God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 312 Then You Do It

Chapter 312 Then You Do It

Koike House's business finally ushered in a peak.

Xiaochi's family was busy until midnight.

But they didn't show the slightest bit of fatigue, instead they were always in high spirits and in high spirits.

It's like the land that has been dry and cracked for a long time, finally ushered in a rain.

Koike Rina is always smiling, with curved eyebrows and eyes, just like the optimistic heroine in cartoons.

And her mother, Miko, finally showed her long-lost happy smile.

Sitting in the corner of the restaurant, Chen Er used his mobile phone to open the website HEO that Emi Yamaguchi and the others mentioned just now.

After opening the website, he swiped a few times on the homepage, and immediately found a crowdfunding project about his own video.

The round-faced girl who kept chattering was really fast, and she finished the crowdfunding project so quickly.

Of course, what was even more unexpected to Chen Er was that the crowdfunding project had already exceeded the limited amount not long after it was posted, and the reward offered by the website was immediately accepted.

The ID of the person who received the bounty is very strange, because it is a Chinese ID.

The ID name is—Kong Shan Xin Yu.

"Could it be a Chinese person?"

Chen Er clicked on the ID with curiosity.

Then read the other party's information carefully.

Because of the particularity of this website, the information filled in the ID registered on the website must be real information and must pass the verification.

Of course, the information that Chen Er saw was the real information.

Chen Er was surprised to find that the owner of this ID was actually an islander.

But still a little girl!

Chen Er said to himself, "This person is still young, and the people on the website offered her a reward. Does that count as child labor?"

Chen Er exited HEO's website page, and then found that Koike Rina and Miko had just sent off the last batch of customers in the store.

Meiko wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"How long has it been since I worked so hard..."

Although the words were words of complaint, Chen Er could clearly feel that Miko was not really complaining.

Koike Juntoku didn't know when he came out of the kitchen suddenly.

And when Miko and Koike Rina didn't react, they bowed to Chen Er to thank them.

"Thank you so much!"

The sudden bow startled Chen Er.

He was thinking about something just now, and he didn't even notice the footsteps behind him.

Even if Koike Juntoku appeared suddenly, he suddenly made a big bow to himself, which is really a bit scary.

Chen Er was about to raise his hand to tell him to get up and stop bending over.

Seeing Rina Koike and Miko walking over together, the mother and daughter bowed again to Chen Er.

This time Chen Er couldn't hold back any longer, and hurriedly fled to another table next to him.


Chen Er thought for a long time before he came up with such an adjective, "Can you please stop being so polite?"

As soon as the words fell, Xiaochi's family bowed to Chen Er again.

This time Chen Er completely gave up.

"Well, instead of fighting hard, it's better to close your eyes and enjoy..."

After finishing speaking, he was taken aback for a moment, "Why does this line feel a bit wrong..."

Xiaochi Junde said to Chen Er that he was sincerely thanking Chen Er.

As for Rina Koike and Miko, they didn't know why Toshiko Koike bowed to Chen Er at first.

But they saw Toshinori Koike bowing, so they followed him.

Chen Er couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking, these two elder sisters are too unprincipled.

Koike Juntoku seemed very moved, he controlled his emotions, and only then spoke his heart out.

"I was in the kitchen just now. If it wasn't for Mr. Chen to guide me, I might not be able to make today's food smoothly."

Chen Er tried hard to recall what happened when he was in the kitchen just now.

It seemed that Koike Junde couldn't make sushi for a long time. Chen Er couldn't stand it anymore, so he leaned over to see what Koike Junde was up to.

Unexpectedly, he saw Koike Junde helpless against a ball of rice.

Chen Er asked him why he didn't do it by hand.

Koike Junde shook his hands and said, "My food is too bad, I don't want to make bad food to disgust customers."

Chen Er felt very speechless at the time.

Sushi does not require any special or complicated seasoning skills.

Especially hand rolls and the like, it just pays more attention to the processing of ingredients.

He actually worried that it was too bad?

A ball of rice with a piece of raw salmon tastes the same no matter who cooks it.

At most, it's just to see who does it better.

What's so stressful about that.

And before he even cooked the food, he started rambling on about how unpalatable it was.Is this something a big man would do?

Chen Er controlled his desire to complain, "At least you should make the food first, and if you don't make it, you won't know if it's delicious or not!"

Although Chen Er had reached this point, Koike Junde still moved very slowly.

It seems that he is not making sushi at this moment, but is rushing to the execution ground.

No, it should be said that those who went to the execution ground were not as grumpy as him.

Chen Dun couldn't hold back any longer.

He directly reached out and grabbed a lump of rice, squeezed it casually, and then picked up a slice of sliced ​​salmon and placed it on the lump of rice.

Say to Koike Juntoku, "Open your mouth!"

Although Koike Junde didn't quite understand what Chen Er was doing, he still opened his mouth reluctantly.

Chen Er stuffed the thing in his hand into his mouth.

"Eat it."

Juntoku Koike hesitated for a moment, chewed and chewed a few times, and then ate all the rice and salmon slices in his mouth.

Seeing that he had finished eating, Chen Er squeezed out another ball of rice and another piece of salmon fillet.Seriously, a beautiful salmon sushi came out.

Then he asked Toshinori Koike to open his mouth and eat the salmon sushi.

Wait until he finishes eating this sushi.

Chen Ercai clapped his hands and said, "How do you feel?"

Koike Juntoku said without the slightest hesitation, "It's delicious."

The eyes are serious and not fake.

Chen Er nodded, "Then do you think there is any difference between the two things just now?"

Koike Junde thought for a while, and then said, "One is more beautiful and delicate, and the other is more ugly."

Chen Er asked again, "What about the taste?"

Koike Junde hesitated this time, he seemed to think over and over again, before he said slowly, "No...there is no difference..."

Chen Er snapped his fingers.

"That's right, the same ingredients, the same ingredients, and the same production method. No matter whether you make it good-looking or ugly, the way you make it is not that particular. The food you make tastes the same."

"The key is whether the person who makes something knows what they are doing. What is the difference in taste between round and square steamed buns?"

Chen Er asked Koike Junde, "Do you know what you are going to do?"

Koike Juntoku looked up at him, "Sushi."

Chen Er nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, then you can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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