God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 241 My Dragon Beard

Chapter 241 My Dragon Beard
After such a long time, Chen Er finally came to Hengshan again.

He entered the gate of the scenic spot and walked straight ahead in the direction he remembered.

Hengshan is not sunny today.

The temperature was lower than before, and the top of the mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist. The sun's rays could only pass through the layers of clouds and mist, and cast some speckled halos down.

On the foot of the mountain, the scenery is very good.

The mist shrouded the woods, and occasionally some spots of light fell down, like a fairyland.

Chen Er looked up at the foot of the mountain, then raised his feet and walked quickly up the mountain.

By the time we reached our destination, there were very few pedestrians on the mountain road.

Chen Er found the big tree in his memory, dug two holes in the ground, and sure enough dug out two jars of wine.

After wiping off the dirt on the jar, Chen Er picked up a jar of wine, carefully removed it, brought it to his nose and sniffed the smell.

The spirit was shocked immediately.

The aroma of lotus in the wine has been perfectly integrated.

The scent of lotus is elegant, and the aroma of Hengyang spirit is soft and mellow.

Combining the two, the fragrance in the altar is overflowing, and the smell of lotus is light and elegant.

Just sniffing the fragrance lightly, I feel the fragrance everywhere.

"Good wine!"

Chen Er couldn't help holding the small wine jar, and took a sip of the wine.

A cool liquid rolled down the throat all at once.

Although the wine had been buried in the ground for a long time, it was not contaminated with the cold air in the ground at all.

On the contrary, the entrance is soft, with a mellow breath, as light as soft petals, gently sweeping over the tongue.

Chen Er exhaled slowly.

His eyes fell on the rocks and giant trees in the distant mountains. At this moment, it seemed that even the steep slopes had become gentle.

He plugged the mouth of the jar, carried two jars of wine, and walked slowly down the mountain.

All the rhythms suddenly slowed down.

The mountain wind was also blowing slowly.

The first gust of wind just blew up the corners of the clothes, and the next gust of wind came later, blowing the pine branches on the road ahead, and the slender pine needles dangled on the branches, as if they were about to fall at any time.

But when the wind passed, Chen Er still couldn't see the pine needles falling.

Only a faint smell of pine needles can be smelled.

Chen Er narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down the mountain. There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road.

Most of them are descenders.

The only weird thing is a group of men in black walking towards the mountain with brisk strides.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are men in black.

Black suit jacket, black shirt, black tie, black shoes.

Even the hair is black.

Chen Er almost couldn't hold back, and was about to blurt out, "Where did the assassin come from to assassinate me!"

Fortunately, it was held back in time.

Chen Er felt that the outfits of this group of people looked familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, I remembered the first time I came to Hengshan to bury wine.

It seems that I met the same man in black on the mountain, asking Jin Changsong for directions.

So, Chen Er turned around and looked behind.

Sure enough, he saw a familiar figure.

She was wearing a pure white gauze dress and a light blue top.

The skirt is embroidered with the same color pattern as the top.

From a distance, the whole person seems to be integrated with the hazy background behind him.

It is hard to tell where is the distant mountain surrounded by clouds and mist, and where is her.

She also saw Chen Er.

The long and slightly curved eyebrows are as beautiful as the willows unfurled in March.

Chen Er smiled at her, nodded slightly, and greeted her.

She was the girl whom she met briefly at the Shu family's birthday banquet.

Chen Er recognized her as Lu Yumiao at a glance.

This amazing appearance and temperament is really hard to forget.

Moreover, Chen Er felt that her temperament was very similar to his own.

If Gou Xuefang found out, he would definitely say that Chen Er was narcissistic.

Lu Yumiao walked in front of Chen Er, without surprise or any extra emotion.

Like old classmates or old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time, the two greeted each other calmly and without alienation.

Only then did Chen Er realize that Lu Yumiao was also carrying a jug of wine.

He was immediately interested.

"What kind of wine is this wine?"

After saying this, Chen Er was a little surprised, why did he ask so naturally.

Lu Yumiao raised his eyes slightly, but his tone didn't change much.

"This is Hengyang alcohol."

Chen Er smiled and lifted the wine jar in his hand.

"Coincidentally, I also have two jars of Hengyang alcohol here."

Chen Er and Lu Yumiao walked down the mountain while talking.

Along the way, both of them talked about some very common topics.

For example, let’s talk about the weather today, what delicious food is available in Hengyang, and what other nearby scenery can you see besides Hengshan Mountain.

During the whole process, the group of men in black followed the two of them very quietly, keeping a certain distance, but they followed closely.

Before I knew it, I came to the foot of the mountain.

Chen Erdao, "I have to go first, and I have to catch a plane later."

Lu Yumiao nodded.

Then a white Chevrolet on the side of the road drove over without haste.

The driver wearing white gloves got out of the car and bowed slightly to Lu Yumiao.

Chen Er turned and walked away.

When passing by the driver, it seemed that he suddenly smiled at himself.

Chen Er was taken aback for a moment, and returned a smile.

Suddenly, the scalp on the back of the head felt a little strange.

It's like being bitten by a mosquito.

It's just that the duration is not long, only less than a second.

Chen Er didn't care, stopped a taxi by the side of the road and left.

The car that Chen Er was sitting in disappeared on the road.

The driver wearing white gloves walked up to Lu Yumiao and respectfully handed over something in his hand.

Lu Yumiao looked down and saw that it was a hair.

The hair quality is good, but it is a bit short, it should be a man's hair.

She picked up the hair for a casual look, then put it back into the driver's hand.

"Use the fastest time to identify the result."

The driver nodded, then put the hair back.

When Chen Er arrived at the airport, he still felt weird on the back of his head.

His physique has been modified, and his reaction and sensitivity are higher than ordinary people.

If he felt strange just now, then there was really something.

Chen Er touched the back of his head seriously.

Then he tugged at his hair.

"Hold the grass!"

"You actually pulled my hair!"

"I didn't know that my hair is a dragon beard, it's very valuable!"

Chen Er complained in his heart.

I just hope they don't take that hair as a trick.

He was thankful.

Chen Er felt a little inexplicable.

But helpless.

I didn't react just now, so now I have to go back to the theory?
Chen Er took the two jars of wine to check in, and then waited for the plane.

His destination this time is Country Y.

The flight time is eleven hours.

There is no direct flight from Hengyang to London.

So Chen Er needs to go to Hong Kong for a transit.

Because he didn't buy the air ticket, but Zhao Chengping got it.

So Chen Er didn't know the price of the ticket either.

He didn't even know what class it was.

(End of this chapter)

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