Chapter 220 Translation Headphones
50 billion!
This is undoubtedly a huge sum of money!

Light Year Bank is now owned by Light Year Financial Group, a number of banks, securities, insurance and other companies under Light Year Financial Group.

Lightyear Technology has also become a standard consortium.

Among the shares of Lightyear Technology, the state occupies a lot. The financial company under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has been constantly absorbing shares of Lightyear Technology from the market.

Lin Chen had a half-smile: "Uncle Chen, you should talk to Zhang Qing about this matter, what are you looking for us for!"

Light Year Bank was taken over from Fenghua Real Estate. Later, Fenghua Real Estate gradually withdrew from Light Year Bank.

Chen Yu is not the kind of person who harms public welfare when doing things.

Directly request Fenghua Real Estate to withdraw from Light Year Bank, and after some means, except for some shares in Hubei Province, all shares in Light Year Bank are controlled by Light Year Financial.

The share structure of Light Year Financial is also quite simple. The largest shareholder is Light Year Technology Holdings 40.00%, Lin Chen and Chen Yu hold 30.00% of the shares in Light Year Financial, and the remaining 30.00% shares are held by Huatou Company 15.00% , and the rest will be divided up by domestic and foreign financial institutions and large enterprises in Huaxia.

Sharing cakes is a very important business strategy for Chen Yu!
Chen Yu knows very well that in this world, eating alone is not feasible.

Then, making the cake bigger and eating more cakes becomes a choice.

Chen Yu: "Dad, now Fenghua has a 130 billion loan in Guangnian Bank!"

130 billion loans!
The debt ratio of Fenghua Real Estate has risen sharply in the past two years. Of course, under the rising complex rate is the expansion of Fenghua Real Estate in the whole country.

Capital chain broken?
Chen Feng is not worried at all, he has a good daughter.

Sometimes Chen Yu didn't know what to say. In his last life, Fenghua Real Estate was a regional real estate company, and it was not well-known in China's real estate industry.

He has always been working hard in the prefecture-level city market, and even Jiangcheng can't get in.

But now, Fenghua Real Estate has become a national real estate company, and it is still among the top five.

Feeling high!

Chen Yu clearly felt that Chen Feng's spirit was higher than that of his previous life.

In his last life, Chen Feng had already considered retirement, but in this life, he is still doing his best for the development of Fenghua Real Estate!

That's right, Chen Feng is still very young now, less than 50 years old, just the age to start a career!
Chen Feng looked at Chen Yu. Didn't he say that he must borrow 50 billion from Guangnian Bank? In fact, the ultimate goal is to get 50 billion from Chen Yu.

Chen Yu is rich!

Chen Feng naturally knew this.

Doesn't Chen Yu own an investment company? This investment company has developed well and has invested in many projects, all of which are promising companies in Huaxia.

Such as, Meituan, and other companies.

"Dad, like this, I will lend you 50 billion funds, but I have to ask for interest!"

Raising 50 billion funds is really a very simple matter for Chen Yu, such as stock mortgages!

As one of the major shareholders of Lightyear Technology, Chen Yu can borrow 50 billion from the bank without any collateral.

Many people want to get a loan from the bank, which is quite difficult, but for many people, it is quite easy to get a loan from the bank.

Chen Feng: "Okay!"

The goal was achieved, Chen Feng also let go of eating and drinking, and frequently persuaded Lin Chen to drink.

Even if he took a small sip every time and drank more times, Lin Chen still drank a lot; he was not drunk to that degree, but his head felt a little swollen.

On August 12th, the Yeosu World Expo in South Korea closed. If he hadn't read the news, Lin Chen really didn't know about it.

Of course, on the same day, the London Olympic Games also came to an end.

The next Olympic host country will be Brazil!

The World Cup and the Olympic Games are held two years apart. For Brazil, the economic pressure is not small.

The Olympics, after entering the new century, has still become a loss-making project. Too many stadiums need to be built, and after the games are over, these stadiums will be abandoned.

Brazil, a big country in South America and one of the BRICS countries in the world, has not shown too much resistance in the face of the global economic crisis.

Because of its premature de-industrialization policy!
Lin Chen remembered that in Brazil, after the two World Series, the economy went downhill.

Agriculture in South America!
Turning the tip of the pen, Lin Chen wrote a sentence on a notebook, Light Year Technology has a large amount of funds and urgently needs to invest.

It is natural to invest in domestic investment, but domestic investment does not mean that you can invest randomly, right?
In terms of infrastructure, Lightyear Technology has relatively little involvement.

Huaxia is engaged in infrastructure construction, which is undoubtedly a basic guarantee for economic development.

Infrastructure is a thing that must be built, not a small one, but a big one!
When Lin Chen and Chen Yu had dinner together, they talked about investment.

"If you want to invest in agriculture, Brazil is indeed a relatively good choice. Not only Brazil, but other countries in South America also have investment prospects, such as Argentina!"

Now people's influence on Argentina, it seems that apart from agriculture, Messi is the only one left.

Argentina was also one of the largest countries in the world back then, but it also de-industrialized early, and now it has become a country that relies on agriculture and the service industry for development.

China's land area ranks third in the world, but the deserts and plateau snow-capped mountains in the west simply cannot survive.

Huaxia's population is mainly concentrated in the east, especially now, in the eastern coastal areas, where the population concentration is particularly high.

With the development of China's economy, the demand for food has become higher and higher.

Importing food has become an inevitable choice for Huaxia.

Most of China's industrial products can achieve self-sufficiency, so a large amount of surplus trade is not entirely a good thing for China.

It is best for trade to reach a balance to some extent.

For example, Huaxia exports industrial products, imports industrial raw materials, grain and so on.

In today's globalization, China can't be at the low end of the world's division of labor.

"To be honest, foreign investment is really difficult!"

It is also difficult for Chen Yu to deal with foreign investment!
If you invest in Europe and the United States, you can. Compared with the United States, Chen Yu has more reasons to invest in Europe. After all, Europe is more stable.

As for the United States, because it is the largest country in the world, it can be said that there are no taboos in doing things, which is a bit uncomfortable.

It's like sanctions at every turn.

Lightyear Technology is now on the restricted list in the United States.

Chen Yu thought for a while and said, "Maybe, we can invest in the education field!"

"Investing in education?"

"Yes, isn't the best investment the investment in education?"

Lin Chen looked at Chen Yu in surprise, this is indeed true, the best investment is education.

If other investments can reap economic benefits, then education investment can not only reap economic benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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