Chapter 210 Idol Cultivation
Things change so fast, sometimes it really looks like a tornado!

"The gap is still too big!"

The Huachao game and the European Cup game seem to be completely different!
Lin Chen was also scratching his head at this point. Now that Huachao has become popular for a short time, it is impossible to find some good players from the world.

The three are competing for supremacy, but they have not yet reached the level where tens of millions of euros are needed to buy people.

The three clubs of Rongcheng Athletic, Yangcheng Evergrande and Jiangcheng Fenghua have all invested a lot of money in youth training. However, youth training is a good thing, and it does not produce results all at once.

Of course, in the domestic youth training, it is still possible to train some players to play in the domestic league.

It is really difficult to cultivate world-class players.

Some time ago, Lin Chen and the Football Association spent a lot of time discussing, but some reforms were not so easy to discuss clearly.

The Sports General Administration, for no particular reason, completely let go of the Football Association.

After all, when football is bad, it can also make money!

In China, except for the CBA and Huachao, other sports competitions are not profitable.

Yes, it just doesn't make money.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen shook off the thoughts in his head, or don't think about them, it makes him more worried!
In mid-July, Liu Ying came back from Europe.

When he came back, the corners of Lin Chen's eyes twitched as he carried the big and small bags!
How much did you buy!
Clothes, shoes, perfume, jewelry!
My own box can't fit, and it's directly returned by consignment.

Lin Chen sighed, sat on the sofa and looked at the bags that were about to be filled in the living room, and said helplessly, "You bought so much, can you wear it out?"

"I didn't buy many of my own. I bought them for your sister, as well as for grandpa and grandma, Wen Dan, Chen Yu, and yours! Speaking of which, my own is the least!"

Lin Chen said angrily: "Then, I still have to thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Not wanting to continue talking about this topic, Lin Chen asked Liu Ying how she felt in Europe.

"I thought that in Europe, white people should be the majority, but in France and Italy, there are a lot of black people, especially in Paris, where there are black people everywhere! I thought it was a beautiful place, and after I went there, I didn't feel too bad. !"

A world famous city!

However, Liu Ying saw a lot of things that she couldn't see in China, such as robbery!
Even Liu Ying heard gunshots!

Liu Ying was so scared that when she went out, she didn't dare to run around, usually in crowded places.

However, it doesn't feel too safe in crowded places, such as the subway or something, Liu Ying is determined not to take it.

The subway is the focus of some people's attacks.

There is a large flow of people, and there will be countless casualties in one attack, and the influence is particularly large.

Lin Chen: "I originally thought that you would come back after watching the London Olympics!"

Liu Ying hesitated, and said regretfully, "Uncle, when you say it like this, I also think that I should come back after watching the Olympics!"

The [-] Olympics!
Liu Ying missed it, it only happens once every four years. It can be said that if you watch one session, you will lose one session.

"Now you won't be able to watch the Olympics at the scene, so start working with me in the company tomorrow!"

"Wait, uncle, are you kidding, me, go to work?"


Well, Liu Ying thinks that she will be a cashier or something, then there is no problem at all!
But go to Light Year Technology to work, what a joke!
That is the company that many people in China dream of. I don't know how many people want to become employees of Light Year Technology.

The R&D department of Light Year Technology is no longer recruiting externally, but the administrative department will still recruit externally.

Compared with the research and development department, the administrative department needs a lot of staff in the society.

This is also a very normal thing. No matter when the scientific researchers are, they are a group of extremely important people.

Even in times of war, craftsmen will be well protected.

Lin Chen nodded seriously and asked Liu Ying to go to work. One very important reason was that Liu Ying applied for the Economics Department of Capital University!

Well, no one interfered with Liu Ying's volunteering or anything, she did it all by herself.

Lin Ping and his wife don't understand at all; don't look at how many supermarkets they have opened now, but they really don't know much about their majors in college.

Lin Chen had no objection to Liu Ying applying for the Capital University.He couldn't always say that since he graduated from Huaqing, he had to ask Liu Ying to also be from Huaqing.

This is completely unnecessary!
Moreover, Lin Chen himself is very clear about the reason why Lin Chen applied for Huaqing.

To put it bluntly, it is to let oneself have a famous background.

This comes from a famous family and a country boy, those are two completely different concepts.

Really, this is very important.

Look at the rich people on China's rich list now, are there really such ignorant people?

Now is the era of knowledge economy, an upgraded version of the past agricultural economy and industrial economy. In this era, knowledge is particularly important.

"Well, you should come to the company first to find out, otherwise, you are in school, and you will learn without purpose at all!"

Purposeful learning will greatly improve learning efficiency!
Many students have heard of this point, but they don't know what it is.

When I went to the internship in my senior year, when I understood it instantly, I could only sigh why I didn't study hard in school.

Many people feel that what they learn in school is useless!

This statement is absolutely wrong.

Of course, some industries do not need any knowledge to be competent, but some industries really need knowledge.

After sorting out the various gifts, it took Liu Ying a whole afternoon to stick her chest to her back when she was hungry!
My stomach is growling!
Liu Ying looked at Lin Chen with a tired expression: "Uncle, I'm hungry!"

"Oh, let's cook when you're hungry!"

Lin Chen was holding the notebook, but he didn't even look up at Liu Ying.

In the afternoon, Liu Ying was tidying up in the living room, but Lin Chen didn't help at all!Although Liu Ying said that she bought gifts from him, did Lin Chen care about those things?

Liu Ying pouted and looked happy, but she forgot one thing!


Now all the first-tier cities have achieved full coverage of food delivery!
Moreover, food delivery is rapidly developing towards second-tier cities.

As for whether there will be a situation where takeaways will blossom everywhere in small counties in the future, Liu Ying thinks it will!

After the market in first-tier and second-tier cities is saturated and occupied, then the county will definitely not let it go. As for the towns, the towns should not be there. Perhaps larger towns, such as those in the east, may also have takeaway delivery.

After all, the emergence of these has something to do with economic development.

Especially when China is rapidly urbanizing!
Glancing at Lin Chen, Liu Ying picked up his phone, and then pulled Lin Chen's thumb to unlock it. Lin Chen glanced at Liu Ying, but didn't speak.

As for what Liu Ying would do with her phone, Lin Chen didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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