God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 257 is probably

Chapter 257 is probably
Whiskey produced in Scotland has a unique style, brownish-yellow with reddish color, clear and transparent, with a burnt smell, a certain smoky flavor, and a strong Scottish local flavor.Scotch whiskey has the characteristics of dry, full-bodied, full-bodied, round and soft, and is one of the best whiskeys in the world.

The host said to a bottle of wine brought to the stage, "Today's whiskey is a distilled liquor made only from barley - single malt whiskey."

The name of this bottle of wine is The moon rose, which probably means roses under the moonlight.

This surprised Chen Er.

Whiskey is a kind of strong alcohol, and the brewers actually gave this bottle of whiskey such a gentle name.

It's really interesting.

Following the host's introduction, the brewers also stood up.

He turned out to be a strong man with a height of 1.9 meters and a beard.

This makes it even more interesting.

The gestures and gestures of the bearded people are very elegant and unrestrained, without the unique elegance and restraint of the British.

Looking at that, he looks more like an American.

Beard said his name was Billy and he was from the south of Scotland.

His winery is also located there, and the name of the winery is also called The moon rose.

Chen Er thought to himself, this should be a typical girlish heart...

Billy's hometown, the southern part of Scotland, is also quite famous in the producing area of ​​whiskey.

The southern part of Scotland is also known as "Lowlands", which means low area.

Whiskey is also produced there.

But in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer wineries, and the reputation has slowly gone down.

Chen Er himself is very curious about what this cup of "The moon rose" tastes like.

So his eyes have been paying attention to every move of the host on stage, because the wine is in the hands of the host.

Billy brought a total of two bottles of wine. After the host finished his introduction, he opened the bottles and poured them one by one.

First of all, it was handed over to the organizer to invite several brewing masters and professional famous wine collectors.

Give the rest to the person standing in front.

Chen Er still has an advantage, of course not because he stands in the front.

Instead, Jenny is the one delivering the wine.

Chen Er is near the water tower first.

Jenny came over with two glasses of whiskey and handed them to Chen Er and Zhao Chengping.

"Would you like some ice?"

Jenny spoke fluent Chinese and talked with Chen Er.

Chen Er also spoke to her in Chinese.

"Two dollars."

As a result, the people around were stunned, and almost couldn't understand the conversation between the two.

Chen Er picked up the wine glass and smelled a very soft aroma.

This whiskey is indeed different from traditional whiskey.

Chen Er stayed in England for a while, and drank a lot of whiskey produced in various places.

He found that most British whiskeys had a smell of coal, but today's glass did not have such a smell.

Chen Er raised his head and took a sip.

A very cold liquid rolled over his throat, bringing a slight irritation.

This is a very different whiskey, with an exceptionally aromatic and soft nose, even with grassy and malt notes.

Subtly wrapping the spirit of the whiskey.

When it's flowing in the mouth, it can't be felt. Only when the wine is drunk, the feeling will explode dullly in the stomach.

The aroma suddenly became stronger.

At this time, Chen Er would feel, oh, this is still the original whiskey.

Zhao Chengping also took a sip beside him, very intoxicated by the taste.

"This wine is really good, the smell is charming and the taste is unique..."

Then he looked at Chen Er and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Er nodded and said with emotion, "No wonder the name of this wine is called Rose in the Moonlight..."

Before Zhao Chengping had time to ask Chen Er what he meant by this sentence, the host on stage suddenly spoke.

It probably means to ask the people present to express their opinions.

The host's eyes swept around the audience like radar.

Then it suddenly freezes on Chen Er.

He raised his hand and said, "Does this gentleman have anything to say?"

Chen Er was stunned, and almost blurted out, "I have nothing to say..."

Fortunately, it was held back in time.

How to say is now also in a foreign country, representing the face of the country.

Don't be ashamed.

Chen Er thought to himself, could it be that he is so handsome, otherwise there are so many people, why did the host take a fancy to him at a glance?

Chen Er cleared his throat and said in fluent English, "I think this glass of wine matches its name very well."

"A rose in the moonlight."

"The top note of this glass of wine is as soft as moonlight, and after drinking it, it has a charming aroma."

"Then a strong stamina hits all of a sudden, like thousands of clusters of roses blooming all of a sudden, and the aroma is so strong that it seems to faint people."

After Chen Er finished speaking, he still felt a little dissatisfied. English could not perfectly express what Chen Er wanted to say.

If it is changed to Chinese, the artistic conception will be completely different.

But what he didn't know was that after he translated these words into English, they fell into the ears of the people around him and turned into a language like poetry.

Almost everyone is intoxicated by such a description.

It seems that as soon as you close your eyes, that scene will automatically appear in your mind.

Jenny even had bright eyes, looking at Chen Er as if she were an admirer.

Chen Er couldn't resist this kind of gaze, so he smiled casually at her, and then turned his attention to other places.

Zhao Chengping quietly said next to Chen Er, "I didn't realize that, Mr. Chen, you are still a literary youth."

Chen Er seemed to be choked.

If someone like him is a literary youth, isn't Zhao Chengping's requirements for literary youths too low?
Billy standing on the stage is the most exaggerated and excited one.

He hurried down and rushed straight in front of Chen Er.

Gave Chen Er a big hug, or should I say a bear hug...

Chen Er watched as he was hugged by a 1.9-meter strong man in the eyes of everyone.

The taste is sour and refreshing...

Fortunately, Chen Er was not weak, and quickly rescued himself from the bear hug.

Billy shook hands with Chen Er very excitedly.

Then he couldn't wait to ask Chen Er's name.

"Mr. Chen, what you said is really great! Great!"

Billy was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

It was as if he had found his confidant in an instant.

Chen Er can fully understand this feeling.

It is still very rare to find someone who can understand your intentions in this world.

It is not easy to meet one.

Maybe other people can also describe the taste of this wine, but they are far from myself...

Chen Er thought for a long time but couldn't think of a suitable adjective.

It's probably one of pretentiousness and awesomeness...

(End of this chapter)

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