Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 35 Chapter 35, sleep an extra hour a day

Chapter 35 35, sleep an extra hour a day
Lin Xiaojian pondered for a long time, thinking of referring to the suggestions of netizens.He opened the search engine and typed in "how to get good reviews from Dianping", tens of thousands of search results immediately popped up, and the top content came from a website called Zhihu.

"Zhihu? I seem to have heard of it. It's a very pretentious website."

Even migrant workers who have only worked for a few months, as long as they can play with mobile phones, they have heard of this very high-quality website with an annual user income of one million.Lin Xiaojian carefully clicked on the search content, and immediately experienced what it means to be forced - this website cannot be accessed without registration.

"Forget it, let's study it tomorrow, it's not too early."

He doesn't like to register too many accounts. He always feels that these websites are unreliable and his personal information is easily leaked.

"It seems that the only thing to do is the campus food festival next weekend?"

Lin Xiaojian suspected that it was because of this campus food festival that the system triggered the public comment task. If you think about it in this direction, you still have to attract more college students that day if you want to complete the task.

"Brother Chao, do you have a rest this Saturday? My classmates from Fengzhou College called me to attend their campus food festival and set up a stall selling Mala Tang. I might not be able to do it alone."

The next morning, when Ye Chao just woke up, Lin Xiaojian said to him.

"Oh? Are you going to set up a stall in the university? Good thing, I will ask the workshop director for leave today."

Ye Chao said happily, that's a university!He had never been there before, and he heard that the female college students inside were all white and tender, and they always wore short skirts and shorts when they went out on the street, with their long white legs exposed outside.

"How much is the booth fee?"

Ye Chao was wearing his underwear, suddenly his heart moved, he thought of the key point, and asked quickly, for fear that Lin Xiaojian would be deceived.

"No money, how can you ask for money for college students' activities?"

"By the way, do you know Dianping?"

Lin Xiaojian made an appointment with Brother Chao in advance, so that it would be inconvenient for him to ask for leave temporarily.Seeing that he was about to go out, he suddenly remembered the new task from last night, and asked a question on the sidelines.

"Dianping, what the hell is that?"

Ye Chao wondered, he only uses Kuaishou, WeChat and Taobao, and doesn't touch any other programs that come with the phone.

"It's a gourmet website."

Lin Xiaomo said ambiguously, he wanted to try to see where the scale of the system was.

After experiencing so many tasks, he became more courageous, and felt that he should be more proactive in the face of tasks, to find out where the margins of task requirements are, and not always passively accept them.

"Okay, I'll go back and look into it."

Seeing the younger brother's serious inquiry, Ye Chao knew it well, and was going to download it for a try when he was not busy.

"Why hasn't the delivery man come yet?"

By the time Ye Chao got dressed and went out, it was already 07:30, and Lin Xiaojian had already turned his phone back to ringing, for fear of missing the call to deliver food.

It’s normal for the driver to not be able to find the address for the first delivery, especially the farmer’s self-built house where he lives. The house number is very messy, and several buildings next to it are called No. 5, Group [-], Beishan Village. Most people really can’t tell the difference
The courier address for Lin Xiaojian’s online shopping is always directly written to New Oriental Plastic Factory. The factory has a big business and has a prominent house number, so he is not afraid that the courier will not be able to find it.

"Have your food deliverers come out?"

Seeing that it was already 8 o'clock, he became anxious, opened the customer service interface of the official account and started asking.

If there is any accident, it is still too late to go to the vegetable market.

"Hello, the dishes in Beishan Town have been delivered a long time ago. I'll contact the driver for you. Please wait for a while."

Unexpectedly, the customer service was a real person, and he responded quickly after receiving the question, and later sent a mobile phone number to come over, and the service was quite satisfactory. This move made Lin Xiaojian feel at ease.

"Hello, hello, your food will be here soon, there are still ten minutes."

"Today I bought a lot of vegetables, and I went to several stores."

After getting through the driver's phone, I could hear a very noisy voice over there, presumably the pickup truck was driving fast on Beishan Avenue.

People are always afraid of uncertain things. Whether they make this call or not, the driver is on the road and will not run away. But after the call, I heard the driver's thick and slightly apologetic voice, and I immediately felt relieved. Feeling refreshed.


In the background sound of the short video of joyous songs and laughter, there was a sound of cars driving outside the window. Lin Xiaojian noticed the slight incongruity. He stood up and looked outside the balcony. A small van with the logo of Mi Hao Life was printed. stopped downstairs.Before he could go out to say hello, the phone rang:
"Jingle Bell……"

"Hello, I live in Mihao. I'm at No. 5, Group [-], Beishan Village. Can you come down and get some food?"


Lin Xiaojian ran downstairs in "Tata" slippers, watched the driver take out one strong blue plastic bag after another, quickly opened one of them, and hurriedly took out the enoki mushrooms, small green vegetables, baby vegetables and other dishes inside.

At first glance, the quality of these dishes is not bad, they are quite fresh and juicy, the surface is not broken, and the roots are very plump. He took a few of them and used the identification technique:

[Small green vegetables: from Simen, freshness 88]

[Enoki mushroom: produced in Qihe, freshness 81]

[Lao Tofu: Produced in Fengzhou, freshness 84]

Since he got the systematic identification technique, Lin Xiaojian's food identification ability has improved very slowly, and the gap with the two abilities of food material processing and cooking has become wider and wider.

He randomly inspected a few dishes that he didn't see clearly, and the results of the appraisal were all satisfactory, and he casually looked at the others.Because the system identification technique has a daily limit and cannot be used unlimitedly, most of the time you still have to rely on your own eyes and experience to judge the quality.

"Okay, I'll carry it in by myself, and you can just put it at the door in the future."

The first shopping experience was not bad. Lin Xiaojian couldn't help laughing at the thought of getting an extra hour of sleep in the future, especially since these vegetables are much cheaper than HIA in the vegetable market.

But after the pickup truck left, he discovered a problem—the freezer was too small to hold so many dishes. Vegetables costing more than 200 yuan, there are always more than 80 catties in zero and zero. Vegetables are relatively large, and there is a small bag of small green vegetables per catty. 80 catties of vegetables are twice as large as 80 liters of water. The original refrigerator and freezer are basically Can't hold it.

There was originally a refrigerator in this self-built house, which was a second-hand product used by the landlord before, and was reserved for the residents to use.But New Oriental Plastic Factory has a cafeteria, so they don’t need to cook by themselves, and no one uses it at ordinary times, which happens to be cheaper for Lin Xiaojian.

"Hey, I bought too many vegetables, and I have to buy a bigger freezer."

Before that, he bought 1-2 catties of the same vegetable every day. If there is too much, he is afraid that he will not be able to sell it, and it will become stale after a long time. Anyway, he does not need to buy too much if he buys it every day.But now, in order to make up the amount for home delivery, I have bought a lot more for each dish, and new problems have also emerged.

"Fortunately, the battery car was fully charged last night. Hurry up and buy a freezer."

Since he has money in WeChat, Lin Xiaojian has become more casual when shopping.Quickly cleaned up and put the dishes in the corner so as not to affect other people's traffic, he quickly started the battery car and drove towards the second-hand equipment market.

"The young man's business is good!"

Seeing that Lin Xiaojian bought a small freezer a few days ago, he came to buy one from National Taiwan University. The boss was a little surprised, and immediately recommended to him the treasure he had treasured for many years:

"Target: Haier Freezer Commercial Edition XL"

[Owner: Xiao Zhang's second-hand equipment, power 35, usage rate 31]

"Target: Xinfei Freezer Large Rapid Cooling Model"

[Owner: Xiao Zhang's second-hand equipment, power 41, usage rate 47]


Seeing the boss bring out these two old antiques, Lin Xiaojian couldn't help laughing contemptuously. If he didn't have identification skills, he might have taken a fancy to these two freezers that looked bright and porcelain white.But now after looking at the essence from the outside, I know that most of these two old antiques have been repainted, and the inside and outside are seriously inconsistent.

However, he did not refuse, but pretended to pat the outside of the motor, and asked the boss to turn on the power and listen to the sound of operation, and then said decisively: "You two old guys are a little old, right? It's better to keep them." It’s okay to deceive laymen, the goods I want must be at least [-]% new.”

The lower the power of the refrigeration equipment, the worse the effect, and the temperature will not drop if there is a little more things, and frost will easily accumulate over a long period of time.Those with power below 50 will be unlucky whoever uses them, and the waste recycling station is their destination.


Boss Zhang didn't expect that this young man with fluff on his lips would have such vicious eyes. He had re-sprayed the paint on the outside, even if the old master came, he might not be able to see it.Can you hear so many tricks just by listening to the sound of the motor?With this ability, why do you feel that he is the owner of the second-hand equipment store?
"Are young people nowadays so powerful?"

Boss Zhang shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I only have two large freezers here. Since the little boss is also knowledgeable, I'll tell you not to swear, and I'll give you a [-]% discount. If you think it's okay, you can take it away now. "

"I really didn't earn a penny at this price, and it cost dozens of dollars to repaint. If it didn't feel like it was too much of a hindrance, the shopkeeper wouldn't be able to sell things at a loss."

Boss Zhang's tone this time revealed a seven-point truth.

"Two fold?"

Hearing this price, Lin Xiaojian's heart moved.You can also buy the Taizhong size at the same price. You can put vegetables on your own. It is large in size and small in weight. It can also be used if the cooling effect is slightly barely adequate.If it really doesn’t work, I’ll change the channel at that time. The hundreds of catties of iron can still be worth some money!
"Okay, 11% off is 3% off, I don't want to bargain with you, can I just wipe off the [-] yuan change? Then deliver it to my door, and the warranty will be [-] months."

As a colleague, he understands the current mentality of the small boss very well. When the price has been paid and there is nothing to pay back, asking for some service commitments can be regarded as an insatiable achievement to a certain extent.

For services like warranty, if nothing goes wrong, it is a blank check at no cost.Besides, to what extent second-hand equipment can give you a warranty, it is nothing more than remotely instructing you to change screws and chips. If you really encounter a big problem, you still have to spend money to replace parts.

(End of this chapter)

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