Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 323 Chapter 323, Branch Rhapsody 3 (The Finale)

Chapter 323 Chapter 323, Branch Rhapsody 3 (The Finale)

This summer in Fengzhou is particularly sweltering, and even the cicadas on the branches are baked, and they lose the strength to call, lying motionless on their stomachs.After finally surviving the summer, we ushered in an even more aggressive autumn tiger. In September, the high temperature remained above 9 degrees.

In such weather, the popularity of Garbage Street has dropped sharply. Many shops cannot make a single order for a whole day and can only rely on takeaway to make ends meet. Yaotong Tanglao is one of them.

Before the opening, Yao Wei was full of confidence and was ready to punch Zhang Guofu, kick Yang Liang, and drown Qingguo by spitting, but the reality was cruel.The business was full in the first half of the month, and it was operating at full capacity in the first two months. From the third month, it continued to decline. The newly recruited waiters were dismissed to save money after not working for a long time. Only two people were hired in the store. dishes, one does odd jobs and washes dishes.

He and Tong Bin thought of various ways to promote the promotion, and spent a lot of money on various self-media advertisements such as Flavor Fengzhou, Fengyuan Diary, Fengzhou Gourmet, etc., but with little effect.Only in the week of promotion, the business was good, but the activity price profit was meager. After a cycle, the income just equaled the advertising fee, which was tantamount to working for the media.

After several months, they finally realized the reality. Although the influence of weather factors is not small, the main reason is that there are problems in their own operations.

Setting up street stalls, they can earn two to three hundred yuan a day, and 300-500 yuan a day when the market is good, which inflates their self-confidence and feels that they can afford the sky-high rent on Junk Street, but things are counterproductive.

Yao Wei also wants to continue to set up a stall and start with light assets, but the street stall economy is just a gust of wind after all. If you don’t grasp the window period for transformation and upgrading, you will still be eliminated in the future.Who doesn't know that the business in the Higher Education District is easy to do. In the past, it was a strict management street, and there were city management patrols every day, so there was no soil for survival.

The starting point of Yaotong Tanglao is much higher than that of Xiaolin Malatang. Fengzhou College, together with the nearby Feng Vocational College and Feng Gong College, has more than 2 teachers and students. The consumption power of these people is several times stronger than that of Beishan Industrial Zone. It is easy to achieve daily sales of thousands.But opening a shop and setting up a stall are completely different things.

Although they are not losing money now, they have wasted their own labor value and opportunity cost, especially when Tong Bin spends his evenings in the store, alienating him from campus life. From another perspective, it is not worth the loss.

Yao Wei and Tong Bin were classmates in elementary school and junior high school. His academic performance was not good. After graduating from junior high school, he went to a vocational school and studied mechanical manufacturing. He worked in a local water pump factory for two years. I didn't work for a long time.He and Lin Xiaojian had similar experiences. They were both unsuited to the factory, and chose to work as a seemingly free stall while the external environment allowed.

Half a year later, the duo, who were at their wits' end, began to consider a transfer.

As a major shareholder, Lin Xiaojian was naturally the first to receive the news.

During this period of time, he has been helping the two of them to make suggestions, and even came to help give advice during the holidays. He didn't ignore it just because he completed the task. After all, he invested real money.

He was very puzzled by this, using the same soup base, why Beishan can succeed, but Fengyuan can't, obviously the students at the Fengyuan Food Festival are flocking to it!

Yao Tong Tang Lao is an experiment for Lin Xiaojian. After the catering scale is established, branching must be considered.Although he seems to be at a disadvantage in terms of investment and dividends, he can make some profits from the soup base. To some extent, they are helping him step on the thunder.


"Boss Lin, you can find someone who cooks vegetables again. I'm quitting. I plan to go back to my hometown and open my own shop."

"Have you made up your mind?"

Autumn was getting stronger, and after finishing the busy Saturday night rush hour, Chen Dagang lit a cigarette, his face was clouded by the smoke, and he finally made a decision to Lin Xiaojian that he had considered for a long time.

Lin Xiaojian had expected this for a long time. In this industry, anyone who is capable will not be willing to be inferior to others, unless it is a formal restaurant that can provide career development and welfare guarantees, in order to retain talents.Xiaolin Seafood Malatang is still a long way from this level.

Chen Dagang is capable and thoughtful, and he is definitely not a fool like Xiaohu.After getting along for more than a year, Lin Xiaojian vaguely guessed the other party's plan.

"Yes, working for others is not a long-term solution after all."

Chen Dagang took a deep breath of cloud smoke, and exhaled a faint smoke ring into the air. This was the first time he made such a frivolous gesture in front of Lin Xiaojian during his one year of work.

In fact, Lin Xiaojian still likes to cooperate with this kind of people. They act with discretion, even if they disagree with you, there are traces to follow.For example, he resigned this time because Xiaolin Seafood Malatang could not provide more room for improvement, so he wanted to change his career to start his own business.With a freewheeling personality like Xiaohu, there is no guarantee that he will quit his job one day, and he will not care about the feelings of his boss and colleagues at all.

"How about we try to cooperate?"

Lin Xiaojian had an idea, and suddenly thought of the transfer that Tong Bin had told him.

For store transfer, the ideal situation is to find a lessee that is consistent with your business project, so that various equipment can be depreciated and some transfer fees can be returned.Otherwise, you can only throw the second-hand equipment to Boss Zhang. If you can sell it for [-]% of the sales price, it will be considered good.

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?"

Chen Dagang was overjoyed. He had thought about countless ways that Boss Lin might propose to retain him, but he had never thought about "cooperation".

Xiaolin Seafood Malatang is now developing strongly and is well-known in Fengzhou. It can sell at least 5000 yuan a day, and it is absolutely impossible for him to get a piece of the pie.Besides, this achievement has nothing to do with Chen Dagang, he is just a tool man with no technical content, and he can maintain a similar level if he cooks vegetables with another person.

"My friend has a mala tang shop in Fengzhou College in the urban area to sell. Do you think you are interested?"

"Downtown? Isn't the rent cheap?"

"For sure, but the popularity is also high. There are several universities nearby. It's like playing for two or three thousand a day."

"Hmm... You should find the steamer first. I'll go and have a look when I have time. Which store is it?"

"Yao Tong Tanglao is on the garbage street opposite Fengyuan."

A week later, Lin Xiaojian found a new vegetable cooker and approved Zhang Dagang's resignation.After half a month of investigation, Zhang Dagang decided to take over Yaotong Tanglao, and reached a franchise agreement with Xiaolin Seafood Malatang.

The current Xiaolin Seafood Malatang is no longer Wuxia Ameng. At the beginning, a piece of paper on the front of the tricycle was regarded as a signboard.Now, through the introduction of Fengwei Fengzhou, Lin Xiaojian found a professional organization to design a complete set of store VI, from store signs to tableware, as well as scenery, packing bags and even WeChat profile pictures, revealing the fashionable temperament favored by young people everywhere.

Chen Dagang has seen all these changes. If the soup base is more delicious, it is not enough for him to spend money to buy Lin Xiaojian's brand.If you want to export the brand, you have to make franchisees feel that their investment can be rewarded in terms of management, technology, brand value and other aspects.

After doing a lot of things, I found out that it is not difficult, and it is not as expensive as I imagined. Standing in the position of a layman and looking at flowers in the fog, I will naturally feel that I cannot afford it.When Lin Xiaojian first started self-media, Xiaolin Malatang was still a little-known roadside stall, but he also made certain achievements.Now each video will have more than a dozen interactions, not too much, and it is quite good to rely on word-of-mouth fermentation without spending money on operation, relying on the accumulation of bits and pieces in his daily work.

After getting to know Zhong Lingling and Yu Zitong, his horizons in this area have been broadened.Self-media is indeed a good tool, which helped him gain the word-of-mouth that time-honored restaurants can take several years or more to brew.

Now the stall owners in the Beishan market all know Boss Xiaolin’s vibrato is good, and he often sees him recording videos with his mobile phone talking to himself in the aquaculture tank, but no one wants to be the second one to eat crabs .The old concepts restricted them. They would obviously have video calls with their families, but they never thought of shooting promotional videos in the past, and they dared not embrace new technologies.

Lin Xiaojian promised Chen Dagang to use the brand of Xiaolin Seafood Malatang, and used his self-media account to help promote Chen Dagang's new store.As the first franchise store, he charged a small amount of franchise fee as a symbol, and his reputation has spread. Are you afraid that there will be no money to make?

"Ding, you have completed the achievement: Branch Rhapsody."

"Ding, you have triggered the growth task: chain operation."


The whole book is finished.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Tianshi Swastika, Yang Baba, who love life, love reading and love themselves

  This book can write more than 60 words, put it on the shelf, and get a manuscript fee of more than 2000 yuan (2 yuan for full attendance in February). To be honest, it has exceeded my initial expectations.Choosing this time to finish the book has little to do with grades, because I have already finished what I want to write.

  The title of the book is "Standing Up", so naturally I didn't intend to write about the later stages of the opening of branches all over the city, and even chain listing.The original intention of this book is to record some of my experiences and ideas when starting a business. There are many "persuasion" plots in the front. I have actually beautified these, and there are many more cruel ones that have not been written, for fear that they will not pass the censorship.

  Readers who see here will naturally accept my writing style. The style of the new book currently under consideration should be similar to this book. A supporting role with more roles.After uploading, I will definitely inform everyone here. It is not easy to attract a few paying readers (laughs)

  Everyone is welcome to continue to leave a message to discuss the plot, and I will watch it.

  Finally, thank you for your support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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