God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 77 I Choose Li Bai

Chapter 77 I Choose Li Bai
Chen Er took out the Fen wine he had brought from Xinghua Village, and took off the cork.

A scent of wine wafted out.

There is still the cool smell of rain in the air, coupled with the sweet aroma of Fenjiu, it is like smashing a jar of honey in the rain.

After being washed away by the rain, the aroma became very light, but became increasingly fresh and pleasant.

Chen Er held Fenjiu in his hand, looked at the camera and asked, "Do you know what other things in Xinghua Village are famous besides Fenjiu?"

Everyone began to speculate.

"Xinghua Village! Of course it is Xinghua!"



"..." Chen Er couldn't help laughing, "Guess what the shepherd boy is..."

Then he showed a very serious expression, "I gave you a chance, you can't even guess this."

"Bamboo Leaf Green."

"Bamboo Leaf Green Wine is an ancient famous wine in China. The earliest period can be traced back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties."

Chen Er raised the Fenjiu in his hand as he spoke, "And Fenjiu is the basis for making Bamboo Leaf Green."

It was then that everyone suddenly realized that Chen Er had been looking for spices and medicinal materials everywhere just to prepare Bamboo Leaf Green Wine?
Riding a snail to a well-off life: "There are medicinal materials in the materials Chen Laoshi found, is this Zhuyeqing medicinal wine?"

Chen Er nodded, "Appropriate consumption of Bamboo Leaf Green does have health-care effects."

"However, in the past, Zhuyeqing was brewed from rice wine mixed with bamboo leaves, which is different from the brewing method we use today."

As he spoke, he opened several small boxes containing materials.

"Today, the anchor uses the mixing method to brew Bamboo Leaf Green."

"To put it simply, it is a blend of two methods."

Then show everyone the materials in the box one by one.

"These are the materials needed to make Zhuyeqing."

"Amomum, red sandalwood, and clove. These three are all seen before, so I won't repeat them."

After Chen Er finished speaking, he put these three things into the wine jar.

Then he picked up another small box.

"This is angelica root and tangerine peel. Such common things need no introduction..."

So some fans complained.

Pork Stewed Vermicelli: “I have never seen such a lazy anchor!”

Chen Er opened another box.

"Hey, this one needs an introduction."

"The anchor bought these at the pharmacy, because these two things are not easy to collect and require a professional person to do them."

Chen Er handed the things in his hand to the camera.

This is something similar to dried plant branches or roots.

It was yellowish brown, cut into slices, and placed neatly in Chen Er's palm.

"This is Patriotia grandiflorum, also known as Asterracea."

"Originally produced in Kashmir, it is cultivated in Mount Emei, Weixi, Kunming, GX, Guiyang, Dushan and other places in my country. The taproot is thick, cylindrical, and has a special aroma."

Chen Er picked up a piece and smelled it.

"Intense aroma, with a special smell, slightly astringent and bitter."

Put Guang Muxiang into the wine jar, Chen Er opened another small box.

There are dried medicinal herbs inside, the branches and leaves are separated, and the branches have been cut into small pieces.

"This is Linglingxiang."

""Illustrated Book of Materia Medica" contains: Linglingxiang, which is found in all the states of Hu and Ling today, often grows in wetlands. The leaves are like hemp, facing each other in two, and the stems are square and airy like weeds. They often bloom in mid-July and end in mid-July. Fragrance, the so-called smoked grass in ancient times, or cloud, the same with smoked grass."

"This herb has long been used by Chinese people as incense."

"Linglingxiang can also be used as medicine. It is mainly used to treat typhoid fever, colds, headaches, and fullness of the chest and abdomen."

Chen Er picked up a leaf and put it on the tip of his nose.

"It really smells good."

"The scent is warm and rich, like being on a sunny hillside surrounded by wildflowers."

"The fragrance of flowers is overflowing, the sun is blooming at the beginning, and the fragrance is warmed by the sun, which makes people warm all the way to the bottom of their hearts."

Put all the spices into the wine jar.

Chen Er took out another thing wrapped in oil paper.

When I opened it, it was a bag full of rock candy.

Pour in the rock sugar.

Chen Er clapped his hands and said, "Zhuyeqing, Zhuyeqing, without bamboo leaves, this wine would not be complete."

After speaking, he coughed a few times, and then quickly glanced around.

"Keep an eye on me, don't let me get caught..."

After Chen Er finished speaking, he immediately turned over the railing of the pavilion and jumped down.

The bamboo next to it towers like a cloud and stretches to an invisible end.

Chen Er patted the trunks of several bamboos lightly.

He saw bamboo leaves fluttering down from the top of his head.

Accompanied by the rainwater accumulated on the bamboo leaves, it seemed to be raining again.

Standing under the bamboo, Chen Er quickly shook off a large cloth towel in his hand.

The green bamboo leaves are like butterflies falling in the wind.

Frightened, it fluttered its wings and fell from the branches.

Soon there was a pile of whole towels.

"It's been raining here, so the leaves fall down very easily."

Chen Er was content to pick the bamboo leaves he had collected.

Select the bamboo leaves with fresh color and fresh smell and put them into the wine jar.

"This is called picking up leaks. I'm not destroying nature."

As he spoke, he coughed twice again, with a serious look.

"And it just rained, so I don't need to wash these leaves."

The materials are all gone.

Chen Er stuffed the wine cork back, and then vigorously shook the wine jar in his hand.

After wandering for a long time, he walked towards the bamboo forest with the wine jar in his arms.

"We have to let this jar of wine absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon as much as possible... feel the artistic influence of the bamboo sea."

He glanced around.

Everyone guessed what he was going to do.

There is a tiger in his heart: "Chen Laoshi is going to bury the wine jar in the bamboo forest?"

Stewed Pork Vermicelli: "Quick!! Write down the coordinates!"

Riding a snail to run to Xiaokang: "Do you want to form a team to steal wine together! Come and sign up!"

A watermelon is not an east melon: "Go away, what are you talking about as a person staying in a foreign country, I want to contact my friend who is studying in college in Rongcheng!"

The tea egg invaded the earth: "Hahaha, it's finally my turn to play tricks! To tell you the truth, everyone, I'm going to university in Rongcheng!"

Chen Er looked at the booing fans all over the screen, and then smiled.

"I'll make you laugh."

Then with a flick of the finger, the live camera automatically moved to the sky.

Move on to photograph some trembling bamboo leaves.

So everyone can only see the bamboo on the screen.

Chen Er quickly found a perfect spot with the wine jar, buried the wine jar, and covered it with a layer of fallen bamboo leaves.

Then he returned to the pavilion whistling.

Only then did the live camera fall back on him.

"I didn't expect Chen Laoshi to be such an insidious person!"

"Teacher Chen Er is a big villain, he will hammer your chest with a small fist, blah... the big hammer is 100, the small hammer is 50, choose yourself!"

Chen Er was stunned, looked at the camera and said, "I choose... Li Bai..."

(End of this chapter)

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