My students can change history

Chapter 280 What is Demon

Chapter 280 What is Demon

"I don't think what you said is right at all!" After seeing this netizen's reply, Lu Zhende immediately sent a voice message angrily.

"The war between Wanfazong and Dongli Island has lasted for almost 100 years. Every warrior under Wanfazong, even ordinary people, hope to end this war as soon as possible.

Countless heroes shed their blood and died on the battlefield just to end this war.How could anyone not want to end this war! "

Lu Zhende's angry growling voice stunned the opposite netizen for a few minutes, and then he realized that he directly applied for a video with Lu Zhende.

Although Lu Zhende has never video-recorded with others, Xu Wei introduced related functions to her.

So Lu Zhende thought about it, and agreed to the other party's video request.

The man who requested to have a video with Lu Zhende was a young man who looked a little bohemian and dressed in fashionable clothing.

After seeing Joan Lu, he immediately said, "Aren't you a crazy fan of Joan Lu? How come your image is so similar to the image of Joan Lu left in history."

"No." Lu Zhende hastily denied it.


Although the boy felt that Lu Zhende's attitude was a bit strange, he did not pursue it further. Instead, he introduced himself, "My online name is the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons. You can just call me Ten Thousand Demons."

"Hello Wanmo, you can call me Xiaolu."

"En." The ancestor of all demons nodded, and then said to Lu Zhende, "I came to video with you, mainly to explain the history of Xunzhou to you."

"Then tell me." Lu Zhende sat on the sofa with her mouth pouting, looking at the projection of the ancestor of all demons in front of her, wanting to hear his explanation.

"You are not very old." The ancestor of all demons glanced at Lu Zhende, then waved his hand, and various classics appeared in front of him.

"Look at this record. The Yinglanwan War broke out between Wanfazong and Dongli Island. This battle was extremely tragic, and both sides suffered heavy losses."

"Yes." Lu Zhende also knew about this war. She said to the ancestor of all demons, "In this battle, all the elites of the Qintao lineage of Wanfa Sect were killed, but they burned them before they died. The grain transport ship from Dongli Island has made great achievements."

"Then here comes the problem."

The ancestor of all demons looked at Lu Joan and said,
"Why didn't the Qin Dao lineage gain such credit in exchange for the most tragic ending in the follow-up battles.

You must know that before this battle on Dongli Island, grain and grass in various places had been attacked, resulting in the supply of grain, grass and weapons being not very timely.

After this battle, Dongli Island's army on the mainland completely cut off food, grass and logistical supplies. It stands to reason that even if they were not driven back to Dongli Island, they would retreat to important ports.

But it is not the case.After the Yinglanwan battle, although Dongli Island lost the ability to continue to attack Wanfazong, it did not allow Wanfazong to find an opportunity to expand the results of the battle.

Do you know why? "

"Why?" Lu Zhende asked.

"Because someone sold a batch of grain, grass and weapons to Dongli Island." The ancestor of all demons waved his hand again, and another batch of information appeared in front of Lu Zhende's eyes.

"This was discovered later. The account books of Siping Trading Company in Wanfa Sect can be clearly traced. After the Battle of Yinglanwan, Siping Trading Company of Wanfa Sect sold a large amount of grain, grass and weapons to Dongli Island.

In order to buy these food, grass and weapons, Dongli Island paid ten times the market price at that time.However, after Dongli Island obtained these food, grass and weapons, it insisted on defending its occupied area and did not take a step back.

From the perspective of the departure of Dongli Island, this is a very cost-effective deal. "

"Siping Trading Company." Hearing the words of the ancestor of all demons, Lu Zhende immediately said through gritted teeth, "I remember. When I go back, I will definitely expose the true face of this trading company."

"Could you have experienced Lu Zhende's life in the simulated world?" The ancestor of all demons cast a curious glance at Lu Zhende, suspecting that Lu Zhende might be curious about Lu Zhende's history, so he used the historical figure experience system provided by Oasis Company to experience it A history of Joan of Arc.

Although this kind of character experience system is more suitable for people who are interested in history to understand historical figures more intuitively.But it will also bring about another less serious problem.

That is, once the experiencer is too immersed in the story of the historical figure being experienced, he is likely to regard himself as this historical figure for a period of time.

So the ancestor of all demons also thought that Lu Zhende reacted so much after experiencing Lu Zhende's related history.

"No, no." Lu Zhende didn't know what it was to experience life, so she dealt with it vaguely.

"Okay, then I will continue to explain to you."

The Ancestor of All Demons once again took out some classics, and then said to Lu Zhende,

"This is part of the records in Zangshuge about the Siping Chamber of Commerce. From these records, we can clearly understand that the Siping Chamber of Commerce was first born to establish the Wanfazong.

Although he does not belong to Wanfazong on the surface, in fact, the Siping Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the storage of Wanfazong in various places. For a long time, Siping Chamber of Commerce has been responsible for dispatching material flow.

However, after the Hundred Years' War started, some elders of the Wanfa Sect believed that the Siping Chamber of Commerce, a private chamber of commerce that was not controlled by the sect, was too inefficient, so a separate transportation agency was established to replace part of the functions of the Siping Chamber of Commerce.

Because many of the major shareholders of the Siping Chamber of Commerce are actually big figures in the Wanfazong, after depriving the Siping Chamber of Commerce of the right to use Wanfazong's materials, in order to compensate the Siping Chamber of Commerce, Wanfazong handed over some strategic reserves to the Siping Chamber of Commerce for management. , let the Siping Chamber of Commerce be responsible for purchasing materials from the private sector, adding them to the strategic reserve, and waiting for them to be used when resources are tight at the front. "

"You mean to say that the materials sold to Dongli Island were actually transferred from the Wanfazong's strategic reserve by the Siping Chamber of Commerce?"

"Yes." The ancestor of all demons said, "Shortly after this transaction took place, a fire broke out in a large-scale strategic reserve warehouse managed by the Siping Chamber of Commerce. The investigation results at that time showed that the fire had completely burned the materials in the warehouse. clean."

"These people should be damned." Lu Zhende shouted angrily, "If I have the chance, I must expose these people's dirty deeds!"

"Why are you so naive." The ancestor of all demons looked at Lu Zhende and laughed, "Although many disciples of Wanfazong didn't know about these behaviors at the time, it is impossible for the high-level people of Wanfazong not to know.

After all, transporting materials from the strategic reserve to the territory of Dongli Island cannot be kept secret from everyone along the way.The reason why I say Lu Joan is bound to die.It was because in the later stages of the Hundred Years War, it had become a business.

The higher-ups can use war as an excuse to continuously squeeze the lower-level warriors, and through cruel wars, they can also train a large number of warriors who can serve as the backbone of the sect.

Wanfazong is a huge sect composed of many sects.He is different from other sects, they are not very united, but full of mountains and groups.

Therefore, for many mountains and groups in Wanfazong, it is better not to end the war than to end, because as long as there is war, they will have the opportunity to strengthen themselves. "

"Why, why is this happening?" Lu Zhende looked at the various materials brought out by the ancestor of all demons, and felt that some beliefs in her heart were gradually collapsing.

The reason why she joined the war was because many of her family and friends were warriors of the Wanfa Sect.

In her village, almost every year someone died on the battlefield because of fighting for Wanfazong.

But no one would resent Wanfazong for this place.Because many warriors in the sect often come to the village to promote.Once Dongli Island hits, then Wan Fazong will be finished.

And when Wanfazong is finished, the warriors of Dongli Island will kill all the warriors protected by Wanfazong, and prohibit the Chinese people in Wanfazong from practicing Wanfazong's cheats, and they can only practice Dongli Island's swordsmanship.

Wanfazong is home, and honor is life.

This is the education Lu Zhende has received since she was a child.

The warriors in Xunzhou have practiced various martial arts since they were young. Unless they are disciples of Cangshuge, most of their understanding of culture and knowledge is limited to the two books produced by Cangshuge, which need to be memorized by warriors since childhood.

One is "Three Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention for Warriors", and the other is "Theory of Morality".

"The Book of Three Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention for Warriors" is used to regulate the behavior of warriors, so I won't say much about it for now.

The main content of the book "On Morality" is to tell warriors why they fight, why they practice, why they draw their swords, and why they keep their promises.

Among them, the article on why to fight clearly states that warriors should fight for their family and friends.The place where family and friends are located is the sect.

There are warriors of the sect, who are the disciples of the sect.Warriors without sects are just rangers in the wilderness.

And even the most famous ranger, Master Chen Liya, left the sect and became a ranger because he wanted to protect the sect.

Therefore, the young people in the village where Lu Zhende lived were all proud of being able to die for Wanfazong.

But now the ancestor of all demons told her that the reason why the sect started the war was not to make the disciples and warriors below live better, but for its own benefit? !

"Are you okay?" The ancestor of all demons saw that Lu Zhende burst into tears, and hurriedly asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

Lu Zhende was already flustered at this time, and she didn't want to discuss this topic with the ancestor of all demons, so she reluctantly asked to the ancestor of all demons, "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, why is your name called the ancestor of all demons?" .What is a demon?"

"What is a demon?" The ancestor of all demons looked at Lu Zhende and suddenly laughed.He thought this girl was really interesting, so he said, "If you don't obey the rules, the world is big, but if I only live for myself, I am a devil."

(End of this chapter)

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