God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 229 What is missing

Chapter 229 What is missing

After a while, Shen Yinian came to look for Chen Er.

"The guest wants to meet you."

Chen Er burped for a long time and put down his chopsticks contentedly.

I wiped my mouth before going to the restaurant.

Lin Shaofeng was a little anxious waiting.

Seeing Chen Erlai, he immediately stood up.

His lips were trembling, and he wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

Chen Er stretched out his hand to ask him to sit down.

Then he also sat down opposite Lin Shaofeng.

Talk to him, "Do you think today's food is still to your liking?"

Lin Shaofeng was very frank, "It's very delicious, your food has magic power."

Chen Er looked down at the empty plates on the table.

He nodded in agreement.

Lin Shaofeng took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

He thought about it carefully, and figured out what he wanted to say.

Then he said, "I've watched your live broadcast."

"You are the most meticulous Chinese chef I have ever seen."

Chen Er said calmly, "You're flattering me. I've seen some Cantonese and Jiangnan cuisine chefs, and their skills are more than ten times more refined than mine."

Both Cantonese cuisine and Jiangnan cuisine are famous for their exquisiteness and delicacy.

Chen Er feels that he is still a lazy person, and he cannot talk about the word "the most meticulous".

Lin Shaofeng did not tangle with Chen Er on this issue, but went on to say, "I think you have a craftsman spirit. You take food very seriously."

Although he knew that it was definitely not good for the other party to praise you fiercely, Chen Er still accepted the other party's compliment with a smile.

Lin Shaofeng praised Chen Er for a long time before finally getting into the subject.

"Every chef who opens a restaurant wants to be recognized for his craft."

"Michelin restaurants almost represent the mainstream of international cuisine."

"Do you have any thoughts on Michelin restaurants?"

Lin Shaofeng looked very serious.

Chen Er still had the smiling expression just now.

"The Michelin restaurant is also considered to be the most professional institution in the world for food evaluation."

"However, I personally have no idea about Michelin restaurants."

Lin Shaofeng was obviously surprised when he heard this.

What Chen Er said was the truth in his heart.

Michelin's influence abroad may be good, but for most Chinese people, its reference strength may not be as good as that of a certain food review app.

He feels that Michelin is indeed very professional, but he has no intention of pursuing this evaluation.

Chen Er believes that the most powerful evaluation of food is the mouth of diners.

It's not a food evaluation agency.

If Michelin is willing to rate his restaurant, he accepts it frankly, and if he is unwilling to give it, Chen Er will not feel anything.

Food has always been closely integrated with cultural habits.

Chen Er believes that food evaluation across cultural backgrounds is not objective.

Food evaluation is a relatively subjective thing.

The ingredients that a person doesn't like, no matter how delicious they are, are unpalatable to him.

In the same way, different countries and regions have different standards for evaluating food.

If Michelin cannot use Chinese habits to evaluate a restaurant, then its authority needs to be considered.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not practical for Michelin to do this.

Chen Er told Lin Shaofeng that there is no need to force this.

"Too much pursuit of other people's evaluation will only lose your own direction. The gain outweighs the loss."

Lin Shaofeng was stunned for a long time.

Only moved his lips.

"However, without Michelin, Chinese food will never be able to stand on the international stage..."

"If we can be like the island countries and make each dish exquisite to every step, we will be able to meet the Michelin standard."

The cuisine of the island country has gained international recognition with its strict and exquisite methods.

Therefore, the island country is also the first Asian country to have a Michelin restaurant.

Lin Shaofeng was a little excited.

"I think we can do that too!"

Chen Er felt that his patience today was really good.

After thinking about it carefully, he should have just been full.

So he said to Lin Shaofeng, "The characteristics of Japanese food are exquisiteness and strict requirements on the processing of ingredients."

"Even omelets must be of the same thickness and size."

Chen Er remembered that there was a documentary about Japanese food masters. The main character in it inherited his cooking skills from his father. He even had to learn how to fry omelets for three or four years, just to ensure that the omelettes were exactly the same every time.

"It's a good thing to be strict with ingredients, but I personally don't appreciate this approach."

"I still advocate doing whatever you want. I think the processing of ingredients is to follow nature."

"Too much attention to ingredients is putting the cart before the horse."

Lin Shaofeng wanted to refute, but couldn't find a point to refute.

Chen Er finally said, "Although I have not been a chef for a long time, I already have my own habits. I will not abandon my current habits and learn other people's methods just to get an evaluation."

After Chen Er finished speaking, he got up and wanted to leave.

Lin Shaofeng shouted behind him, "You already have a reputation, within a month, people from Michelin will come to you!"

If Chen Er's practice does not meet Michelin's standards, this opportunity will be lost in vain.

Chen Er glanced at him with a smile, "Then wish them good luck in advance, and bid for a seat in two months' time."

Shen Yinian couldn't help applauding Chen Er listening to it.

That's right, even if Michelin really wants to come, it must first defeat so many competitors at the auction.

Shen Yinian sent Lin Shaofeng out of the restaurant.

Lin Shaofeng's assistant Xiao Zhou was already waiting for him outside.

"How is it?" Xiao Zhou approached Lin Shaofeng and asked him.

"Will the owner of this restaurant agree to adopt your method?"

Lin Shaofeng did not respond for a long time.

He looked up at the moon above him.

"The moon is fine today."

He always remembered the year he first arrived in the United States.

Almost all foreigners around him have the impression that Chinese food is greasy, unhygienic, unhealthy and cheap.

But looking at the food in other Asian countries, Japanese food or Korean food.

All delicate, delicate cuisine.

He felt very unfair.

He never felt that Chinese food was inferior to other delicacies.

He wants to change this situation, and he wants others to know that Chinese food is also exquisite food.

So he worked hard for many years and finally opened his own Chinese restaurant in the United States.

But the door was deserted.

Most foreigners feel that his price is too high, and they are not willing to spend time waiting for a dish.

Business is almost at a standstill.

So he changed his strategy, he started to learn the recipes of Western food, and blended the recipes of Western food into Chinese food.

Slowly, the restaurant's business is getting better and better.

However, he still felt that something was missing in the Chinese food he cooked.

As for what was missing, he still didn't quite understand it.

 PS: There will be an update at [-]pm (????)??
(End of this chapter)

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