God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 382 Margaret

Chapter 382 Margaret
Chen Er bought a few bottles of tequila on the spot, and planned to send some back to China to drink, and some to make cocktails later.

Fans were surprised to find that when Chen Er bought tequila, he didn't pay as much attention to the year as he did when he bought liquor and wine.

Chen Erdao, "Because there is no special age requirement for tequila, although it can also be graded according to the aging method, most people who drink tequila don't pay much attention to the age."

For example, there is a kind of wine called white tequila in tequila, which is tequila that has no age at all.It is also very popular in the market.

Chen Er thinks that the freshly brewed tequila has a faint agave aroma, which is more fragrant and attractive.

Therefore, Chen Er prefers the tequila that has just been brewed.

"Okay, next, let's make a few cocktails with the freshly brewed tequila here."

Chen Er took all the things prepared in advance from the car.

Cocktails are called alcohol, but they are actually more like a compound drink.It is generally made by mixing two or more wines or beverages, fruit juices, and soft drinks, and has certain nutritional value and appreciation value.

To make a cocktail, the base alcohol is essential.

There are many kinds of base alcohol for cocktails. In addition to the tequila that Chen Er uses now, there are also rum, vodka, whiskey, brandy and so on.

Of course, in addition to wine, the choice of auxiliary ingredients that can be added to cocktails is also very diverse.Such as fruit juice, egg white, milk, coffee, etc., can be added to cocktails.

Chen Er raised the tequila in his hand, "However, since there is so much tequila today, the anchor will choose tequila as the base drink for the cocktails he will make later."

Among the cocktails that use tequila as the base alcohol, the most famous one should be the Margarita.

Margarita is known as the queen of cocktails and is one of the most well-known traditional cocktails in the world except Martini.It was also the winner of the 1949 National Cocktail Competition.

"There are many ways to prepare Margaret, and there are about [-] kinds. Today, we will make a standard one."

Chen Er first took out a tall cocktail glass and put it on the table.

Take out another packet of salt and sprinkle it directly on the table.Then cut a green lemon, moisten the edge of the wine glass with a slice of lemon, then turn the wine glass upside down on the table with salt, and stain it with some salt to make snowflakes.

"This step can be done casually, there are no special requirements, just a circle of salt on the edge of the wine glass is enough."

Put the wine glass soaked in salt aside, don't worry about it for now.

Chen Er then introduced the other tools and raw materials that need to be used.

The most essential tool for making cocktails is, of course, the shaker.

Most of the bartenders are mixers made of silver or stainless steel, and a few are glass products. It is a tool that can fully mix and cool various bartending materials.

For Chen Er, he doesn't have any special requirements for the shaker, he just needs a little bit and no other flavors.

So Chen Er chose a silver shaker.

The silver shaker will not have the special smell of metal and is more convenient to use.

Of course, the tools for making cocktails need other tools besides the shaker.List such as carrying cups, bar spoons, ice buckets and ice clips, measuring cups, etc.

As for the raw materials for making Margarita, in addition to tequila, one lime, Cointreau orange wine, and lime juice are also needed.

The modulation process is also not troublesome.

Add 40ml of tequila, 20ml of Cointreau, 20ml of lime juice, and a few ice cubes into a shaker, shake well and pour into a cocktail glass.

When pouring the prepared wine into the wine glass, be careful not to scatter the salt on the rim of the glass.

Finally, cut a piece of lime and insert it into the rim of a cocktail glass.A margarita is done.

Shen Yinian looked closely for a long time, and then asked, "This cocktail is different from the ones seen in the TV series..."

The color of the glass of margarita in front of me is not very colorful, it is still transparent, and it looks similar to the tequila before it is ready.

It just changed from transparent and colorless to transparent light yellow, and the smell is more prominent than agave.

Although Shen Yinian hadn't tasted the taste of this glass of Margarita, she could smell the aroma coming out of the glass, with a faint fruity aroma, very fresh and moving.

"Come on, try it."

Chen Er handed the glass of margarita to Shen Yinian.

Shen Yinian happily picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

The aroma of agave in the wine is still very strong, but it has a bit more fresh and sour taste than ordinary tequila, which should be the reason for the lime.

The sourness of the lime and the salty taste from the rim of the wine glass taste a bit like tears slipping into the mouth, sour and slightly salty.

People can't help but think of the story about Margaret.

Created in 1926, the Margarita cocktail is a cocktail specially prepared by Los Angeles bartender Jane Dureza in memory of her Mexican girlfriend.

The bartender's girlfriend Margaret was killed by a stray bullet while hunting.In order to commemorate his lover, the bartender specially prepared this wine named after his lover, and won the 1949 National Bartender Competition Championship.

The lime juice represents his sore heart, and the salt represents his tears.

Just like this glass of Margarita, when you drink it, it has an intoxicating taste of alcohol, full of a touch of sourness and slightly salty at the mouth of the glass.

Tears seemed to fall at any moment.

Chen Erdao, "The tone of this cocktail should be a little sad. The color of the Margarita is clear, and it tastes slightly sour, just like an untouchable memory."

"Then, next, the anchor, I will make a cocktail full of enthusiasm and vitality."

"The name of this cocktail is - Tequila Sunrise."

If the Margarita just now is a sour and untouchable memory, then this cup of Tequila Sunrise is the sunshine full of vigor and vitality.

Sunrise is the beginning of the day and what it looks like when the sun has just risen.

The sun has just risen, the sun is not too dazzling, but it has a warm and warm feeling, the light is clean and transparent, slowly rising from the sky, from the mountains, and from the flat ground, the light crosses the horizon, bit by bit Light up the whole world.

Bring people unlimited hope and enthusiasm.

Tequila sunrise is a completely different feeling from Margarita just now.

Tequila Sunrise not only depicts the beauty of the sunrise, but also imparts vigorous vitality to the drinkers.

(End of this chapter)

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