Chapter 493 Graphene Chips

It's simple, because China has the power to fight against this vicious cycle.

"Don't you think we should take it slow now?"

Both Lin Chen and Chen Yu looked at Wu Yan, take a moment?
what does it mean?

Wu Yan organized the language and said: "In the past few years, in the field of outer space exploration, you have continuously invested a lot of money, driving the entire world to invest in the aerospace field!"

Huaxia has increased its investment in the aerospace field, so other countries must follow suit.

For example, the United States!
The United States has increased its investment in the aerospace field.

In addition, island countries, India, the European Union, and polar bears have all increased their investment in the aerospace field.

The whole world is an interacting whole, an event, not a single existence.

"Right now, the situation in the entire world is not stable. If it continues, it may even cause global turmoil!"

Global turmoil?
Is this possible?
It is indeed possible.

Recently, you often hear a word in the news, that is extreme.

No matter what it is, once it goes to an extreme, in most cases, it cannot be considered a good thing.

Everyone knows the reason.

Lin Chen: "Are you blaming us?"

Wu Yan's expression froze, how could she blame her!

"I'm just a suggestion, suggestion understand?"

Chen Yu said with a smile: "I think this suggestion is good, but I don't know if someone can accept it!"

"Of course I don't accept it! What do you think of the world now?"

Chen Yu and Wu Yan looked at each other and said, "I think it's pretty good!"

"I feel good too!"

Rubbing his forehead, Lin Chen said angrily, "Sure enough, women have long hair but short knowledge!"

"Are you trying to say it again?"

Lin Chen: "What did you say? What did I say first? I'll say nothing!"

Chen Yu stared deeply at Lin Chen, then turned to Wu Yan and said, "Actually, I also feel that our investment in the field of outer space exploration is too large, and our country still has quite a lot of problems! To be honest, it’s not good to invest a lot of money in areas where you can’t see the benefits!”

Huaxia has always had the idea of ​​a great harmony in the world.

And now, that is to achieve common prosperity.

But the reality is that many people in many areas of China are still living in poverty.

The impoverished people are also Chinese people, and these people naturally can't just give up or something.

Lin Chen looked at Chen Yu in astonishment, but he was thinking in his heart whether he had done something wrong.

To be honest, after hundreds of years of operation of the Western system, serious problems have emerged.

In the past, people never noticed one thing, thinking that the Western system would continue to function perfectly.

And the reality is, it won't last.

There is already a problem.

When this problem occurs, the Huaxia people don't think it is strange at all.

The establishment of a new system, at the very beginning, is the most dynamic period of time, and as time goes by, the system will become more and more decadent.

Yes, it is rotten.

And why would it rot?
The reason is the same as that of the machine. The machine has to be maintained every once in a while, and the damaged parts must be replaced.

The system does not.

Once it's established, it's difficult to make changes.

Therefore, Huaxia has the most potential now, and the reason is that Huaxia feels that reform is necessary.

"If we don't take this responsibility, the world will lose hope!"

Lost hope may be an exaggeration, but it's basically the same.

The investment of countries in the field of basic research and cutting-edge science and technology is decreasing; yes, it is decreasing.

There is no way, the current domestic situation of various countries can no longer be said to be casually invested in these two aspects.

To maintain high welfare, it will inevitably occupy more social resources.

And the resources of the whole society are limited.

High welfare should not be like this in the whole society, at least when you are young, people still have to struggle.

There is no problem with receiving social benefits when you are old.

After all, after a lifetime of hard work, one should enjoy one's old age peacefully.

People will always grow old, and everyone will not object to giving the elderly a good life.

Wu Yan: "Do you know how much our trade surplus with foreign countries is this year?"

China's trade surplus has increased!

It seems that a trade surplus seems to be a good thing, but in fact it is not a really good thing.

In 1840, Britain fought a war with the Qing Dynasty because of its trade deficit.

It’s not enough for you to just make money yourself.

In recent years, China has increased its imports, from luxury goods to various grains, meat, ores, industrial products and so on.

However, the trade surplus is still growing year by year.

A very important reason is the strong rise of Huaxia in the electronic field.

For example, in terms of chips, Lightyear Technology's chip technology is the best in the world.

On this point, no objection is accepted.

Especially in the field of high-end chips, Lightyear Technology is very powerful.

In the past, China imported a large number of chips every year, and now the chips are exported.

"In the first three quarters, it reached 6000 trillion. In one year, it will be [-] trillion!"

Wu Yan: "Now that we invest money in the field of outer space, we are actually sucking blood, the blood of the entire world economy, and this will cause problems!"

Lin Chen rested his chin and did not speak. This matter must be taken seriously.

He doesn't want any problems with the world economy.

"This, let me think about it!"

After speaking, Lin Chen got up and went directly to the study.

Chen Yu looked at Wu Yan and said with a smile: "Actually, the situation is not that serious. We have invested a lot in this area, which also costs money. Products are ultimately used for consumption. As long as there is consumption, the economy will not problem appear!"

What are you most afraid of?
Everyone can't afford it.

At this time, the economic vitality will drop directly.

The Great Depression came.

"On the contrary, it can also stimulate economic growth!"

Sitting in the study, Lin Chen said to Eva: "Eva, the investment in outer space is too large now, we must make the exploration of outer space reach a balance in terms of income as soon as possible, or let the outer space satisfy our own needs." For development needs, everything cannot be transported from the earth!"

Eva: "Aren't we already doing this?"

"Yeah, but it's not enough, the time is too long! The lunar production base is a key construction project, you should make a plan!"


If the lunar production base wants to start production, it will take a relatively long time. It would be quite good to be able to start production in [-].

As for the construction of the space city project, Lin Chen felt that it would be great if it could be realized in [-] years.

The later this is, the longer this time will be.

As for how long it will take for humans to really leave the solar system?
Lin Chen thinks that in 50 years or so, human beings will be able to truly reach the edge of the solar system and stay there permanently.

(End of this chapter)

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