God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 425 Who is this woman?

Chapter 425 Who is this woman?

Chen Er continued to taste the food on the table. He felt that compared to the cold soup and Spanish meatballs in the front, the two dishes at the back did not surprise him much.

The feeling of tapas is more like Huaxia’s skewers, but the taste is very light. Even if Huaxia’s skewers don’t have chili powder, at least they will be sprinkled with cumin.

But this Spanish tapas is like a low-end version of skewers. Although it is a combination of meat and vegetables, the color looks very beautiful.

However, Chen Er felt that the tapas tasted a bit off.

The two dishes eaten earlier, the gazpacho and the Spanish meatballs, both have the characteristics of a very strong Mediterranean meal.

And this tapas gives Chen Er the feeling that it is like ordinary western food. At most, the taste is slightly better when eating, and it has a little more flavor than ordinary western food, but there is not much difference in essence.

As for the Hornazo, its characteristics are a little more obvious than Tapas.

Chen Er believes that it is mostly because of the Iberian sausage in the Hornazo.

So it tastes pretty good.

When Shen Yinian ate the Hornazo, she choked, and she gulped down a big mouthful of water before swallowing the pie in her mouth.

"I think the taste of this cake is a bit strange..."

Shen Yinian looked at the sliced ​​pie on the plate strangely, paused for a while and continued, "Actually, it should be said that it's the sausage slices in this pie, which taste a bit strange."

"I think it's a bit too sweet, and it has a weird meaty smell..."

Shen Yinian obviously didn't like this taste very much.

Chen Er nodded, "Indeed, when making Iberian sausages, the main additive is sugar."

Iberian sausage is one of the representative delicacies of Spain.

Therefore, its taste is a very typical Mediterranean dining style, with light taste and attention to ingredients.

This means that the Spaniards will not adjust the price of any spices or anti-corrosion methods when making sausages, but will only let the sausages dry normally.

The main ingredients for making Iberian sausage, besides pork, are black pepper, garlic, salt and sugar.

None of these things can suppress the fishy smell. The only ones that can have this effect are garlic and black pepper. But you must not add too much garlic and pepper. If you add too much, it will choke people.

In Iberian sausages, the only seasonings that are used in large quantities are salt and sugar.

They both act as a little bit of preservative.

But it has little effect on suppressing the meaty smell in the sausage.

Spain is close to the sea, and the sausages are easy to handle.

Chen Er looked at Shen Yinian and said, "So, this sausage is fishy and sweet."

Shen Yinian waved his hands again and again, "Anyway, I don't think it's very tasty."

Chen Er felt that the one they were eating in front of them was not bad, at least the Iberian sausage was baked in the oven.

Many times, Spaniards eat this Iberian sausage directly after cutting it, and that taste is called Chong.

The first day of shooting in Spain was over. Chen Er planned to take a day off and sleep in. Unexpectedly, a phone call came early the next morning.

The moment Chen Er heard the phone ringing, he regretted extremely why he didn't mute it when he was sleeping.

And when he got up, he glanced at the alarm clock beside his bed. It was now 08:30 in the morning.

Chen Er picked up his cell phone and looked even more desperate. The call was actually from Dou Yitong!

"Brother, there is a seven-hour time difference between Spain and China. It's late at night in your place. Why don't you call me if you don't sleep!"

Dou Yitong seemed to be standing at the air outlet, the surrounding was very quiet, only the sound of the wind blowing, and almost no other sounds could be heard.

But he didn't seem suitable for speaking loudly at the moment, he lowered his voice, a little nervous and a little vigilant.

"Master, master, something happened..."

When Chen Er heard this, he immediately sat up from the bed and regained consciousness immediately.

Dou Yitong seemed to be paying close attention to something on the other end of the phone.

He paused and then continued to talk to Chen Er, "Master, didn't you give me the cat before you left..."

Before Chen Er left, he did ask Dou Yitong to help take care of the cat, which he originally intended to hand over to Gou Xuefang.But Gou Xuefang was on a business trip recently and was not in Yanjing.

And Dou Yitong took the cat to him today and took care of it nearby.But without paying attention, the cat ran away.

Now Dou Yitong searched around, but found no trace of the cat, so he thought, the cat still knew its way, might it not get used to the new environment, and ran home by itself.

So Dou Yitong felt like running to Chen Er's small courtyard, and it was already one in the morning.

Dou Yitong found the cat on the roof of the small courtyard, and was about to go up and take the cat down.

However, at this time, Dou Yitong found a muscular man in a black jacket turned out of Chen Er's room.

The man looked around and found no one, so he quickly closed the window and slipped away.

Dou Yitong lowered his voice and said, "I followed that man all the way, and now he meets a woman in Xifu Park."

"Guess who this woman is?"

Chen Er glanced at the sun outside the window and squinted his eyes slightly, "Who is this woman?"

Although Chen Er was asking, but his heart was already a bit bottomed out.

Dou Yitong took a breath, "The one who came that day, Mr. Shuidong."

Dou Yitong's tone was full of surprise and puzzlement, mixed with anger.

He was not only angry with Shui Dongjun's actions, but also angry that he himself believed that Shui Dongjun was a good person.

Chen Er nodded without any surprise.

"Well, you can go now, quietly, don't be found."

Chen Er thought for a while and added, "Contact me after you get home safely. The man who sneaked into my house is agile and very difficult to deal with."

Dou Yitong hung up the phone and then hurried away.

Fortunately, that man spoke very seriously to Shui Dongjun, and Dou Yitong hid relatively far away, so the two of them didn't notice Dou Yitong's existence.

Dou Yitong ran far away, and when he was blown by the late night wind, he realized that he was covered in cold sweat on his back, and it was freezing at the moment.

After about 20 minutes, Dou Yitong called Chen Er back.

Dou Yitong asked Chen Er anxiously, "Master, did they come for the kraft paper bag they gave you that day?"

(End of this chapter)

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