Chapter 184 Happy New Year's Money

One per day, this looks like a good one!

However, there are only more than 300 units a year, but how many units does China need?
So, the speed is quite slow now.

"Can it be accelerated?"

"If we speed up, we can only increase the manpower, but now we don't have enough manpower!"

Lin Chen: "Then recruit people directly. There are too few ones this day. We not only want to satisfy the domestic needs, but also have to export them all over the world!"

Lin Chen didn't say a word, it's better to export to a country that doesn't deal with the United States.

"Next, in addition to developing machine tools with higher precision, we will also develop machine tools with six-axis and seven-axis linkage!"

Lin Chen caressed the already assembled machine tool, it was completely a work of art!

In fact, the machine tool has a high technological content, but after we saw it in some factories, we felt that it was the case. The very important reason is that those factories did not do a good job in the maintenance of the machine tools, which seemed to be very serious. Dirty look.

CNC machine tools are a trend in the development of machine tools now. Compared with previous machine tools, the machining accuracy of CNC machine tools is actually not much improved compared to the whole process controlled by humans.

The machining accuracy of some CNC machine tools is not as high as anyone!

However, it also depends on who you compare with. Compared with those eighth-level mechanics in the past, it is really difficult.

The emergence of CNC machine tools has improved industrial production efficiency.

"Is there any difficulty?"

Chen Yu smiled and said, "Chief engineer Yu, just tell me if you have any difficulties. It happens that the chairman is here, and whatever can be solved is solved!"

Lin Chen rolled his eyes at Chen Yu, he had nothing to do with these many things, okay?
Yu Ruibao chuckled, thought for a while and said, "It's mainly about the management. Can you send someone to take over? I have to pay attention to research and management, so I'm too busy!"

In Lightyear Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd., Lightyear Technology holds 60.00% of the shares. Second, Yu Ruibao is the largest shareholder other than Lightyear Technology, holding 11.00% of the shares, plus some others.

In terms of the composition of shares, Light Year Machine Tool is quite complicated.

During mergers and acquisitions, some people do not want to sell, so the exchange of equity becomes the choice.

Not too many people will refuse this, especially those who have pursuits in technology.

Using the large platform of Lightyear Technology, many things that could only be thought of in the mind before can now be started.

In terms of the annual scientific research investment of Lightyear Technology, not all funds can produce results. In fact, most of the funds are consumed in failures.

Yu Ruibao is not only the chief engineer of Lightyear Machine Tool, but also the chairman of Lightyear Machine Tool!
Lin Chen looked at Chen Yu, Light Year Machine Tool was established, they had a gentleman's agreement with Yu Ruibao, that is, Yu Ruibao was in charge of the management of Light Year Machine Tool, Light Year Technology has rights in personnel and finance, but they have to Cooperate with Ruibao.

For a long time, Ruibao has been responsible for the management of Guangnian Machine Tool.

For Light Year Machine Tool, according to Lin Chen's definition, it should be a research and development-oriented production enterprise.

The profit or something is really not important, the most important thing is technology!
Every breakthrough in technology is the cornerstone of Huaxia's industrial advancement.

Chen Yu: "Mr. Yu, is this your personal idea, or did someone say something to you?"

Waving his hand, Yu Ruibao said: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. In the past year, we have invested a lot in research and development. Now the whole group can say that the debt has increased. It is always impossible to say that we need technology instead of profit. The company is not normal!"

Light Year Machine Tool is an independent company, so the money from Light Year Technology cannot be freely invested in it.

However, the light year machine tool can be obtained through a bank loan!

Compared with other companies, Light Year Machine Tool can get loans with lower interest rates.

For the bank, the light year machine tool with the guarantee of light year technology is a very qualified customer.

Yu Ruibao brought Lin Chen and the others to the warehouse, where there were many machine tool products: "Did you see the paper on it?"

Pledge regulatory logo!

Lin Chen naturally knows this thing. This is a kind of bank loan business, which is to pledge a batch of goods to the bank; of course, the custody of this batch of goods will be handled by a third-party supervision company. If there is a problem, it is also a problem of regulating the company.

For the bank, as long as the goods are in stock, there will be no loss.

Of course, sometimes the bank will encounter a situation where a company pledges counterfeit goods. At this time, the bank will suffer a loss.

Generally, when this happens, the business is basically doomed.

After all, if there is no problem in the operation of a company that finds a bank to cheat a loan, then it is a ghost!
"Now the machine tools in the entire warehouse are pledged to the bank. If you want to ship them, you have to repay the bank first!"

Light Year Machine Tool does not have much money on the books, but Yu Ruibao is not worried at all. After all, the current products of Light Year Machine Tool are also competitive in the world.

The very important reason for this situation now is that there are problems in market development.

After all, Yu Ruibao is not specialized in management, and his main energy is all on technology research and development.

As for the shareholders of other Light Year machine tools, they are all masters of technology!
When merging other companies, Light Year Machine Tool only needs technical and R&D personnel. As for those management personnel, they are optional.

Chen Yu: "I understand. Mr. Yu wants Guangnian Machine Tool to have someone in charge of the sales. There is no problem with that. We can transfer the sales director of Xphone!"

"Not only sales, but also the management of light year machine tools!"

Chen Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I think she can do it!"

Light Year Machine Tool has a big problem, that is, there are too many men.

Yes, this is a problem.

Whether it is for the enterprise or the country, too many men is not a good thing.

Lin Chen looked at Chen Yu in surprise. Is it appropriate for a woman to manage this purely industrial machine tool company?
"Is this appropriate?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. There are chief engineer Yu and the others in terms of technology. Li Xiaoyu only needs to handle daily management and sales when he comes here!"

Chen Yu didn't think there was any problem with finance and personnel.

The people in these two aspects are all sent directly from Light Year Technology, and it is impossible for Li Xiaoyu to say that they can't control them.

When a group of people left the warehouse, they saw a machine tool being loaded, and there were two people who were obviously not workers.

Regulatory company!
"This company still has some impressions!"

Chen Yu glanced at the two people who supervised the company, and said with a smile: "They have a lot of cooperation with Guangnian Bank!"

Under normal circumstances, Light Year Bank will not lend to companies of the Light Year family, the main reason is to avoid suspicion!
No matter how standardized it is, there will always be some differences between the affiliated companies. In order to avoid future troubles, it is better not to take out loans at all.

Lin Chen remembered it!

"I remember that many of Light Year Bank's businesses are supervised by this regulatory company!"

(End of this chapter)

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