Stall setting starts from Malatang

80 Chapter 80, Expanding the Scale

80 Chapter 80, Expanding the Scale

"Ding! You triggered the growth task: expand the scale."

[The honor of Beishan No. [-] is not achieved overnight, it needs to be accumulated slowly, please start with the most basic reception ability]

[Task requirements: recruit a full-time employee, increase the number of seats, and the number of people dining at the same time reaches 16 or more]

[Task time limit: 15 days]

[Task reward: 10 points, all-purpose broth base +1]


It's been a long time since I haven't seen the task, and Lin Xiaojian occasionally thinks wildly: Has the system forgotten himself?
As soon as he heard the mission reminder, he immediately refreshed and carefully pondered the mission requirements.From Xia Xiaoshuang's point of view, the topic just now seemed to touch upon Lin Xiaojian's sad matter. His eyes suddenly became deep, his pupils lost focus, his expression became dignified, and his pretty brows slowly frowned.

She was worried that she had said the wrong thing, so she shut up immediately, lowered her head and ate fiercely, and glanced at him from time to time.A few seconds later, Lin Xiaojian woke up like a dream, with an uncertain expression on his face.

"This task feels like it's a question-and-answer question."

"It's not easy to recruit people. You can find them by just hanging a piece of cards. At worst, let him go after working for half a month."

"Adding more seats is also easy, just set up a few more tables. Usually it is estimated that it will be too much, but with the flow of people on Saturday and the number of people dining at the same time, it should be able to reach 16 people."

Finding that Xia Xiaoshuang was peeking at him from time to time, Lin Xiaojian smiled embarrassingly and apologized for his distraction.He greeted her and returned to the stove, leaving her a thin back, thinking silently:

"The system doesn't have hard requirements for employees, so it doesn't matter whether the applicant is suitable or not, as long as it is an individual."

"It doesn't cost much to buy two more tables, but there's no room to put them there. I'm squeezed in next door. How can I have the nerve to occupy Mr. Liu's place?"

The Law Enforcement Squadron did not stipulate the fixed positions of the various vendors, and whoever came earlier would occupy the space first.However, after this period of time, everyone has formed a tacit understanding with each other, not to grab other people's positions, and only guard their own one-third of an acre of land.

For others, an area of ​​a few square meters is enough to set up a stall, but with Lin Xiaojian's current business, this area is a bit stretched.In fact, he has always had the idea of ​​expanding the scale, but due to several conditions, he has not implemented it.

1. Too busy.This problem is not a problem for other street vendors. How can they think that their business is good?However, Lin Xiaojian was afraid that there would be too many people dining at the same time, and it would be too late to heat it, which would affect his reputation, so he would rather have fewer seats.

2. Soup base is limited.Apart from increasingly sophisticated cooking skills and dedicated service, the most important factor supporting his business is the all-purpose broth from the mysterious system.But this soup base is non-renewable, use a little less, and it may be used up in three or two days after expanding the scale.

Lin Xiaojian's thinking still has the unique innocence of a fledgling boy, after all, he has only set up a stall for a few months.If it were a social person who had been working hard for 20 years, no matter what word of mouth he was, he would just put the real money in his trouser pocket.

Sometimes he thought about whether he could sell it directly to others with the ultimate flavor of the almighty broth, but the subsequent patching of the system put an end to this whimsical idea—it had to be operated by himself.Maybe in the future, he will get the universal hot pot base, super seafood soy sauce, invincible instant noodle seasoning package, etc., to help him open a branch, but that is something in his imagination, and he is still young now, so he is not in a hurry.

Lin Xiaojian often feels that he is not as prudent as an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy. The friends and classmates he knows are all exaggerated, basically they are all moonlight. If there is any enjoyment, he must eat it up and wipe it off immediately, and it must not be delayed until next month.

Probably because of the boy's frustration, he lost his youthful edge.But in this impetuous society, such a rare quality of honesty and calmness helped him find many friends with similar views.

Lin Xiaojian has always had a concern. If the system falls to his house today, it may fly to someone else's house tomorrow.It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.If I am used to relying on the system, if I lose this plug-in one day, wouldn't I be beaten back to my original shape immediately?

So he insisted on straightening his relationship with the system, he could borrow strength, but he couldn't completely rely on it.It is a fool not to take advantage of the advantage. If he thinks about taking advantage every day and waits for the rabbit, he will become a slave to the system instead. This is not what he wants.

"Is it 10 or 14?"

Just as he was thinking about the changes the system had made to his life, a weak voice rang in his ears.It was Xia Xiaoshuang. She finished eating Malatang and was about to pay the bill.

"2, 4, 5.5...14, yes. Give me 10 yuan, and the razor clams are my treat."

Lin Xiaojian flashed a few numbers in his mind and blurted them out.

After Xia Xiaoshuang helped out at the food festival, she memorized the prices of the dishes. When ordering, she almost counted the price of this bowl.

"Okay, okay, thanks."

She was a little embarrassed to take advantage of Lin Xiaojian.

"Thank you, they are all from the same village!"

Lin Xiaojian said casually, indeed, in this small town in the East China Sea thousands of miles away, it is really not easy to meet fellow villagers from the same village.

According to the concept of rural people, when a fellow villager sees a fellow villager, his eyes are full of tears. Treating guests with extra food is nothing, and it is not considered polite to walk in a restaurant.

Just as Xia Xiaoshuang left, a mature man with a very capable demeanor came in, wearing a dark T-shirt and a dark red shirt.It seems that he is a manager in a nearby factory, and he is extraordinary.

He walked to the stall, picked a few dishes and put them on the plate. Before the dishes were served, he asked the price: "Boss, how much does it cost here?"

"15 dollars."

Lin Xiaojian quickly replied.

The mature man nodded, paid with Alipay, sat down on the seat and pulled a few tissues, wiped them on the hand rest area of ​​the table, and then answered the phone:

"Let Xiao Zhang come to my office tomorrow morning."

"I shouldn't work overtime tomorrow night, but I have an appointment to have dinner with Mr. Wang of Qilin Industry and Trade. You can eat by yourself."

"Sounds like a big boss!"

It was almost 8 o'clock at this moment, and the food stalls on the night market began to become sparse. Lin Xiaojian could hear the phone call behind him without turning his head.

The peak meal time has passed. At this time, most of the people who go to the night market come to walk and hang out. The business of clothing, shoes and hats has begun to pick up. Occasionally, there is the sound of popping balloons from the balloon stalls.

Yesterday, a new leather shoe seller came to the store. He brought his own stereo and played one sentence over and over again: "Clear out, all prices start at 29 yuan!" The volume was so loud that it made Liu sleep uneasy and he complained to the boss twice. , people just turn down the volume.

With the increasing traffic of people in the night market, there are quite a few small bosses eyeing this feng shui treasure, and many passing by are thinking about setting up a stall if they have nothing to do, and it would be good to earn some extra money.

(End of this chapter)

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