God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 191 Fairies Can’t Eat Pig’s Head Meat (Part 3)

Chapter 191 Fairies Can't Eat Pig's Head Meat (Part [-])

When Shen Yinian brought the dishes to the restaurant, Wu Bayi was stunned.

Although the aroma coming from it was very fragrant, she also liked eating meat.

But when she saw the pot of meat in front of her, she almost couldn't believe her eyes.

This is feeding her like a pig!
How long is she going to eat such a big pot!
Wu Ba poked his head a little further forward, and the expression on his face was strange.

I saw two big ears like cattail fans and a long pig nose hidden in the steaming and delicious pile of meat.

"This... what kind of meat is this?"

Wu Bayi couldn't speak clearly.

Shen Yinian was quite calm.

"Pork head meat."

"What! Pork head meat!"

Wu Bayi almost bit off his tongue.

Chen Er actually gave her a pig's head?
She grew up so big, she has never eaten pork head meat!

I heard from the chef at home that the pork head meat is very bad and dirty!
Wu Bayi looked at the meat in the basin again.

The pig's nostrils are as big as grapes.

"Fairies can't eat pig's head meat!!"

I don't know if the booger of the pig's head has been cleaned.

Wu Bayi poked the pig's nostrils with chopsticks.

Shen Yinian picked up a bowl beside her and scooped out a spoonful of pork for her.

"Miss Wu, do you really not want to eat?"

As he spoke, he stirred the bowl with a spoon.

The pork is loose and soft, and when it is gently stirred with a spoon, it will immediately fall apart, just like a well-ground meat sauce.

The soup is thick and fragrant.

It seems that every time the spoon is moved, the aroma will become more intense.

Wu Bayi couldn't help but licked his lips.

Shen Yinian put the bowl in front of her.

Then set out the dipping dishes one by one.

"I prepared four dipping dishes today."

"They are: dried chili noodles, spicy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and sugar."

Wu Bayi hesitated, "Then eat the spicy sauce..."

"I'll just take a bite and taste it! I can't come here in vain!"

Wu Bayi hastily added this sentence, not sure if he was comforting himself.

She picked up a piece of pork and lightly dipped it in some sauce, then put it in her mouth.

A burst of rich meaty aroma was poured from the mouth to the nose.

The meat was boiled very badly, even the skin and meat were cooked together, and even the fat in the meat was boiled hard, mixed with the half-melted skin and meat, stirred and stirred, mixed together A big pot of meat.

The pork rolls slickly over the tip of the tongue and gets lodged between the teeth.

With a slight push of the teeth, the sauce in the pork was squeezed out.

Mixed with the chewed meat, as if the tongue rolled over the meat on the hob, every cell was screaming, meaty meat!
So, Wu Bayi tasted one piece after another.

I ate bowl after bowl.

At first, she still told herself in her heart that she could not eat pig nose and pig ears!

What if it is not clean!
But at the end of the meal, she couldn't care less.

Pig ears can be smashed with chopsticks with a little force.

It is chewy in the mouth, and the tendons on the ears are extra delicious, just like crispy candies.

When chewing, you can still hear a slight sound.

Pig nose is slightly fatter than pig ears.

But the taste is also awesome.

The fat is a little tender, and the tender and slippery taste is unstoppable.

Much better than other parts of the meat!
Seeing Wu Bayi eating happily, Shen Yinian thought of teasing her.

He asked deliberately, "Can't fairies eat pork heads?"

Wu Bayi waved while chewing the meat in his mouth.

"Whatever! I'm not a little fairy!"

Wu Bayi despised the chef at home severely in his heart!

Who said pork head meat is not delicious!Who said that the pig's head is dirty!
It's so delicious that I have no friends!

When Wu Bayi ate an ear and half of a pig's nose, Shen Yinian stopped her in time.

"Miss Wu, there is another dish waiting."

"You can take the rest home and eat."

Wu Bayi reluctantly put down his chopsticks.

She really couldn't eat any more, and she felt a little full now.

If I eat any more, I'm afraid I'm going to die on this table.

So she asked Shen Yinian to pack the remaining pig head meat.

Then he patted the packing box lightly and said, "Good boy, I will continue to pamper you after I go back!"

Shen Yinian couldn't help laughing.

Wu Bayi has already tasted every dipping dish.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that the spicy sauce is more delicious.

Pork head dipped in sugar is the most wonderful!

The magical combination of pork head dipped in sugar can only be imagined by master Chen.

Wu Bayi couldn't help muttering a few words in his heart.

But after eating too much, I found it quite delicious.The taste is quite special.

Shen Yinian poured her a glass of jasmine wine.

The fragrance of jasmine is strong, and a glass of it is full of floral fragrance.

It's like being in the depths of a flower bush.

The meaty and greasy smell that filled his mouth before was swept away.

Wu Bayi quickly drank a glass of wine.


Chen Er in the kitchen also scooped up a bowl of pork head for himself.

At the moment, the bad goose palm is not ready yet, and he is very free.

Simply started eating and broadcasting.

Chen Er's eyes swept over the dipping plates on the table.

Then his eyes fell on the plate of white sugar.

"Let's try the taste of this pork head dipped in sugar first."

Fans: "Chen Laoshi, we respect you for being a hero!"

Chen Er picked up a piece of pork and lightly dipped it in some sugar, then threw it into his mouth.

The first taste to melt in your mouth is the sweetness of sugar.

It was normal at this time, and then, Chen Er tasted an indescribable special taste.

Pork has a strong meaty aroma, and it is a greasy food with a heavy taste.

I happened to encounter white sugar with a faint sweet aroma.

The two flavors collided together, as if you plunged into a mud pit during heavy rain, and then fell into a small pool with muddy water all over your body.

The water on the surface of the pool is clean, but the bottom of the pool is thick with mud.

So the more I washed, the more mud I got on my body.

It's this wonderful feeling, a combination of thick and light.

Sweet with a bit of meaty aroma.

When I first ate it, it was simply torture.

But the more you eat, the better you feel.

This vast difference makes the tongue feel a different kind of pleasure.

This is probably the strangest kind of food that Chen Er has eaten so far.

Chen Er ate for a while before stopping to speak.

"The anchor, I suggest that everyone should pay attention to two things when eating this pork head dipped in sugar."

"First, you must catch the first bite."

"Second, don't eat too much."

Everyone asked Chen Er one after another what it was like to dip pork head in sugar.

He just focused on eating and didn't mention the taste.

Chen Er showed a look that could only be understood but could not be expressed in words.

"Want to know."

"Then try it, you will know."

Pork stewed vermicelli: "Hold the grass, Chen Laoshi has this routine look in his eyes again!"

(End of this chapter)

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