Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 63 Chapter 63, Forum Hot Posts

Chapter 63 Chapter 63, Forum Hot Posts

Seeing a suitable article and helping to forward it is a normal behavior among media people.If you hang out in this circle, one day after a big guy publishes an article, you will find that his article is reposted everywhere in your circle of friends, which is even more lively than reposting the 3% off discount for the opening of a hot pot restaurant.

When retweeting it, Zhang Yin did not forget to @Xia Haohao and told him that he had retweeted it.If he hadn't seen it, wouldn't his job have been in vain?

"Thank you Brother Yin for your pointers/thumbs up"

After Xu Haohao saw it, he immediately left a message in this circle of friends, with a sincere attitude.

This is the commercial bragging between media people, a group of people in a small circle talking about themselves.

For Xu Haohao, most of the reason for writing Xiaolin Malatang was because of this article that Zhang Yin posted a while ago.Although the Fengxian Daily is only a county-level newspaper, and usually does not sell a few copies at all, but for the college students in the ivory tower, the traditional media still has a halo of high status.With the endorsement of this article, it seems that my excavation is more convincing.

At Xu Haohao's age and this position, all he can think about is how to make big news and add a dose of excitement to the dull and boring university life.Malatang, a food that ordinary people think of as mediocre or even a little low, is suddenly associated with positive energy, top ten delicacies and other honors, which makes it more topical.

He found the article that Zhang Yin posted on the official account of Fengxian Daily some time ago, and reciprocated it by forwarding it to his circle of friends.Then quoted the title and some paragraphs, and wrote an obviously inflammatory post and posted it on the campus forum:
"Xiaolin Malatang, well-deserved among the top ten delicacies"

What Xu Haohao wanted was a name, and while the lingering heat of the food festival was still there and everyone was still interested in relevant news, he wanted to add fuel to the flames.

Many students join the Fengyuan Weekly just for credits and resumes. Although there are editors, editors, and reporters in the magazine, as an idle student organization, there is not much binding force, and the rules and regulations are also very chaotic. , everyone writes his own thing.Ordinary editors and reporters have writing tasks. Many people just write a few hundred words every week and hand them in for a cutscene, as long as they can complete the tasks. They never think about writing influential articles.

Fengyuan has its own formal publications, which are published and edited by the school office. Many students who don't know it think that the two publications are issued by the school.

After posting the post, Xu Haohao sent the link to the work group of Fengyuan Weekly.As the editor-in-chief, needless to say, his intentions for this move were immediately understood by his colleagues, and everyone logged into the account of the campus forum to join him.

"This Xiaolin Malatang is really good."

"A roadside stall is as delicious as a restaurant. It can be seen that the owner is very hardworking."

"I also think that there is no problem with the top ten delicacies."

Even some guys who didn't read the article commented randomly:
"I never thought that there was such a delicious Malatang restaurant in Garbage Street. Compared with him, Zhang Guofu is just a piece of shit."

"I think this Mala Tang can rank first in the state."

Xu Haohao is well versed in the techniques of hype. If his title is "Xiao Lin Malatang is delicious", the post will definitely not gain too much popularity.However, he deliberately raised Xiaolin Malatang to the level of the top ten delicacies, which immediately attracted the attention of many altar fans.

"Who is Xiaolin Malatang? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Is this restaurant on the food festival? I have only eaten Zhang Guofu and Yang Liang, green fruits are also available, the environment is nice, small and fresh, but the level of stalls is not good."

In the beginning, it was just ordinary forum members making complaints, but soon, this kind of headline with no one else attracted a bunch of people who liked to argue, and they immediately found something strange based on the title and content:

"I am so familiar with Garbage Street that I can walk around with my eyes closed. Why have I never seen this Mala Tang?"

"The landlord is sure there is such a Mala Tang in Fengzhou District? Why can't I find it on Dianping? It can't be operated without a license."

The school forum has a popular mechanism. After a certain number of clicks and replies in a short period of time, it will be automatically topped, and the title will turn red, which is very eye-catching. You will see it as soon as you enter the water area.

Normally, all titles are in black font, and only moderators can post in color.The red post stands out among the black and white posts.

In the minds of many students, the top ten gourmet restaurants must be the kind of restaurant with bright and clean windows, clean walls, and no dead ends in hygiene. Only a few large-scale catering companies such as Long Kee Restaurant are worthy of this honor.Even if the owner of the snack bar wants to solicit votes, he rarely goes to the forum to solicit. He is so beautiful in the forest, and he probably attracts more black people than fans.Just call out in the customer group, and each friend will send it in a group.

Turnips and greens, everyone has their own favorites, even the Black Pearl quality Long Kee Restaurant has bad reviews.The college students who had nothing to do before going to bed immediately perked up when they saw such a topical post, and soon someone found out the real identity of Xiaolin Malatang:

"Boss Lin's hands are quite long. All the roadside stalls in the countryside of Fengxian County have come to Fengyuan."

"I thought how big it was. Zhang Guofu has nearly [-] stores around the world. Is he proud?"

Today’s college students are full of doubts and never superstitious about authority. If the title is “Xiaolin Malatang is not delicious at all, garbage”, some people will still refute, saying that the owner has no eyes, and this restaurant is definitely one of the top ten delicacies quality.

At first, it was just some forum friends who had never tried Xiaolin Malatang who were complaining and arguing with each other. It took a few minutes for someone to reply to a comment, and the post was always on the homepage.Xu Haohao prides himself on being a decent person, and it is enough to just throw some light on things, but it is really cheap to argue with people in person. After posting the post, he went to play Hearthstone Auto Chess and ate two chickens in one go.

Tong Bin was not in a good mood tonight because of being rejected by his sister. His roommate called him to stay overnight and didn't go. He went back to the dormitory early after eating.After watching an episode of the popular "Thirty Only", he just felt dizzy. The world of adults is too complicated, and it costs hundreds of thousands to go to kindergarten?It's unimaginable.

He swiped Weibo for a while, the funny bloggers didn't publish any high-quality content today, and they finished swiping in a while.Seeing that there was still some time before the lights were turned off, I opened the campus forum that I hadn't been on for several days, planning to gossip and sleep after a while.

As soon as you enter the water area, you will habitually glance at the top post. There will be some campus activities and government affairs information posted here. Sometimes news that you miss in the class group is learned through here.

"Eh? What's the matter with this hot post?"

On today's top post, there is a name that is very familiar to him-Xiaolin Malatang, why did he appear here?As the only fan, he immediately clicked into this post and read it from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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