Chapter 492 Selected Selected
He is indeed famous!

Wu Yan's information was quickly found by netizens. Well, there is nothing to look for, after all, her information is on the official website of Light Year Technology.

Lightyear Technology Board Secretary!
Huh, I seem to have discovered something extraordinary.

When did the Secretary of the Board of Directors of Lightyear Technology become so beautiful?

Well, education is also super high.

Or a PhD in management!

The most important thing is that they have a deep relationship with Lin Chen. The two were in the same class in college, but Wu Yan was Lin Chen's monitor.

This is interesting!
Really interesting.

What's the situation.

If it was said that there was nothing between the two of them, no one would believe it.Of course, this must not be said publicly, as long as everyone understands it in their hearts, even if they ask openly, they will not answer.

After this incident caused huge waves on the Internet, it soon became calm again.

Because everyone's eyes have turned to one place now.

That is Meidi!
The U.S. imperialists are now conducting an activity related to the world trend in the next four years, or even eight years.

As the world's largest country, although its status has become precarious now, the United States is still the world's largest country.

Although the status has been shaken, it is still relatively stable.

At least it has been relatively stable in recent years.

Huaxia also gave the American emperor enough face, and the news would report on the situation of the American emperor from time to time.

Of course, most people think that the US emperor is about to give birth to the first female leader in history.

Wu Yan: "I have been in contact with Xilila. This is a very powerful person!"

Lin Chen was a little surprised, he really didn't care much about how Wu Yan spent the past few years in the US Emperor.

Lin Chen himself didn't receive any reports of problems, so naturally Lin Chen didn't think there was anything wrong with Wu Yan.Everyone who comes into contact with Lin Chen will be followed, and then they will be investigated secretly.

Once a problem is found, action will be taken.

Lin Chen has too many connections. If a spy or something appears around him, it will be a big deal.

Many secrets in China will be leaked.

"Let's take a look at the affairs of the US emperor. The most important thing now is your space city. I have read the plan report of the space city. The entire budget is [-] trillion yuan, which is too high!"

The budget tells you that it is three trillion!
But the actual cost is not so much, five trillion won't stop!

It is true that Lightyear Technology does not have the habit of lowering the budget in the report in order to start the project, but there is still one thing that must be considered, that is, the budget is just a budget.

Budget overruns are really quite normal.

For example, the emergence of a new technology may reduce construction costs or increase costs.

The technology used in the space city project is the most advanced and stable technology.

Wu Yan opened her mouth in surprise, three trillion!
Sure enough, after staying with the richest people for a long time, in daily conversations, money is not measured in pieces, but in units of billions.

"This budget is relatively conservative. The space city is a real city, and more than ten thousand people can live in it! In fact, in the early stage, we don't need too much investment. We can build it on the moon first. Production base, and then rely on the moon to build a space city, but if it is done this way, the construction period may be longer, but it can save money."

save money!
This is very important.

Chen Yu doesn't care about money. How much money he has is just a number.

However, Light Year Technology's money must not be wasted at will.

Chen Yu frowned and said, "Can't the cost of going back and forth between the earth and space be lowered?"

There is currently a big obstacle to outer space exploration, and that is the cost issue.

To be honest, if a city is to be turned into an industrial city, tens of billions of dollars is enough to build factories.

Coupled with the investment in production equipment, 1000 billion is enough for a city to complete the transformation from an agricultural city to an industrial city.

Of course, now it’s not just about having money.

It is whether the local area is suitable for the development of industry.

"I also want to reduce costs, but the development of technology cannot be achieved overnight, it takes time!"

A possible way to reduce costs is electric thrust.

But to be honest, the performance of electric thrust in the field of high thrust is not satisfactory.

Anyway, the thrust that the electric thrust engine can generate is not enough to be applied to the rocket.

Chen Yu naturally knew that he was in trouble, but there was nothing he could do about it.

What are the projects being started now?

The capital consumption is in the trillions at every turn. Even though light-year scientists have great achievements, they cannot stand to do this.

In terms of funds, Lightyear Technology still feels the pressure.

If there are no accidents, it shouldn't be a big problem for a civilization to develop into a galaxy civilization. For example, the current human civilization can be called a galaxy civilization.

Because within the solar system, human civilization no longer has any major technical problems.

The resources of the entire solar system can be utilized, although it is still at a very early stage.

And if a civilization wants to develop into an interstellar civilization, it is not only a matter of technology, but also spiritual and cultural requirements.

For example, in the face of hundreds of years, or even thousands of years of interstellar voyages, can a civilization really accept it?

Even if an interstellar fleet is sent to set off, can the main civilization wait for thousands or even tens of thousands of years before these fleets send back news?
Even if the news came back, so what?
Can it bring benefits to civilization?
It seems that it really can't.

Transporting matter back to other galaxies?
Thinking about it, I don't think it's very reliable.

Unless it is said that a civilization has made great progress in technology, for example, the speed of flight can reach the speed of light.

Well, even if it doesn't reach the speed of light, even one-fifth is fine.

Otherwise, the time cost is really too high.

Lin Chen is wondering what the future of human civilization will be like?

Will it really fall into a kind of mediocrity?

In fact, many countries on the earth have fallen into a state of mediocrity.

After analyzing many countries, it will be found that these countries do not have great development potential.

Yes, it's just not that big.

In addition to natural resources, there are various other reasons.

Lightyear Technology has specially set up a research team for this purpose.

Studying the history of mankind itself is a very meaningful thing in itself.

Learn from history!

The reason why China develops so fast is because the long history of Chinese civilization tells us how to do it can develop fast.

In fact, in many methods, they are really similar.

In the past, Huaxia had no way to jump out of the vicious circle of reincarnation in history, but now Huaxia will not fall into this vicious circle.


(End of this chapter)

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