Chapter 221 Girl
There is also a strong national power!
Germany was able to launch two world wars, and investment in education is undoubtedly the most important factor.

Because of education, there is a developed industry in Germany.

"With the development of the economy, the current domestic education model can no longer meet people's needs for cultivating the next generation!"

At present, China's domestic education is dominated by public education, and public education has a very important feature, that is, universal education.

Universal education is either for elite education or universal education.

However, for parents, it is natural that they hope that the education their children receive is elite education, because only elite education can cultivate real talents.

This point, Chen Yu himself is very clear.

In order to train Chen Yu, Chen Yu's parents spent ten times more money on Chen Yu than ordinary children.

Of course, for a talented player like Lin Chen, there was really no comparison.

Lin Chen stopped eating and had a natural desire to educate him.

Perhaps it is because the primary and high school schools were donated and built by caring educators, and I grew up hearing stories like this.

The construction of Wendao Middle School was also a subconscious reaction.

Chen Yu: "I have researched the current development of Huaxia Education, and I found that many private schools have emerged nationwide, and even many private education groups have emerged in various places. They rely on providing high-quality education standards, The speed of development is not slow!"

In many cases, China's development can find its trajectory from the first-mover countries.

For example, in the United States, private education is quite developed. Among the world-renowned universities, there are many private universities among the top ten universities.

"Also, in terms of talent cultivation, we have to have our own training channels. I know that you are not very satisfied with some of the current training!"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched, and he looked at Chen Yu, not knowing what to say. Lin Chen was indeed dissatisfied with university education.

"There are many things that I am not satisfied with, but I can't say it. If I am not satisfied, I have to run my own school!"

The establishment of Wendao Middle School does not mean that Lin Chen is dissatisfied with education, but a matter of giving back to his hometown!As a Le County native, returning home is a must, unless it means that you will never go back. If you don’t go back, you won’t see people in your hometown. If you don’t see people, you don’t need to face them. .

But Lin Chen wanted to go back!
The ancestor's cemetery is in Le County, and Lin Chen will also be buried in his hometown in the future.

Chen Yu: “You can build the university in your hometown!”

Le County is not far from Rongcheng, and a highway is still being built to connect Rongcheng and Yuzhou, between the two super cities.

Although Chen Yu doesn't think the potential for future economic development is huge, it is completely possible for a university to be placed there.

Lin Chen pondered for a moment: "Tiandao University!"


"I said the name of the university, Tiandao University, invested by Light Year Technology!"

Lightyear Technology Investment!

Well, anyway, Lin Chen doesn't feel sorry for spending the money of Light Year Technology. The main thing is that Light Year Technology is really too rich.

No matter how rich you are, it directly supports the development of a bank to the fifth place in the country.

It's even going to occupy the top four.

Among the four major state-owned banks in Huaxia, the strength of China Construction Bank should be said to be the weakest, but even if it is the weakest, it is much stronger than other banks, and it is not at the same level at all.

However, now Lightyear Bank has surpassed it to a certain extent.

Among young people, Guangnian Bank has a really large market share.

Because Lightyear Bank can provide more convenient and faster financial services.

Inclusive finance is what Lightyear Bank is doing.

Chen Yu smiled: "You are fighting with Tiandao!"

Heavenly Dao Academy, Heavenly Dao University!

What is Heaven?
Don't think that Chen Yu doesn't read Hong Huang's novels, the way of heaven is the rule!

Putting it aside, the way of heaven is the law of the universe.

Isn't human scientific research the study of the laws of the universe?

The deeper the understanding of the universe, the higher the level of human science and technology will naturally be.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Chen's mouth: "Since we are going to do it, we must do our best, especially in academics, we must be independent!"

Basic national education must be available!
Lin Chen couldn't accept that the students he built in the university eventually became young students!
"We can also invite Chinese professors from foreign universities to teach!"

"It's not just Chinese professors, we have to have the mentality that all rivers belong to the sea, as long as there are talented people, we will accept them all!"

Lin Chen silently added a sentence in his heart, even if there are some flaws in morality, it doesn't matter.

In this world, it is really difficult to find a perfect person!
Saints, after all, only exist in textbooks, and most people in the world are laymen.

Huaxia will attract more and more attention from scientists in the future, because Huaxia will invest more and more in scientific research investment.

In the past two years, Light Year Technology has gradually attracted many non-Chinese scientists.

The reason is very simple, that is, Light Year Technology is willing to invest in scientific research!

Sufficient research funds allow scientists to concentrate on scientific research, which is undoubtedly the most ideal state for true scientists.

Lightyear Technology has done a lot for scientists, not to mention the salary, the salary received is definitely enough for scientists and their families.

"Okay, you have the final say! It's just that you have to discuss with Shuchuan on the matter of building a university!"

Chen Yu is not going to take care of this matter.

Compared to himself, Lin Chen had much greater influence in Shuchuan, so if he wanted to do something, it would naturally be much easier.

For things like setting up a private university, Lin Chen could easily get approval in Shuchuan.

In addition to the support of Shuchuan, it is best to obtain the support of the state.

Minimal Ministry of Education support is affirmative.

"The Ministry of Education, you're the one to do it!"

Chen Yu glanced at Lin Chen: "Yes!"

"Okay, I'll go back to Shuchuan in two days, and get things settled, so that we can formally enroll students next year!"

"Will this be too rushed?"

"Since it's decided, let's get it done as soon as possible, procrastination is not my style!"

After a matter is decided, Lin Chen doesn't like to procrastinate, and after several years of procrastination, the day lily is cold.

First of all, Light Year Technology sent a very formal official letter to Shuchuan, expressing its intention to build a science and engineering university in Shuchuan!

Yes, it is to build a university of science and technology!
Why is it not a comprehensive university? The main thing is that the main teaching direction of Tiandao University is science and engineering.

Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology!
As for other disciplines, there will definitely be, such as finance, business management, and law.

As for history, literature, art, music, etc., Tiandao University will not be established, and these majors will be left to other universities.

In fact, Tiandao University can also cooperate with other universities, right?

In China, there are quite a lot of science and engineering universities, but due to the limited funds, these science and engineering universities do not feel that they have reached the best state in terms of teaching.

(End of this chapter)

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