Chapter 183 Arrangement
"Then let's go and have a look. I just saw it on the books, but I haven't actually looked at it. I always feel a little uneasy in my heart!"

Chen Yu chuckled and said, "Then, if you don't travel around the country, many of our cadres have never seen you before!"

"You don't need to see me, just see you!"

Chen Yu pondered, if he didn't know Lin Chen's character, he would have thought that he was expressing his dissatisfaction!
But knowing Lin Chen's character, Chen Yu knew that Lin Chen had no interest in the daily management of the company.

No matter who came to Chen Yu's current position, he would not be interested in making money or destroying the company's development.

Because, as the president of Lightyear Technology, to a certain extent, he is already at the pinnacle of his life.

The point of view of things is really different.

Lin Chen is still willing to take a walk in the companies below!
Light Year Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd. is a multinational machine tool enterprise with a registered address in Beijing and its business scope covers the whole country and even Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa and other regions.

It has not been established for a long time, just over a year, but the development speed of Light Year Machine Tool is particularly fast, and it has become the top three machine tool manufacturers in China.

In particular, the five-axis linkage CNC machine tools produced by Guangnian Machine Tool Group have reached the world's advanced level, and they have begun to be exported to foreign countries. Even German companies have imported them.

This is undoubtedly a very important milestone in the history of China's industry!
Lin Chen came to Darien City, Liaodong Province, which is the production city of five-axis CNC machine tools.

"Hi Mr. Yu, we haven't seen each other for half a year, congratulations!"

Yu Ruibao smiled and nodded. Leading Lin Chen and his party entered the door of Light Year Machine Tool. A year ago, Light Year Technology was making frequent moves. Just to acquire machine tool companies, that is to say, it has acquired more than a dozen companies. Then the research and development capabilities of more than a dozen machine tool companies were integrated, and a huge amount of money was invested in the research and development of five-axis linkage CNC machine tools.

In the past, Yu Ruibao had already accumulated some technology on the five-axis linkage CNC machine tool. After obtaining the support of funds and personnel, he quickly produced the product.

And half a month ago, the five-axis linkage CNC machine tool was successfully exported to Germany!
This is like a signal that domestic machine tool users have seen their goals.

The five-axis linkage CNC machine tool of Light Year Machine Tool has received hundreds of orders in a short period of time. Now the entire group is actively preparing for production.

It must be delivered in the shortest possible time.

"In this life, the most important thing I have done is to sell Kod to you!"

Yu Ruibao sighed, compared to his previous small fights, these two young people are really generous!In the past, I had a R&D team of dozens of people, which felt quite remarkable, but now, Yu Ruibao has more than 2000 R&D personnel, and the minimum education is also a Ph.D.

As for graduate students and undergraduates, they are all helpers.

Moreover, in the past, I had to worry about funding, but now I don’t worry at all. Last year’s research and development expenses have not been spent, and this year I am calling for this year’s research and development budget.

At the end of the year, there is no surprise spending money or something in the company of the light year department.

Even if the funds are not used up, the R&D funds will not be reduced in the next year because you have not used up the funds.

There are even cases where if you don’t use it all, the allocation will be increased in the next year.

In terms of R&D investment, Lightyear Technology is really rich and powerful!

Lin Chen couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "One of the best things I've ever done in my life is to believe in you!"

Yu Ruibao was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud!

Pulling Lin Chen to visit the machine tool production workshop: "Now we are not only producing five-axis machine tools, but also four-axis and three-axis machine tools. The next step is to develop higher-precision machine tools!"

Lightyear Technology has very high precision requirements for machine tools. The quality of Xingyao Automobile is supported by these high-precision machine tools.

"The research of high-precision machine tools is speeding up. We don't want to catch up with foreign countries or anything. We are the best in the world. We only break through ourselves!"

It's really meaningless to catch up with others!
Looking at the whole world in Huaxia now, apart from the Americans, I was stunned to find that there is no opponent anymore!
In terms of economy, there is still a big gap between China and the United States, but it is no longer an insurmountable gap.

In the 80s, Chinese leaders went to the United States. Needless to say, my heart was shocked when I saw everything in the United States.

To be honest, compared with the current United States, the United States in the 80s was the era of turbulent development of electronic technology. At that time, it was also an era full of hope.

The American Dream is a sign of that era.

As for the present, the dream is gone.

"I hope we can develop a machine tool with a machining accuracy of more than 1 micron as soon as possible!"

Lin Chen looked at the environment of the production workshop from time to time. He didn't know if it was because he wanted to come today. The production in the whole workshop seemed to be orderly. A pleasing feeling.

Whether a thing is good or not, there is a very simple standard, that is whether it looks pleasing to the eye or not.

If it is not pleasing to the eye, then under normal circumstances, there must be a problem.

Yu Ruibao: "We have already set up a project to study a machine tool with a precision of 0.5 microns, and we hope to make it within three years!"

"If it really works out, then you have made great contributions to the whole country!"

In the next ten years, Huaxia's industry must undergo industrial upgrading, which is an inevitable trend; in the low-end industry, Huaxia has stayed for too long, and it is an inevitable choice to attack the mid-to-high end in an all-round way .

Of course, low-end industries cannot be abandoned, right?

Low-end industries are quite helpful in solving the problem of employment.

Yu Ruibao: "I don't care if the credit is not credited. If this person lives his whole life, he must leave something for this society!"

For Ruibao, money and so on really don't care anymore.

The money he has now will never be spent in a few lifetimes.

Of course, it's not the kind of money spent on luxury cars, it's the kind of money spent on daily life.

Lin Chen nodded in agreement: "Indeed, you have to leave your mark on this world!"

With a smile on his lips, Chen Yu listened to the two chatting about philosophical issues, and looked at the processing situation in the workshop.

The quality of the employees of Light Year Machine Tool is quite high, and the masters recruited from all over the country needless to say in terms of technology.

Many people have their own unique skills.

For example, if you touch the parts, you will know how accurate the parts are.

"This is the assembly workshop, we can now assemble a five-axis machine tool every day!"

(End of this chapter)

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