God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 294 Furong Tofu (Part 3)

Chapter 294 Hibiscus Tofu (Third update)

After all the ingredients were prepared, Chen Er officially started the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast started, Chen Er told everyone with great regret.

"Because of jet lag, you may feel very sleepy or very hungry..."

Chen Er paused at this point, and then continued, "But, as for me, the anchor...Of course I don't feel this."

After Chen Er said this sentence with a smile, the barrage instantly became extremely hot.

"I'll go! Chen Laoshi, you will get RI if you do this!"

"Chen Laoshi! Just because of what you just said, I decided to make a bowl of instant noodles right away!"

"The most painful thing at this moment is that the takeaways near my home are not delivered!"


Chen Er washed his hands, and then said to the camera, "Because the sun is shining in the United States at this moment, I will not tell bad jokes as the anchor, let's go straight to the point!"

Tea eggs invade the earth: "Thank God, Chen Laoshi finally gave up telling bad jokes!"

Qingtian: "Chen Laoshi is going to cook something delicious today! You are in the United States now, are you going to cook us some American specialties?"

Eating a pound: "Um...what are the specialties of America?"

A tiger in my heart: "It's probably Kaifengcai and the grandfather named Mai..."

Chen Er spread his hands and said, "Indeed, the food the host cooked this time is not a special food in the United States."

"Because the anchor came in a hurry, I don't know much about the food culture of the United States... Today, I will cook some of our Chinese specialties."

Chen Er took out the disposable gloves and put them on, "I can give you a preview of today's two delicacies."

The camera pans to two baskets of flowers on the table.

"Hibiscus tofu, noodles with hosta."

Everyone was very curious about the names of these two dishes that they had never heard of.

But what everyone is more curious about is that hostas can also be used for cooking.

Hibiscus flowers can be eaten, and most people still know it.

Because they have all heard of hibiscus tea.

But this hibiscus flower is made together with tofu, which is quite fresh.

As for that hosta, no one can figure out what it will look like or taste like.

Chen Er explained to everyone at this time, "The names of these dishes are all thought up by myself, and the recipes come from "Zunsheng Eight Notes."

"If you are interested, you can read it. This is a very good book."

After Chen Er finished speaking, some medical fans outside the screen couldn't help muttering in their hearts.

"Isn't this "Eight Notes on Compliance with Life" a medical book?"

At this time, it was getting late, and the dishes had to be prepared at lunch.

The first thing to do is not to process the ingredients, but to prepare the rice.

The steamed rice tastes better than the boiled one. After Chen Er washes the rice, he spreads a large lotus leaf in the steamer, and then puts the rice on it.

Lu Yukun and Guo Dagang stared at the kitchen door.

"Fortunately, you have lotus flowers planted in your garden. We will have lotus leaf rice to eat later!"

After putting the rice in the steamer, it's time to start cooking.

Chen Er first picked up the basket of hibiscus flowers.

"Let's make the first dish first, Furong tofu."

"There are not many ingredients required, only four kinds."

"Fresh hibiscus flowers, silken tofu, oily chilli, pepper."

Chen Er took out the existing ingredients one by one.

"Almost all the ingredients are there, only one oil and chili is missing."

Chili peppers are very easy to make.

First put chili powder, salt, crushed peanuts, sesame seeds, and peppercorns in a bowl.

Then pour the boiling hot oil directly into the bowl, stir well, and then use it.

After the chili peppers were cooked, Chen Er began to handle the hibiscus flowers.

"Both flowers and leaves can be used as medicine, which has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and draining pus, cooling blood and stopping bleeding."

"At the same time, hibiscus can also be used in food."

"For example, hibiscus flower can be made into hibiscus chicken slices with chicken, which tastes soft and smooth."

"The hibiscus flower can also be cooked into hibiscus flower porridge with japonica rice, and the smell is sweet and charming."

"Of course, the hibiscus tofu dish I'm going to make today is an uncommon delicacy."

Some fans couldn't help sending barrage complaints, "Chen Laoshi, just tell me, which dish you cook is common?"

Chen Er said to the camera very seriously, "Lotus leaf rice is very common."

Fans: "..."

Chen Er removed the heart and stem of the hibiscus flowers in the basket and put them aside for later use.

After the hibiscus flowers are all processed, turn on the fire on the stove and pour clean water into the large iron pot.

"The only regrettable thing today is that you can't cook with firewood."

Guo Dagang outside the door looked at Lu Yukun quickly after hearing this, as if condemning him with his eyes.

Lu Yukun spread his hands helplessly.

"The firewood Chen Laoshi wants to use is a specific kind of wood. There are very few in the United States, and it is difficult to find it in a short period of time..."

After the water boiled, Chen Er immediately turned off the heat, poured the hibiscus flowers in and soaked them.

Then I picked up a large colander and flicked it gently in the pot.

Countless red hibiscus flowers are floating on the water, being shaken by the ripples on the water from time to time.

It looks more lively and lively.

It's like the soft petals stretched in the gust of wind while still on the branch.

Chen Er silently calculated the time in his heart.

"Soak it for 1 minute, then fish it out immediately and drain the water."

Chen Er put the picked petals into a snow-white plate.

“Then do a second dip.”

Clean the pot first, pour water into it again, pour the hibiscus flowers into it after boiling, and turn off the fire.

"The second time, also only soak for 1 minute."

When the hibiscus is salvaged again, the petals are even softer.

It's like the flowers still standing on the branches during the heavy rain, soaked by the rain, and the petals are all stuck together, looking pitiful and charming.

With a wet beauty.

Chen Er divided the snow-white and tender tofu into small cubes.

"Today's dish is very simple to make, and it can be regarded as a practical home-cooked dish."

Sunny: "This is a home-cooked dish that I've never heard of..."

Pork stewed vermicelli: "If you are serious, you will lose. In Chen Laoshi's eyes, as long as it is a dish that he thinks is easy to cook, it is a home-cooked dish..."

Watermelons are not east melons: "The truth is up there..."

Chen Er neatly stacked the divided tofu cubes on the cutting board.

Then pick up a small knife, carefully hold up a small cube of tofu, and cut it perfectly from the middle with the knife.

At this time, the lens was magnified several times very intimately.

Everyone can clearly see that piece of white and tender tofu being cut open by a sharp knife.

When the blade cuts the tofu, the tofu will even vibrate slightly, just like jelly with extremely Q bombs.

The snow-white tofu clings tightly to the thin silver blade, and then is evenly divided into two pieces.

 This volume is probably about... eating all kinds of flowers, plants, and weird things... with a wicked smile, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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