God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 240 Treating money like dung

Chapter 240 Treating money like dung
Alice didn't quite understand what Chen Er said.

In her opinion, Chen Er's dishes can be made more perfect and delicate.

Why should we be free on these matters?

What kind of stage is Michelin, doesn't he know?
Alice couldn't help but looked Chen Er up and down.

Chen Er's eyes were very peaceful, neither unpleasant nor other unnecessary emotions.

Alice suddenly realized a terrible problem.

Chen Er really doesn't seem to care what Michelin says about him.

In other words, he didn't need this evaluation at all.

That's why he can be so reckless?


Why would a chef be so ignorant of Michelin?
Alice opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't.

Chen Er's indifferent attitude really makes people speechless.

After thinking about it, she finally thought of a question to ask.

"Don't you want to be selected for a Michelin restaurant?"

Chen Er said with a smile, "Michelin is a good platform. For me, if Michelin is willing to give me a star rating, I will accept it."

"However, if Michelin thinks I can't get their star rating, I don't think it's a pity."

"For cooking, the best thing is to make dishes that satisfy customers."

Alice didn't speak.

Instead, he lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was seriously considering what he just said.

Chen Er looked up at the clock on the wall.

"It's late, rest early."

Alice left with a full heart.

Chen Er returned home and slept until dawn.

The next day, Gou Xuefang came to look for him.

The two went to apply for the documents needed to go abroad together.

Gou Xuefang was speechless.

"My young master has never come to do these things in person."

He pointed at Chen Er with disgust, "It's because of you that my young master came here!"

A look of "Look, how good I am to you".

Chen Er glanced at him, "Use seven words to describe you..."

"Which seven words?" Gou Xuefang didn't realize that Chen Er was tricking him.

Chen Er said with a smile, "Evil capitalism."

Gou Xuefang: "..."

After completing the documents, the two drove home.

Gou Xuefang "tsk tsk" twice.

"In the past, no one paid attention to you even if you were drunk on the street, but now it's different..."

"Even if you wear sunglasses and a mask, there will be fans who will recognize you..."

Chen Er leaned comfortably on the back of the chair.

"Why do I feel that you are jealous of me by saying this?"

Gou Xuefang took it for granted, "Hmph, what kind of world is this, someone as handsome as me is not popular, but someone like you is so popular?"

Chen Er laughed out loud.

"Of course it depends on the way of the world."

After all relevant documents and formalities are completed, you can leave at any time.

Lu Daofu came here specifically to find Chen Er.

Filming plans for the film have been in progress.

All actors need to focus on training relevant professional skills.

Chen Er recommended Dou Yitong to the crew.

As a direct disciple, there is no doubt about Dou Yitong's ability.

Rudolph also happily agreed.

"Actors need to train intensively for three months. After three months, they will be officially released and the opening ceremony will be held."

"Hope you'll be there."

Chen Er smiled and nodded, "Okay, I will definitely come then!"

After sending Lu Daofu away, Chen Er found Lin Shaofeng waiting for him at the door of the restaurant.

Chen Er invited Lin Shaofeng in and poured him a glass of water.

"You have something to do with me?"

Lin Shaofeng cut to the chase, "The people from Michelin have been here."

Chen Er nodded.

Lin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly lit up, "How is it? Are they satisfied with your restaurant?"

Chen Er thought carefully about Alice's reaction at that time.

"It should be quite satisfactory."

Lin Shaofeng asked urgently, "And then? Did you say that you will report your restaurant to the headquarters for review?"

Chen Er looked at Lin Shaofeng, "You seem to know this step very well."

Lin Shaofeng was slightly taken aback, as if thinking of something unpleasant.

The light in his eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Well... I used to open a well-known Chinese restaurant in the United States..."

"It has also been recognized by the Michelin staff..."

His eyes fell far away, as if he was looking at something very far away.

"However, the headquarters of Michelin thinks that I don't have the qualifications."

As a big man, Chen Er really didn't know how to comfort another man.

So he could only listen to the other party in silence.

"At that time, I was very angry and rushed to the headquarters of Michelin in France..."

"I think my ability is completely enough, I want to ask for an explanation!"

The flame in Lin Shaofeng's eyes was ignited in an instant, and extinguished in an instant.

"The Michelin headquarters said that a chef who can't even master the exact heat is not eligible for the title of Michelin."

Speaking of this, Chen Er finally understood why Lin Shaofeng was so persistent in Michelin.

It turned out that he had passed by and received unfair treatment.

Chen Er asked him, "What do you think of the dishes you cook?"

Lin Shaofeng raised his head to look at him, with a confident gleam in his eyes.

"not bad."

Chen Er laughed, "That's fine."

Lin Shaofeng froze for a moment, as if he had figured out something, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

Chen Er stood up and said, "I have to catch a plane later, so I won't talk to you any more."

Lin Shaofeng left the restaurant slowly.

Chen Er packed up some simple carry-on luggage and left Yanjing.

But he didn't go to Country Y, but went to Hengyang first.

As soon as he got off the plane, Chen Er received a series of fatal calls from Chen Mengmeng.

Chen Mengmeng kept talking to Chen Er.

"The program's ratings and popularity on the Internet are very good, but you can't stop it casually, otherwise you will lose a lot of viewers!"

"One of the keys to ratings is to cultivate the habit of the audience."

"When viewers get used to watching the show every day, you've made it!"

Chen Er nodded seriously, "I think what you said makes sense."

Chen Mengmeng on the other end of the phone hadn't had time to rejoice.

I heard Chen Er say again, "But I can't disrupt my plan."

For a moment, Chen Mengmeng couldn't help but want to cry up to the sky.

"Recent advertiser solicitation documents are flying into TV stations like snowflakes!"

Chen Mengmeng decided to use his trump card to seduce Chen Er with money!

Although the sole sponsor of the title has been awarded to Penguin Games, advertisements of other brands can still be inserted in the program.

This is also a good income!

She didn't believe that Chen Er wouldn't be tempted!

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Mengmeng's words, Chen Er really couldn't help being a little tempted.

That's white money, powdery money!

Chen Er thought about it, if he broadcast live every day, wouldn't he be bored to death?
No, absolutely not.

At this moment, "lazy cancer" defeated the temptation of money.

And achieved a brilliant victory.

Chen Er said calmly, "I have always treated money like dung!"

However, Chen Er still told her that while he was abroad, he would spare time to guarantee a live broadcast within a few days.

He will let you know the exact time.

Only then did Chen Mengmeng hang up the phone.

Xu Jinchuan came over and asked Chen Mengmeng how the communication with Chen Er was going.

Chen Mengmeng was stunned for a moment before remembering what Chen Er said just now.

"Chen Er said that he regards money as dung."

Xu Jinchuan seemed to have heard something incredible.

His eyes widened and he looked at Chen Mengmeng.

"It's a good one who treats money like dung..."

 PS: There will be an update at [-]pm n(*≧▽≦*)n
(End of this chapter)

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