Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 64 Chapter 64, Sources of Praise

Chapter 64 Chapter 64, Sources of Praise
"Who is this person? He said so many good things for Xiaolin Malatang, I can't stand it anymore."

Tong Bin muttered, feeling sore in his heart, feeling as if he had been robbed of his favorite toy for no reason.

Originally, he thought he was the only one who recognized Xiaolin Malatang, an ordinary roadside stall buried in a rural night market.Unexpectedly, the guy who posted the post was so optimistic. He bluntly said that Xiaolin Malatang should be listed in the top ten delicacies. This vision and trust are much higher than he does not know.

Sometimes people have a wonderful psychology, because they are different from others, they feel the superiority of "the world is drunk and I am alone".Of course, most of the time it is still a herd.

"Tch, these few look like sailors, and they don't even know where the address is."

He read down the post, and saw those replies who didn't understand the situation, and couldn't help but sneer.

"Who is so capable that he hired a navy to help Boss Lin get popular? His Buddhist character doesn't look like someone who knows how to operate!"

College students who buy and buy online all day long are naturally more sensitive than ordinary people to operations such as swiping orders and swiping positive reviews. Tong Bin was curious, is it possible to earn back the cost of swiping orders for a stall that comes with top ten gourmet food?

This bit of doubt, after he saw many replies complaining about Boss Lin's character and doubting the quality of Mala Tang, he immediately put it to the back of his mind.

"These people have never eaten, how can they attack an honest and law-abiding person without proof?"

"What kind of business license do you need for a roadside stall in a night market!"

When he saw someone making a fuss about reporting unlicensed operations, he was outraged.

Some netizens threaten others with reports and complaints at every turn, and seem to think that destroying other people's hobbies is a very interesting thing.

Seeing this, as the only fan of Xiaolin Malatang, Tong Bin put on his vest decisively and joined the battle group.

"Inviting Xiaolin Malatang to participate in the food festival uninvited is the common opinion of more than a dozen members of our outdoor activities department..."

"We believe that the purpose of the food festival is to share food that moves us. From this point of view, the quality of Xiaolin Malatang does not violate our original intention..."

"Because of their own prejudice against certain industries, or because they simply don't see the good of others, some people take advantage of loopholes in the review and use improper rights to maliciously attack others..."

Don't look at Tong Bin who is submissive in front of girls and taciturn around his classmates, but he is a very powerful keyboard warrior online.There are thousands of small fans on Weibo, who are dedicated to those remarks such as "the moon in foreign countries is round" and "Chinese men are not good enough for Chinese women".

Although a few thousand fans can't compare with those big Vs with hundreds of thousands of fans who can just eat, but as a pure complaint, no original content, no operation account, this statistic is not bad, and there are even a few big Vs with him Mutual fans.

Usually, he doesn't like to speak for the majority, I'm me and the community is the community.However, someone has already used the association to start a brush. At this time, they have to take the initiative, occupy the position, and criticize the opponent with a righteous attitude.

Ordinary forum members are not very interested in this kind of war of words, they just watch the excitement, and will not come in again after scrolling through the post once.But for those who are interested, it is simply scratching their itch. It is uncomfortable not to argue with others until the sea is dry and stones are broken, kneeling down and begging for mercy:

"Hehe, may I ask who you are, who can represent the outdoor sports club? I'm a golf friend with the president of your club, Hong, and I have the impression that he doesn't like to eat these spicy foods."

"Writing too much stereotyped essays? It's just a cliché. You are so good at talking, why don't you go to Peking University?"

As for the people who eat melons, they like to watch this kind of tearful drama the most, and they wish that the more noisy the better.They simply fired on both sides at the same time, completely without position, how to fan the flames:
"I suggest that the host and these sunspots make a real-life PK offline, and whoever wins will be right."

"@Upstairs, win and go to jail, lose and be hospitalized?"

"The next Zhang Guofu Malatang, I am not targeting anyone, I mean everyone present is happy."

In this way, the already popular post, promoted by a group of netizens who eat melons, push back, and support, "Xiaolin Malatang, Deserving of the Top Ten Foods" has repeatedly hit new heights in popularity, far surpassing other posts in the water district. post.A page of a post can carry 20 replies, and it reaches 10 pages in a few hours. It is considered amazing if an ordinary popular post can have 10 pages of replies in a few days.

Although Fengyuan has more than 1 teachers and students, not everyone will go to the campus forum, and those who attend the meeting may not attend every day. Reply, its potential is enough to compete for the top ten hot posts of the year.

Because the data of Dianping was mentioned and quoted in a large number of posts and replies, many netizens joined in the fun and searched Xiaolin Malatang on Dianping, and its popularity soared for a while.

Some of them have a Dianping account, and they all come here, leaving their impressions of the visit here, sending a good review to brush up their presence.According to the way Dianping calculates popularity, these comments without pictures and too few words will not be counted as popularity, and will not affect the ranking of the store.

However, Lin Xiaojian has a system task of 10 public reviews. It doesn't matter whether the comments are careful or not, the photos are good or not, as long as they are comments, the system will approve them.Even though there are 4-star positive reviews on the surface, the content of the text is full of abuse, saying that the store is "garbage" and "lucky", and the system still recognizes it.

As netizens continued to criticize the post, the popularity of Xiaolin Malatang continued to rise. Finally, at midnight, the number of non-high-quality reviews exceeded 10.

When netizens who didn't know the truth got up the next day, "Xiaolin Malatang, well-deserved top ten delicacies" had more than 20 pages of replies, and a flame-shaped mark was hung on the title, indicating that it was extremely popular.

From page 10 onwards, those few people were basically quoting each other, and it lasted until after 2 o'clock in the morning.

Lin Xiaojian couldn't enter the forum, so naturally he didn't know about these situations.After Liu Ting heard the news, he quickly browsed the forum, but he didn't spend much time in the forum, so he didn't know what the data meant, but he knew one thing—Xiao Lin Mala Hot.

In various selection activities, whether it is delicious, whether the service is good, whether the price is cheap or not, does not have the greatest impact on the final result, and whether there is any gimmick is the most important.Nowadays, people pursue novelty, and the more sensationalism they do, the more they can attract the attention of others.If you don't look at the process but only look at the results, this kind of operation will definitely have the highest popularity.

(End of this chapter)

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