My students can change history

Chapter 41 Teacher, you will be beheaded for gambling

Chapter 41 Teacher, you will be beheaded for gambling

On Monday morning, Li Bai and Gao Qiu, who had returned, sat in the classroom and listened quietly to Xunze's instructions to arrange the teaching tasks for the week.

"Let's study for Li Bai this week." Ming Xunze said to Li Bai, "I don't think I have anything to teach you. So you arrange your own study plan for this week."

"Okay teacher." Li Bai nodded and said, "Then can I go out at any time?"

"Just come back to sleep at night." Ming Xunze looked at Li Bai and said, "By the way, try not to cause trouble when you go out. You don't have a registered permanent residence. Once you are taken to the police station, it will be very troublesome."

"Understood." Li Bai nodded obediently.

Watching Li Bai walk out of the classroom, Xun Ze turned to Gao Qiu and said, "Did you read any information about football last night?"

"I see." Gao Qiu replied, "Although I have completed the task assigned by the teacher, Chinese football has not yet risen."

"The reason for this is mainly because the teacher didn't think well." Ming Xunze took the responsibility on himself, "You did create a football league and promote modern football. But because you promoted it under the banner of training at the beginning Football, so football is limited to the army, and the complete league system has not been brought into the civilian population."

"What does the teacher mean, when I go back next time, I will try to establish a football league directly among the people instead of the army?"

"It doesn't work like this." Ming Xunze said, "It is difficult to establish a complete football system based on your own efforts. Even if you spend your whole life building a football league in the capital, but once the war sweeps through and the people are displaced, The football league you built will be lost to history."

"Then what should we do?" Gao Qiu looked at Xun Ze and asked in puzzlement.

"My father taught me a truth since I was a child." Ming Xunze looked at Gao Qiu and said, "When you really want to do something, but you can't do it alone. You need to use some benefits to lure someone A large number of groups bring capital to join. As long as this group does not disappear, then the things you want to do will not stop.”

"Teacher, I still don't understand."

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly." Asked Xun Ze to sit opposite Gao Qiu, took out a piece of paper and a pen, and asked Gao Qiu, "Aren't you Song people good at gambling?"

"That's right." Gao Qiu replied, "From the emperor down to the ordinary people, down to the local ruffians, there are all kinds of teachings and all kinds of classes, it can be said that there is no one who does not gamble."

Song people are fond of gambling, which is very famous in history.From Zhao Kuangyin losing Huashan because he gambled with a Taoist priest to Song Huizong losing two thousand gold in a chess game with Li Shishi, every emperor in the Song Dynasty had more or less a few folk stories about gambling.

Even Song Renzong, who had a good reputation, had a story of losing [-] yuan in a bet with a court lady, and had the cheek to ask for [-] yuan back.

As the saying goes, what the highest respects, the people must respect.With the emperor taking the lead in gambling, the subjects are even more unscrupulous.

In the Battle of Chanzhou, which was crucial to the fate of the Song Dynasty, the Prime Minister Kou Zhun, who was the commander-in-chief before the battle, did not forget to drink bo with others.The well-known idiom comes from "Song History Kou Zhun Biography": "A blogger wants to lose all his money, but he spends all he has, which is called a desperate bet."

In addition to ministers such as Kou Zhun, literati in the Song Dynasty also liked gambling very much, including the poetess Li Qingzhao, who once introduced more than 20 ways to gamble in her articles, such as rich people love to gamble (here, the ball refers to Cuju), Those who have no money can play chess. Song Huizong and Song Qinzong may agree to this, because when they were taken away by the Jin people, they still did not forget to bring chess with them in their panic.

Of course, these are relatively high-end gambling methods. Common people generally like cockfights, cricket fights, betting on the heads and tails of coins, throwing dice and so on.

As a young lady with independent thinking, Li Qingzhao thinks throwing dice and fighting cock and cricket are too vulgar, and betting on balls is inconvenient, so she invented a way of gambling herself, called playing horses.

Because this game has been lost, no one knows how to play it, but some people speculate that playing horses may be the predecessor of mahjong.

Ask Xunze to write the word "gambling" on the paper, and then write the word "football" next to the word "gambling son".

"Since everyone likes to gamble, and football is very suitable for gambling. So, can we combine gambling and football, establish related gambling institutions, and then attract a large number of gamblers and casinos into the water. In this way, once the gambling If the wind prevails, people will naturally build their own football teams among the people, and several football leagues will jointly form a football league to tempt others to gamble."

Gao Qiu heard Xun Ze's whimsical idea, and there was no expression of surprise and admiration on his face that "so there is such an operation".He whispered, "Teacher, this method sounds right. But the imperial court prohibits gambling. Gambling without authorization, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, can be punished with a cane. There is even the possibility of beheading."

"What?" Jing Xunze was stunned when he heard Gao Qiu's words.

Is there any mistake, everyone from the emperor to the rascal in the Song Dynasty likes to gamble, but you tell me that gambling is illegal in your place?Even beheaded? !

You are making trouble!
"Wait first, I'll look up the information." Ming Xunze signaled Gao Qiu to sit down first, then he walked aside, opened his laptop and began to check the information about the illegal gambling in the Song Dynasty.

As the saying goes, a small gamble is fun and a big gamble hurts the body.

Once gambling becomes popular and there are no relevant laws to restrict it, it will easily cause social problems.

Because during the Song and Yuan dynasties, gambling was a serious trend, so historical records have recorded a lot of imaginations caused by gambling, corrupting the law, disrupting society, killing people and getting goods.

For example, it is recorded in "Song History Wang Anshi Biography": "A young man got a quail fight. His peers refused to give it to him, and he kept it because of his intimacy. The young man chased and killed him."

It is recorded in "Yan Yi Yi Mou Lu": "There are people who are evil and rascal in the world, and they will not succeed in their fierceness. The small ones gamble, and the big ones slaughter cattle and horses and sell copper coins. Public behavior is not taboo. If there is no reward for losing money, it is wearing clothes. If there are many parties, it is robbery, arson, rape, and murder."

The Song Dynasty's "Ming Gong Shu Tan Qing Ming Collection" contains countless murder cases caused by gambling.

Court officials are not fools. Although they themselves gamble, they can see the harm that gambling brings to society.

Therefore, at the beginning of the founding of the Song Dynasty, the laws and regulations related to gambling were established: all those who gamble with property will each have a hundred sticks, and those who have stolen the most will have their own share, and the theory of quasi-robbery.It stops the master and those who come out of the nine harmony, each of them is the same.

In other words, in the early days of the founding of the Song Dynasty, once someone was caught gambling, he would be sentenced directly for the crime of theft.But even so, because the upper class did not stop their gambling behavior, the common people still followed suit, and the gambling trend became more and more popular.

So in the period of Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, in order to prevent people from organizing large-scale gambling, he directly issued an edict: "Those who publish blogs in the capital city will be arrested by the Kaifeng government, and the offenders will be beheaded."

Of course, these laws and regulations are not just words. During the Song Taizong period, there were detailed records. A group of idle rascals were directly questioned and executed for opening a casino.And those who dare to inform these people are also guilty with them.

In addition to beheading civilians, there are also quite severe punishments for gambling among literati.For example, Ding You in March of the fifth year of Dazhong Xiangfu in the Song Dynasty, "The superior said that Xiao Lizhi, a Jinshi, whose real name was Liu, was punished with a stick because of gambling. Now he changed his name to go to Judengdi, and there was an imperial edict to question him. He ordered him to lead him. Seize his edict, redeem forty catties of copper, and send him away."

That is to say, if you have violated the law because of gambling, even if you obtain meritorious service, it will be revoked on the spot and you will be told to go back and forth.

This is so magical. On the one hand, there are the emperor's people who are addicted to gambling, and on the other hand, there is a law that if you open a casino at will, you will be beheaded.

How did the people of the Song Dynasty survive in such a magical society?

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(End of this chapter)

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