Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 315 Chapter 315, Changing the Way of Business 3

Chapter 315 Chapter 315, Changing the Way of Business 3
"Hey, Boss Lin, didn't you go somewhere else to make a lot of money today?"

When Lin Xiaojian returned to the market, his peers greeted him one after another.

A few days before the exhibition, he put up a sign at the stall to remind customers that he would have four days of rest and not to run out when the time came.For small vendors who set up their stalls day after day, the direct economic loss in the few days without leaving the stall is secondary, and the permanent loss of customers is the main reason why they dare not rest.

Most of the diners in the snack bar are temporary in their long-term habits. They don't plan a Malatang meal for a long time, and usually make their choices 30 minutes before deciding to eat.Once they run empty once, they will subconsciously exclude you when they make a choice next time, which will affect their long-term performance in the future.

"It's over there, let's sell some more at night."

"You have such a good business, you still work so hard."

"That is, if you sell it for one noon at the exhibition, is it enough for us to sell it for a week?"

The colleagues said to him in a slightly joking tone.

Xiao Lin Malatang is not around, there must be some customers who will flow to their stall like water from a pond, and everyone hopes that he will rest for a few days from time to time, so as to keep them nourished.

"Hehe, there aren't many vegetables left, so I'll sell them casually."

Lin Xiaojian smiled, and could feel the complicated emotions in his colleagues.He didn't even bring back an aquaculture tank. Xiaolin Malatang sold without seafood is like an eagle without wings, and it can be called casually sold.

The main reason for the temporary decision to come back to the stall tonight is that it’s a pity not to deal with the prepared dishes. The meatballs have been skewered and the vegetables have been tied up. They will be sold by weight at the exhibition tomorrow. It's a waste, so just bring it back and sell it.

But in this way, he doesn't have many dishes to sell, and the old display cabinets are empty, which has a great visual impact on customers.Seeing the incomplete types of dishes inside, everyone's first reaction is that these dishes are leftovers from sales, and they must not be very fresh.

Lin Xiaojian didn't want to waste so much effort on the side dishes. After becoming a boss, he has a mentality that he can't see any waste.In addition, the booth closing time of the exhibition was earlier than expected, and I rested before dark, which made me feel even more sorry.

Referring to today's situation, he adjusted tomorrow's work and rest time, requiring everyone to go to the stall to prepare dishes at 7 o'clock, and then take the car to the venue together after the dishes are prepared.Anyway, I get off work early in the afternoon, so the working hours are still reduced, which means that everyone has changed to the morning shift.

Among the three employees, only Xiaohu showed hesitation, fearing that he would not be able to get up in the morning if he was used to staying up late.

"It sold more than 7000 today, which is less than expected."

Holding a mobile phone to calculate today's performance, the number of people dining at the noon exhibition is several times that of the Beishan Market, and the customers' spending power is also very strong, but the turnover has not broken through too much, which makes Lin Xiaojian think.

"It should be because I can't keep up with the cooking speed."

He finally realized the feeling of insufficient production capacity that is often said on Kanshang’s Douyin account. Although he often queues up at the market, he doesn’t queue up a lot of people. Basically, he can digest it, and there is very little loss of customers.But at the exhibition, he lost at least half of the people because he blanched too slowly. If he blanched fast enough, he believed that the turnover could double again.

Another reason for Lin Xiaojian to set up a stall at the Beishan Market at night is that this place is suitable for thinking. The house is too quiet. Sitting in the stall and watching the world of fireworks, thoughts are flowing in his head.

"Tomorrow it will be changed to weighing, and the performance is estimated to increase by another 9000 to [-] percent. It should be no problem to reach [-]."

He recalled the sales volume of stewed seafood in casserole, which was about 1000. This ratio was similar to that in the market. Compared with the super high customer price per order, this ratio can be said to be surprising.

The reason may be that the atmosphere at the exhibition was relatively impetuous, and customers were not in the mood to eat a big meal.Even if they want to eat, there is no place for them to sit. They can't squat on the ground with a bowl to peel crabs, right?That's too troublesome, and there must be many people who have given up the idea of ​​eating seafood because of this reason.

Part of the business model at the exhibition is completely opposite to the normal business model. If there is a long line for a store in the shopping mall, and the shops next to it are empty, the business of the lined up store will get better and better, and the empty store will not get much glory. , forming the Matthew effect.And at the exhibition, everyone is in a hurry. If there is a long queue here, everyone will go to the other side of the stall where there is no queue to eat casually. All the stalls are relatively balanced, and the strong will not be strong.

Lin Xiaojian followed his own train of thought, and after ordering tomorrow's dishes, he closed the stall and went home at 21:00.The business in the evening was not very good, and only sold more than 500. Counting this part, today's sales can break through 8000, which is a new sales record.

He looked through the number of payments received today, divided the total sales by the odd number, and calculated that the unit price was around 40 yuan, more than double the usual amount.From this point of view, the number of sales orders today is not much higher than that during the peak hours of the market. If the number of sales orders can be increased, it will be easy for sales to exceed [-].

"Let's talk about tomorrow's situation. It's the first time I participated in the exhibition. I don't know what kind of model is suitable. I will count it next time."

Lin Xiaojian's mind is very relaxed, and he is not depressed because he did not perform well today.

On the morning of the second day of the China (Fengzhou) Machine Tool Expo, Mayor Lu and the Director of the Dongjiang New District Management Committee accompanied the Fengxian County Magistrate to inspect the on-site guidance work of the exhibition and visited key enterprises in Fengxian County participating in the exhibition.

There was a temporary arrangement in the city yesterday morning. The county magistrate left in a hurry after delivering his speech at the opening ceremony. He didn't have time to inspect.

"Why is it so lively over there?"

After looking at the north exhibition hall, a group of people walked towards the south exhibition hall, passed by the rest area, and saw a whole row of stalls here, and there were many people in front of one of the stalls, but there were no other stalls. The county magistrate asked curiously.

"That's the dining area over there. Let's go take a look and express our condolences to the support staff."

Mayor Lu accompanied the leader all morning, waiting for these words.


The county magistrate originally didn't plan to go there and join in the fun. As a big shot, he naturally has the reserve of a big shot. The dining area is not the focus of the exhibition, so what is there to see?But seeing that Mayor Lu was very enthusiastic and embarrassed to spoil the fun, the group walked towards the stall.

Seeing this group of people rushing over, the leader of the group was very popular, and the customers gathered in front of the stall dispersed one after another without being expelled, making way for them.

"It's you?"

The county magistrate looked past Chen Dagang and Xiaohu, and saw Lin Xiaojian, who was cooking hot dishes in front of the induction cooker, and was deeply impressed by this most beautiful delivery boy.

Those who can become leaders have good eyesight for recognizing people.

"Ah, you, hello!"

Lin Xiaojian only had a little impression of the county magistrate, but when he saw that the mayor Lu was following his lead, he immediately remembered his identity.

"Why do you set up a stall here?"

The county magistrate asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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