Chapter 42
The phenomenon that there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom has always existed in human society.The Song Dynasty was no exception.

Although gambling is strictly prohibited officially, and severe penalties have been established.But the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats themselves were gambling, and it was a little whimsical to expect the people to consciously abide by these laws.

Therefore, although there were no large casinos in the Song Dynasty, some small gambling activities have always been very popular. Unless someone deliberately framed and sued the officials, no one thought it was illegal.

However, the law does not pursue this kind of spontaneous gambling behavior by the people, but it does not mean that Gao Qiu can open a casino.

After all, if you want to attract a large number of gamblers into the water to promote football, it will not work without the guidance of a certain scale of gambling institutions.

But if a large-scale gambling organization is really established, even if Gao Li is the commander-in-chief, once he is impeached by a caring person and many ministers, then Gao Li's situation will be extremely dangerous.

"Qiu." Jing Xunze looked at Gao Qiu and asked, "Do you think the government will protect you if someone sues you for opening a casino?"

"If too many ministers unite to impeach, no one can protect the students." Gao Qiu said with a bow, "Even the officials have to consider their own reputation. Once this kind of thing is written in the history books, then the officials It is indispensable to gain the reputation of a pro-little man and a virtuous minister in the future."

"But the problem is that your official family has a bad reputation in history. It is a king of subjugation."

"But the officials themselves don't know about this." Gao Qiu said with a wry smile.

In fact, he already knew that the era he lived in was called the Northern Song Dynasty, and it perished shortly after his death.Song Huizong was sent to the Jin people together with his son.

But so what if you know.

He was a lucky minister who started in the humble beginnings and had no family support or backing. Even if he learned a good strategy for governing the country from Xun Ze, he would not be able to use it when he returned.

Under such circumstances, Gao Qiu felt that unless he had something like the golden finger that Xun Ze often said, he would definitely not have the ability to help the building collapse.

It is precisely because of this that Gao Qiu promoted football in the Song Dynasty according to Xun Ze's idea.

Song Huizong must be the king of subjugation, but Gao Qiu does not want to be the minister of subjugation. He wants to leave his name in history and let future generations remember him.

Only by becoming the inventor of modern football and becoming the No. 1 football player in China will people remember his name until the 21st century.

"Then can we give some of the income from running the casino to the government in exchange for the protection of you from the government." Ming Xunze said something whimsical, but immediately wanted to take back his words.

After all, how could the emperor be short of money?

But before Xun Ze could speak, Gao Qiu said first, "It's not impossible, but the premise is to find a good excuse."

"Eh?" Ming Xunze was stunned when he heard Gao Qiu's words, he asked. "Will the government take your money?"

"Yes." Gao Qiu said with great certainty, "The government has always been short of money. Not only the private treasury is short, but the state treasury is even more short. I heard from my family that the state treasury spends more than it earns every year."

"Why is this happening?" Jing Xunze asked curiously, "The emperors of the Song Dynasty did not live very luxuriously."

"Because of redundant officials, redundant expenses, and redundant soldiers." Gao Qiu said affirmatively. "Although the fiscal revenue is quite high, the expenditure is more. There is not much money left in the treasury every year."

"Is this what you know from reading history books?"

"No, it was said by my lord. In fact, all officials who have a half-time official in the court know about it. But knowing it doesn't mean they have the ability to solve it. If you want to solve redundant officials, you must abolish officials. Everyone is Those who study hard in the cold window and dismiss them hastily will inevitably arouse the anger of the scholars.

To solve the redundant troops, the army must be abolished.However, a large number of soldiers were returned to the people. If they were not given land, they would inevitably cause trouble.But if the imperial court has enough idle fields, how can it be redundant.Redundant officials and soldiers can't solve it, let alone solve redundant expenses. "

After listening to Gao Qiu's explanation, Ming Xunze also guessed why Song Huizong was short of money.

Because the people who collect money, manage money, and transport money are actually spenders.How can it be possible for them to save their own expenses.

After all, people who spend money account for 90.00%, and there are only a few people who have headaches and no money.Instead of reducing the income of other people, it is better to let those few people continue to have headaches and no money.

"Listen to you, this thing can indeed be done."

Ming Xunze made some calculations in his mind, and felt that with modern gambling methods, the casino Gao Lian said would definitely make a lot of money every day.

Part of this money went into the national treasury in the name of military expenditure to cover losses, and part of it went into the emperor's private treasury in the name of filial piety for the emperor to spend.

Then the emperor and the ministers must be able to block their mouths with money.

There is a saying that cannibalism is short-mouthed and soft-handed. If the emperor and ministers take money, they will inevitably serve as Gao Qi's umbrella.

"That's it." Ming Xunze said, "But at the beginning, you can't open a casino blatantly, you can sell lottery tickets first. From today on, I will teach you various methods of gambling. Let you know what is single-win and what is Handicap, what is a single-ticket package, what is a ball, big and small balls, single-even goals."

After eight o'clock on Wednesday night, Xun Ze finished teaching Gao Qiu, and asked Gao Qiu to go out to play for a while, and he also had a short rest, preparing to teach Chi Yihan math later.

Although Xun Ze didn't make an appointment with Chi Yihan on the teaching time, Chi Yihan usually arrived at the cram school at eight o'clock.

But today seemed to be an exception. Chi Yihan didn't show up until nine o'clock.

"Maybe something happened on the road." Ming Xunze was a little worried, and was about to call Chi Yihan, but at this moment, there were footsteps outside.

'Shua' the door opened, and Chi Yihan walked in.

"Teacher." Chi Yihan looked at Xunze and said, "I'm sorry I'm late today."

"It's okay." Ming Xunze liked Chi Yihan's attitude of admitting his mistakes before explaining the reasons, and motioned Chi Yihan to come in. "Is something delayed?"

"Yes." Chi Yihan said, "I went to the sword hall to submit my information tonight, hoping to pass the approval of the sword hall and take the special talent test."

"Special talent test?" Ming Xunze asked while looking at Chi Yihan.

"Yes." Chi Yihan said, "There are regulations in the sword hall. If you fail the math test but have excellent swordsmanship talents, you can apply for the special genius exam. The content of the exam is to compete with three official sword hall disciples One-on-one fencing competitions. If you can win two of them, you can directly become a disciple of the fencing gym regardless of your math performance."

(End of this chapter)

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