Start brushing attributes from pirates

Chapter 37 Execution of the Pirates

Chapter 37 Execution of the Pirates

Su Qian and Wim Karl are discussing the details of the cooperation, mainly the goods to be transported and the places to be delivered along the way.

Su Qian also asked Wim Karl to help him collect books on various learning skills.

Including but not limited to combat, cooking, medicine, music, manufacturing items, etc., the expenses can be deducted from your share.

Although Wim Karl was curious why Su Qian wanted so many books, he didn't ask, after all, people have their own secrets.

The two talked well, but suddenly, there was a noise outside the door.

Wim Karl and Su Qian glanced at each other, then said shyly:

"Sorry, I'll go out and see what happened first."

"It's okay, you are busy first." Su Qian expressed her understanding.

Wim Karl got up and walked outside, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw a man running towards him with an anxious expression, shouting as he ran:
"Captain, it's not good, the execution pirates are here again."

"What? Take me to see."

When Wim Karl heard the name said by the other party, his face became extremely ugly, and he hurried to the deck with the man.

Su Qian also noticed this scene in the house, and he felt that he should follow to see, after all, he is also the partner of the other party now.

Wem Carr ran anxiously to the deck.

At this time, the sailors on the ship were already in position, ready to fight.After all, they were hired by Wim Karl at a high price, and they still have basic qualities.

But although the basic quality of the people on board is good, they still have anxiety in their hearts.

There is no other reason, just because the other party is the Execution Pirates, and the captain is the executioner Brad who offered a bounty of 4000 million Baileys.

The Punishment Pirates are famous for their brutal killings. Their captains like to imprison the captives, and then sentence the captives to death for various nonsensical crimes. The main method of execution is beheading.

They were defeated by this group of people last time. If it weren't for the speed of the ship, they might have died in the hands of these pirates.

But this time, the opponent actually surrounded them from four directions, front, back, left, and right, leaving them nowhere to hide.

"Damn it, if I can go back alive this time, I will definitely find out who leaked the route of the merchant ship."

Wim Karl is not an idiot. Looking at the opponent's situation, he must have been prepared, otherwise it would be impossible to be so blocked.

"Everyone! Get ready for battle, and keep firing the shells! The opponent is the execution pirates, and you should also know how they treat the prisoners."

"This time, we are surrounded! I know you are afraid, and I am too, but we have no way out, and our only way to survive is to repel each other! If you don't want to die, give me your all!"

"And, I promise, if you can survive this time, everyone's salary will be tripled this time, injuries will be five times, and sacrifices will be twenty times. Even if you can't get it, you will send it to your family!"

"So, this time to survive! Repel the opponent!"

"Repel the opponent!"

"Repel the opponent!"

Everyone on board shouted these four words in unison.

They were aroused by Wim Carr's speech, and their morale was stimulated by the benefits promised.

They are willing to fight pirates for money and life.

Seeing that everyone's morale was aroused by him, Wim Karl knew that relying on these people would not be able to stop the opponent.

"Captain, don't worry, as long as the other party dares to board the ship, I can kill them all."

The person who spoke was a burly and strong man, but his body was not muscle, but fat.At the same time, this person has thick hair all over his body, and he looks more ferocious at first glance.

"Blick, I believe in you, but the other party is not easy to deal with."

Wim Karl looked at the fat man in front of him, feeling a little relieved in his heart, but he still reminded him.

"No problem, bullets can't hurt me."

The fat man, known as Blick, seemed very confident.

"Okay, then be careful."

Wim Carr didn't want to dent his self-confidence, so he didn't tell him for a while that Brad the Executioner could slice cannon balls.

"Oh, how did you forget him?"

Slowing down, Wim Karl suddenly remembered that Su Qian was still there.

Just now I have been talking about transportation and trade with Su Qian, and Su Qian's attitude has always made me feel that he is a shrewd businessman.

In addition, when I heard the attack of the execution pirates just now, my mental state has been tense, and I forgot that there is such a master as Su Qian on board.

"Yes, I have to find him." Wim Carr said, and was about to go back to Su Qian.

"Looking for him? Are you talking about me?"

The voice that suddenly appeared in his ear startled Wim Carr.

"Su, Su Qian."

Wim Karl, who saw clearly who the owner of the voice was, turned from fright to surprise in an instant.

"It's great, it's great, I'm going to find you, this time we..."

"I know it all"

Su Qian interrupted Wim Karl, and continued:

"Leave it to me."

Wim Karl looked at Su Qian's calm expression, and suddenly felt a lot easier in his heart.

"I'll go there and have a look."

Su Qian pointed to the highest observation room on the ship and said.


Wim Karl nodded and agreed, he thought Su Qian was really just going to have a look.

At this time,
On the Executioner, where the Execution Pirates are located.

"Captain, I was run away by this fat fish last time, and I can finally catch it this time."

A skinny pirate with sunken cheeks said to the person standing at the bow.

"Hahahaha, Eugen, we were not prepared last time. This time we got the news from the black crow in advance to block it. Haha, we won't let him run away this time."

The speaker's face was full of bloodthirsty excitement, holding two scimitars in both hands, staring at the Blue Whale with a little excitement.

He is the captain of the Execution Pirates, Brad the Executioner.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, they have reached the firing range of the opponent's artillery.

Executioner Brad licked his lower lip excitedly, then shouted:

"Little ones, get ready to start!"


"Ha ha!"


The pirates on the ship waved their weapons, as if they didn't care about the death that the battle would bring, and they were only excited about the burning, killing and looting that would follow.




The merchant ship fired first, and the first wave of more than 40 shells hit the pirate ship first.



The pirate ships in the other three directions tried their best to avoid the bombardment of the merchant ships.

Only the Executioner on the front rushed towards the Blue Whale without dodging or evading.


The sound of drawing a knife sounded.

Then I saw the executioner Brad jumping into the air, chopping away most of the shells that were about to hit the pirate ship.

And the emaciated man also pulled out the musket at his waist, and detonated several shells that were missed by the executioner Brad in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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