God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 278 Your Name Is Very Popular

Chapter 278 Your Name Is Very Popular
After the two dishes were ready, Chen Er took out the duck meat sealed with plastic wrap.

"The time has come, we can remove the plastic wrap first and see how the duck is marinated."

After removing the outer plastic wrap, the rich aroma of fermented rice immediately floated into Chen Er's nose.

The fishy smell of duck meat is no longer smellable, at this moment, Chen Er can only smell a slightly drunken aroma of wine, with a sweet fermented smell.

The duck meat is white and flawless, smooth and tender to the extreme.

"The aroma of the fermented rice wine has completely blended with the duck meat."

"For our steamed duck with fermented rice wine, the fermented rice wine part has been basically completed."

“The next thing to do is steam it.”

Chen Er cut the duck meat into small cubes, put it into a casserole, and poured the unused fermented rice into it together.Stir well and steam in a steamer.

"Okay, this is the last step."

"There is nothing special to say about this step. You just need to remember one thing, that is, don't add anything. After steaming, pour some cooked duck soup."

Chen Er's work in the kitchen is coming to an end, but the work in the restaurant has just begun.

Just as Shen Yinian came over with a bouquet of irises, there was a knock on the restaurant's door.

She walked over to open the door, and saw a tall and straight foreign man standing outside the door.


The Chinese pronunciation of foreign men is very bad, and it sounds like they have just learned it not long ago.

Lisp as if you have food in your mouth when speaking.

"I am today, guest..."

He handed the invitation to Shen Yinian.

Shen Yinian had a free hand to take the invitation, checked the list, and took him in.

"My English name is Mark, and my Chinese name is Mark. What's your name?"

Shen Yinian took Mark into the dining room, and then put the purple iris in his hand into a purple-blue glass vase.

"My name is Shen Yinian, Mr. Mark, your name is very popular in China."

Shen Yinian deliberately wanted to tease him.

Mark froze, a little surprised and a little surprised.

"What? Really?"

Shen Yinian took out his mobile phone and randomly opened a forum app to show him.

I saw it said, "Annual inventory of island country actresses!"

A large group downstairs replied "Mark!"

Mark looked very happy, "It's actually true!?"

Seeing Mark so happy, Shen Yinian couldn't bear to tell him... Mark means mark in English.In the post, Mark just left a paw print to mark that he saw this.When I see an interesting post and don’t have the time or conditions to read it, I leave a record of what I said and use it as a mark.

Mark wanted to say something more, when he heard the faint sound of a bell coming from the restaurant.

He quickly raised his head and looked inside, only to see a door blocking his view.

Shen Yinian stood up quickly, "Your food is ready, wait a moment, I'll bring it now."

After speaking, he walked inside.

As soon as he heard that the dishes were ready, Mark immediately became excited.

A pair of eyes swept over the table, but didn't see half a pair of chopsticks.

So he couldn't help but muttered in English, "Strange, why are there no chopsticks... It's not the same as a Chinese restaurant in the UK..."

After a while, Shen Yinian came with food.

After a long distance, Mark smelled the aroma after another.

It continuously floated into his nose, often before he could smell what the fragrance was, the next fragrance would float over immediately.

Shen Yinian put all the food on the tray in front of him.

"There are three dishes today."

"Steamed duck with fermented rice, stir-fried wolfberry buds with oil and salt, yam cake with jujube paste."

Mark stared closely at Shen Yinian's hand, his eyes almost moved with the movement of Shen Yinian's palm.

However, what he was looking at at the moment was not Shen Yinian's beautiful and slender palm, but the dish in Shen Yinian's hand.

At this moment, Mark wished that his eyes could grow a mouth.

Whenever he took a look at those few dishes, he could silently take a bite!
When Shen Yinian handed him a pair of green bamboo chopsticks.

He stretched out his chopsticks almost without any hesitation, and immediately picked up the plate of green vegetables.

Such a beautiful green color makes people feel refreshed, and they immediately have an appetite.

Mark opened his mouth and took a big mouthful of wolfberry sprouts.

That taste is extremely fragrant.

Mark made a whining sound while eating, as if he wanted to express some special emotion, but he was reluctant to leave the food in his mouth.

So I can only eat fiercely while pointing at the dishes on the plate in amazement.

Shen Yinian watched from the side, and suddenly felt that Mark was very cute.

It was the first time he had seen a big man babbling like a child while eating.

When Chen Er came out, he also happened to see this scene.

While frantically stuffing food into his mouth, Mark made babbling gestures to Shen Yinian for a while, and said some words that he couldn't understand.

Shen Yinian sat opposite him, laughing uncontrollably.

When Chen Er walked over to Mark, he just picked up the last piece of date paste yam cake.

With one mouthful, a whole piece was eaten.

Stuff your mouth full.

Mark was satisfied with his meal and closed his eyes happily.

"That's great!"

Chen Er sat down beside him, and suddenly said, "Why did you come to Huaxia all of a sudden?"

Mark was startled by the sudden sound and almost spit out the food in his mouth.

"Cough cough..."

Fortunately, he shut his mouth just in time.

Mark coughed a few times before recovering.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, he looked at Chen Erdao, "I miss Mr. Chen's delicious food, and I just have nothing to do recently, so I came here to have a look first!"

Mark looked very excited when he said this, "I didn't expect that your restaurant would just open, Mr. Chen! I'm here!"

In these conversations, Chen Er and Mark all communicated in English.

There are naturally no barriers to communication.

Shen Yinian was very surprised to hear it.

She didn't know when Chen Er's English became so good!
"Well, now that we're here, we can take a stroll around Yanjing."

Chen Er nodded.

"The attractions here are good, but it's a holiday recently, so there may be a little more tourists. It's a bit crowded."

Mark nodded happily, "It's just a pity, my Chinese is not very good, and it's still a bit stressful to communicate."

Chen Er glanced at him, "You can communicate with people more, this is the way to quickly learn a language."

Chen Er said this sentence in Chinese.

Mark quickly replied in broken Chinese, "Okay, I will work hard..."

Before Mark left, he was still pondering Shen Yinian and asked Shen Yinian to be his guide.

Shen Yinian rubbed his head and said, "You are so old, do you still get lost?"

Mark didn’t quite understand, “Why don’t adults get lost?”

Shen Yinian looked at Mark and replied silently, "It seems that you are also an adult who can get lost..."

(End of this chapter)

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