My students can change history

Chapter 281 Spiritual Foundation Establishment

Chapter 281 Spiritual Foundation Establishment
"Senior Brother Xu Wei." In the oasis world, Zhang Zhongjing found Xu Wei.

"What's the matter?" Xu Wei put down the tools in his hands, indicating that Cai Lun should continue to study hidden weapons by himself.

After Cai Lun and Xu Wei came back this time, they soon knew the history of the rise and fall of hidden weapons in Xunzhou.

Cai Lun didn't feel much about what happened to him.In the eyes of people like them, life and death are actually nothing.

After all, so what if they die, they can still live to the time when their teacher called Xun Ze?

Cai Lun is satisfied as long as he keeps his reputation and contribution to the world.

So after returning, Cai Lun didn't even bother to look through the classics to find out who the disciple who betrayed him was, and started a new round of research directly.

Judging from the situation that the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian can only use human sacrifices to erupt huge power, the hidden weapon has reached the stage of the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian, basically the road has been completed, unless in modern times, combined with science, it can still be done Produce some hidden weapons that are no less powerful than low-energy weapons.

Therefore, after Cai Lun came back this time, he gave up the research on hidden weapons and shifted his focus to the research on hidden weapons skills.

"Brother Xu Wei." Seeing Xu Wei getting up, Zhang Zhongjing dragged Xu Wei to his independent research room.

"Look at this puddle of liquid." Zhang Zhongjing pointed to a puddle of black liquid for Xu Wei to see.

"What is this."

Xu Wei turned on the scanner as he spoke, and found that the scanner in Oasis World couldn't analyze what the puddle of liquid was.

The database of Oasis World stores all the material and energy data known to mankind so far. The thing that the scanner of Oasis World could not scan last time is called internal force.

However, after the emergence of internal force, the scanner can still analyze the internal force, no matter what form the internal force appears in.

But now, the scanner failed to analyze the specific substance of the target again, which immediately attracted Xu Wei's attention.

"Brother, you can try to wrap this pool of liquid with internal force." Zhang Zhongjing gave Xu Wei a suggestion.

"I'll try." Xu Wei immediately used his authority to invoke an extremely large internal force, and then wrapped the internal force around the pool of liquid.

Internal force is a kind of energy, and powerful internal force can be used to grab objects using the skills of catching dragons and controlling cranes.

It is not very difficult to wrap the pool of liquid with internal force and grab the liquid out.

But just when the inner force first came into contact with the pool of liquid, an accident happened.

"These liquids are corroding the internal force!" Xu Wei immediately found through the monitor on the side that after touching the liquid, the amount of internal force decreased rapidly.

In 10 minutes at most, the internal energy that Xu Wei mobilized just now will disappear without a trace.

"Yes." Zhang Zhongjing looked at Xu Wei and said, "I found some martial arts novels when I checked the classics last week. These novels describe various pills and poisons. Powerful pills can increase the internal strength of warriors, and powerful The poison can make the warrior lose the power of action.

But these elixirs only exist in novels. In the real world, no one has ever thought of researching such elixirs to help warriors cultivate, or to sanction some evil warriors. "

"Actually, it's not that there are none." Xu Wei thought for a while and said, "The reason why there are so many great masters in this era is because there are many medicines and methods to assist warriors in their cultivation."

"Can I get the formulas of these medicines?" Zhang Zhongjing asked.

"It should be possible. The latest formula is difficult to obtain, but the old formula has been made public." Xu Wei said, and then opened his authority to let Oasis World transfer the formula of these medicines.

"Thank you, brother." Zhang Zhongjing said to Xu Wei, "Senior brother Cai Lun opened a hidden weapon, which made Zhong Jing very admired. Zhong Jing did not have the courage of brother Cai Lun to open up a new martial art, but he was willing to do something for the warriors." A contribution of its own."

"Okay, after Cai Lun returns next week, I'll come and help you." Xu Wei asked Zhang Zhongjing to study the materials first.

Several students on the moon are studying step by step. Although Ming Xunze doesn't know the specific situation, he feels relieved when he thinks that Xu Wei is there.

After all, Xu Wei, as a student who has stayed in an unknown number of levels, already has a very deep understanding of modern times.

And he also temporarily figured out what the phantom that entered Chen Liya's body was.

To be precise, it is a legacy.

Chen Liya knew very well that she would enter the Glory Patriarch Hall of Qinglian Sword Gate in the future to get the Saint Sword she left behind.

Although she was only a half-step grand master until her death.But the half-step grand master has initially mastered the spiritual power, leaving a vague inheritance that only he can inherit is not very difficult.

Becoming a grand master requires mastering spiritual power, and there is only one way to master spiritual power at first, and that is to accept the coercion of martial arts.

However, with the increasing number of great masters, people found that if they accepted the inheritance of the great masters, they could also master spiritual power.

The reason why Chen Liya was not promoted to grand master in the end was because there were too few relics of martial arts will, and there was not enough martial arts coercion to help her succeed in promotion.

But now that there is a complete inheritance of a half-step grand master, then the possibility of Chen Liya being promoted to a grand master is basically [-]%.

Time flies and it is time for the students to leave on Friday.

"Teacher, I'm leaving." After the big cat appeared, all the martial arts coercion in the Glory Patriarch Hall disappeared temporarily, as if they were afraid of this fat and cute orange cat.

"Yeah." Ming Xunze looked at Chen Liya, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Your path, although it seems that you have reached the end of your path for the time being.

But when Li Bai was studying with me, he didn't even know what internal force is.Now he has become a great master.

Maybe history will change again in the future, and our master and disciple will be able to meet again. "

"Liya will do her best and look forward to seeing the teacher again in the future." Chen Liya bowed slightly to Xunze.

"Yeah." Ming Xunze nodded, then watched Da Miao take Chen Liya and disappeared into the Glory Patriarch Hall.

"Let's settle the teacher appreciation ceremony with you this time."

Da Miao introduced this teacher appreciation ceremony to Xun Ze.In addition to other common options, the reward on the mysterious side is indeed a grand master.

"I choose to be a grand master."

Hearing that there was a reward from the great master, Ming Xunze chose the reward without saying a word.

After all, if he didn't become a grand master, he wouldn't be able to get out of the Glory Patriarch Hall in the past two days.

Now the inheritance of the Qinglian Sword was taken away by him, and the Sword of the Saint was shattered into a pile of scrap iron.

If he didn't become a Grandmaster and went out, he might be detained by the Qinglian Sword Sect's people on the spot.

"Yes." Da Miao nodded, and then said to Xun Ze, "Seeing that we have known each other for so long, I will give you a gift this time."

"What gift?" Ming Xunze suddenly became a little curious.

After all, with his current status, money and strength are no longer lacking, but he can't think of what Big Miao can give him.

"After becoming a Grand Master, you can awaken a special ability." Da Miao said to Xun Ze, "You have inherited Li Bai's Qinglian Sword Domain, so it stands to reason that Qinglian Sword Domain will be owned by you after you become a Grand Master. Ability.

But today I am in a good mood, so I can give you an additional gift after awakening. "

"So good?" Ming Xunze looked suspiciously at Big Miao.

For such a long time, this is the first time that Da Miao offered to send something called Xun Ze.

"Are you questioning the relationship between Ben Meow and you?" Da Miao shouted at Xun Ze, "You know, this is the first time Ben Meow has given someone a gift."

"Just kidding." Asked Xunze to quickly pick up Big Meow and smooth his fur. "The two of us have known each other for so long, and we have become like family members. How could we not believe you?"

"That's pretty much the same." Big Miao said to Xunze, "So after you officially become a grand master the next day, in addition to the original ability of Qinglian Sword Field, you will also get a second ability, which is spiritual building. base."

"Spiritual foundation building?" Asked Xunze to read the word carefully, then looked at Da Miao and asked, "What does this ability mean?"

"The biggest difference between a grand master and a grand master, or other warriors, is that they have mastered spiritual power. So in the eyes of ordinary warriors, a grand master has even been out of the range of warriors.

But in fact, spiritual power is not only something that only great masters can master.Ordinary people, not even warriors, can master spiritual power.

But the reason why so far, only great masters can master spiritual power is because the spiritual power is too powerful, even if ordinary people obtain this kind of energy, they cannot use it, and it will cause harm to themselves.

And spiritual foundation building is to build a foundation for the spiritual power in the human body.With this foundation, even if you don't have a strong physical body, you can rely on this foundation to slowly practice. "

"But I'm a great master now, and I have spiritual power." Ming Xunze said to Big Meow in puzzlement, "Why do I need to do so much to build a spiritual foundation?"

"You don't need it anymore, but others do."

Big Meow looked at Ming Xunze with eyes that hated iron and steel, and said,
"This ability of yours is not used on yourself at all, but on others.

If a person has the potential to cultivate spiritual power, then you can build a spiritual foundation for him, so that he can directly cultivate spiritual power without practicing martial arts. "

After listening to Da Miao's words, Jiao Xunze immediately understood what Da Miao was up to.

Isn't the so-called spiritual foundation building the same as the inheritance method after Mo Zhai obtained the internal power?
(End of this chapter)

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