

"Voldemort wanted to get the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but Dumbledore refused, so he cursed the position, which is revenge against his will.

"Voldemort wanted to live forever, but Harry was destined to kill him in the prophecy, so he wanted to kill the child against his will.

"In my opinion, Voldemort is a person who purely wants to gain immortality and study the dark arts. Apart from these two things, he doesn't care much about other things. He rarely takes the initiative to do something.

"Many people say that Voldemort led his Death Eaters to do evil, but I think the opposite is true, the Death Eaters are leading Voldemort to do evil.

"Voldemort himself does not have any political ideas or programs of action, and many of the things he does are largely for the benefit of those pure-blooded Death Eaters, not of any benefit to himself.

"Such as clearing out half-blood, Muggle-born wizards. Does this do Voldemort any good? No! But it does a lot of good to the pure-blood Death Eaters who follow him."

"Many people are puzzled that Voldemort does not go to countries other than the UK to do evil, but in my opinion, this is very reasonable, because the Death Eaters around him are all from the UK, and the UK is directly related to their interests.

"Voldemort was like a monster on the verge of getting out of control, he acted on instinct, and the Death Eaters around him used his instinct to guide him to his own advantage.

"Occasionally, he would completely lose control, out of the control of the Death Eaters, and eat them back."

When Lockhart said this, he stopped and looked at Sirius and Lupine, who were dumbfounded.

No one has ever dared to underestimate Voldemort so much, and no one has analyzed the logic of Voldemort's behavior from this perspective. Most of them just think that Voldemort is simply crazy and evil.

Lockhart gave them a few minutes to digest his logical analysis of Voldemort's behavior just now, and saw their eyes gradually change from confusion to sobriety before continuing.

"As for Grindelwald's badness, it is purposeful and planned badness.

"I think Grindelwald's goals are very clear - he wants to rule the world, rule everyone.

"For this reason, he came up with a very attractive slogan and concept - wizards first, make wizards great again, and gave this concept a seemingly very reasonable internal reason - for the greater good.

"First of all, he said that the purpose of the existence of human beings and all living things is to make the world develop rapidly, which he called - for the greater good.

"Then he said wizards were more powerful than Muggles in making the world go faster.

"That's why he said wizards take precedence over Muggles, and wizards rule over Muggles.

"In the end, he settled everything down to the fact that he is the person who can make the world develop the most, so for the greater good, he wants to rule all wizards, and then at the same time Muggles, to rule the entire world."

Lockhart paused and continued: "This statement is quite logical, but it cannot deceive me.

"First of all, I want to tell you his biggest mistake—maybe you don't believe it, that is, in fact, the role of Muggles in the development of the world is no less than that of wizards, and sometimes even far exceeds that of wizards.

"Secondly, I don't agree that the strong ruling the weak is more conducive to the development of the world. Once the strong ruling the weak becomes a matter of course, then the strong will not think about the overall development when they are in the position of ruler.

In order to maintain their dominant status, the strong will keep suppressing the weak to ensure that they will not become stronger, which obviously cannot help the world develop better.

"It might be reasonable to replace the strong over the weak with the strong over the weak, but it's not quite right either.

"Because Grindelwald's definition of strength is very one-sided. Strong magical ability is strong, and weak magical ability is weak. Wizards who can release world-destroying spells are the strongest, while Muggles and squibs are the weakest.

"But in fact, magical ability and management ability are not [-]% directly proportional. A wizard with strong mana may not know how to manage better than a squib who knows no magic. It is better to put the most suitable person in the most suitable position.

"The last point is that Grindelwald didn't do what he said, he bragged about doing it for the greater good, but he was always sacrificing others, and he never made any sacrifices for the greater good. One cent."

Having said this, Lockhart concluded: "In short, Voldemort was used by his followers to gain benefits for them, and Grindelwald was using his followers to realize his ambitions."

 This is my understanding of the two Dark Lords. Tomorrow I will open a single chapter to summarize my thinking and purpose of writing the book, as well as the follow-up style. I hope you will like it.Thank you very much, readers.

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(End of this chapter)

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