Chapter 211 Audience Impression
The reason for this is not that Lin Chen knows that Liu Ying is a rare person, but because Liu Ying is his own niece.

It's family!
No matter what Liu Ying did, Lin Chen would accept it.

Liu Ying clicked on, which is the most developed among the major domestic food delivery platforms in China, because has received financial support from Lightyear Technology.

In addition to funds, it is also supported by Lightyear Technology in terms of technology.

Are you hungry for Lightyear Technology Investment, and didn't talk about participating in specific management matters, except for finances, the rest are ignored.

The founding team manages and grows the company!
This is also the reason why Lightyear Technology has a good reputation in China’s domestic entrepreneurial circle.

This dish looks good and is not expensive, ask for it!
That's not bad either!

Not bad!

it is good!
Liu Ying ordered more than a dozen dishes in a top-ranked restaurant. As for the price, it must be more expensive than Shuchuan.

In the capital city, prices are a bit more expensive, isn’t that normal?

More than 400 yuan!
Liu Ying smiled and turned Lin Chen's thumb to pay directly!
Fingerprint payment is really convenient!

"How much did you order?"

More than 400 yuan!
You should know that the restaurants that offer takeaway now do not include those restaurants that are expensive in themselves!

To put it bluntly, the main consumer group of the food delivery industry is not the rich, but the middle class!

Therefore, some expensive ones are not too expensive.

Like four 51 bowls of ramen or something, not many people will buy it.

Liu Ying tapped her index finger lightly, realizing that she really seemed to have tapped too much!
"I also ordered tomorrow's meal!"

Lin Chen: "I believed in you!"

Holding Lin Chen's arm, Liu Ying whispered, "Uncle, I was wrong, I couldn't hold back after watching so many delicious food!"

This is not the first time for Liu Ying to eat takeaway!
But this is definitely the first time to order food outside online!
Compared with small counties, big cities are really better.At least in some services, it has been advanced for several years!
Lin Chen shook his head, but he wasn't angry: "Order it, that's all, let's go, don't disturb my work!"

"Okay, I'll get you a glass of water!"

After pouring a glass of water, Liu Ying held Lin Chen's mobile phone and leaned on Lin Chen's shoulder, staring at Lin Chen's computer screen.

Shining Star Automobile, Light Year Aerospace, and Light Year Aviation Integration Report!

Xingyao Motors and Light Year Aerospace Liu Ying do know, but what exactly is Light Year Aerospace?

Needless to say, Xingyao Motors, Light Year Aerospace has launched rockets, and launched satellites into space.

Some time ago, the news that Lightyear Technology launched six communication satellites into space was directly on the screen.

There have always been rumors on the Internet that Light Year Aerospace has a plan to land on the moon!

Well, this is just an analysis by a netizen.

However, this netizen's analysis really makes sense.

They first analyzed Lin Chen, and concluded that Lin Chen is a very ambitious person. Money is no longer the most important thing to Lin Chen. Leaving his own mark on human history will inevitably become Lin Chen's pursuit.

Looking at the series of companies established by Lightyear Technology and the huge investment in research and development, we can know that Lin Chen is already preparing for the exploration of the universe.

Then landing on the moon will become inevitable in the not-too-distant future!
As for the establishment of a colony on Mars, this can also be seen in the next 30 years.

When she saw this analysis, Liu Ying was shocked. The analysis was very reasonable!

Liu Ying is still very proud that her uncle is such a person.

Liu Ying didn't care what would happen if the three companies merged. She took Lin Chen's mobile phone and started playing games. Of course, she would not use her own account, but Lin Chen's.

Sure enough, there are all kinds of skins on the uncle number!
Liu Ying is reluctant to buy these skins!

Some skins are really super expensive.

Lin Chen ignored Liu Ying, but carefully read the merger report.

There are many pages in the report, there is no way, the three companies will merge to become Shining Star Transportation, and Shining Star Transportation is going to be listed, so what needs to be done must be done adequately.

Lin Chen found a group on the internal software, this is a newly established group.

There are many chat groups on Lin Chen's software. For each project, a chat group will be created, which can facilitate the exchange of information.

Different chat groups naturally have different members.

"How about the acquisition of Dongfang Power now?"

This software called Xingchao has a very useful function, that is, the reminder function.

For example, if Lin Chen and Chen Yu spoke in a chat group, everyone in the group would receive a reminder.

This reminder setting can be set in a personal way, such as ringtones and vibrations.

"We have acquired 20.00% of the stocks in the stock market, basically all the stocks in the secondary market. Now we are talking to some major shareholders about the acquisition, and there will be results soon!"

"The acquisition of 20.00% requires an announcement, right?"

Zhang Hong: "We used more than a dozen accounts to make acquisitions, and none of them reached 5.00%, so we don't need to make an announcement yet!"

According to securities regulations, when holding 5.00% or more of the shares of a listed company, announcements and disclosures must be made, and transactions must not be carried out during the period.

This is also to protect the interests of investors!

"Be careful not to break the rules, Light Year's reputation cannot be tarnished!"

Within the rules, you can play however you want, but once you break the rules, you are breaking the rules, which Lin Chen doesn't want to see.

The rules actually protect everyone!

When someone breaks the rules, it is especially important to kick this out.

Zhang Hong naturally knew that Lin Chen valued the rules. When Light Year Technology was operating, it especially emphasized obeying the law.

"Don't worry, Director Chen, we will definitely strictly abide by this point!"

Lin Chen: "Have you encountered any difficulties regarding the acquisition of shares held by other shareholders?"

"It's not a big problem. The management of Dongfang Power is not very good now. The confidence of shareholders is not enough, and the bank is also starting to call for loans!"

The bank collects the loan!

Well, as one of the five largest banks, Light Year Bank is not a vegetarian.

Among all banks, Lightyear Bank's online banking is the best.

In addition to online banking, Light Year Bank is also vigorously developing its business outlets, which must have been laid out in prefecture-level cities, and there are basically outlets of Light Year Bank in county towns now.

There are especially many young people in Light Year Bank, and the number of customers between the age of 40 accounts for more than 80.00% of the entire Light Year Bank.

This is undoubtedly a rather high number.

Dongfang Dynamics also owes a loan from Lightyear Bank!
When other banks saw that Guangnian Bank began to collect loans, they quickly followed suit.

Don't ask why!
It is normal. After a bank collects a loan from a company, other banks will usually follow suit.

(End of this chapter)

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