My students can change history

Chapter 235 Just Because My Name Is Liu Bang?

Chapter 235 Just Because My Name Is Liu Bang?
Many of the laws that Han Fei set for the Qin State were copied from the legal provisions of the Huaxia Alliance, so they tended to emphasize evidence as a whole.

The fact that Li Si wanted to attack the Legalist Discipline Group was actually no secret among the senior officials of the Qin State.

The power of the Legalist Discipline Group lies in the fact that their weapons can perfectly coordinate with their internal strength, allowing them to compete head-on with the Mohist masters.

But at the same time, the disadvantage of the Legalist Discipline Group is also obvious, that is, they have too few internal force masters. After the battle with the Mohists, many members who had achieved internal force were mostly killed in battle.

This led to the fact that after Qin unified the six countries, the Legalist discipline group still did not recover.

At this time, the nobles of Qin State, after absorbing some traitors from the Mohist family, had the energy to compete head-on with the Legalist Discipline Group.

In this case, if the Legalist Precept Group strikes first, there is still hope of survival.Therefore, after confirming that Li Si was indeed planning to attack the residence of the Legalist Discipline Group, the elders of the Legalist Discipline Group immediately went out to attack and kill Li Si.

But what the elders of the Legalist Discipline Group never expected was that all of this was just a game set up by Li Sibu.

It is not only Li Si who wants to get rid of the Legalist Discipline Group, but also Qin Shihuang Yingzheng himself.

However, Qin Shihuang, who had just unified the country, was reluctant to directly wipe out the Legalist Discipline Group, an organization with no notoriety, on trumped-up charges.

So he instructed Li Si to spread the news that he wanted to eliminate the Legalist Precept Group because of jealousy, and asked Li Si to recruit rebels on a large scale, so that the Legalist Precept Group took the lead in protecting themselves.

After the Legalist Discipline Group invaded Li Si's house, Qin Shihuang immediately sent rebels and troops to surround the members of the Legalist Discipline Group. In the name of mediation, they first let the members of the Legalist Discipline Group lay down their weapons, and then charged them with treason. Killed almost all members of the Legalist discipline group on the spot.

Later, a letter from Ying Zheng was sent to Han Fei, ordering Han Fei to explain clearly why he secretly ordered the Legalist Discipline Group to rebel.

In 221 BC, Xianyang, the Holy Land of Legalist Precepts, the residence of the Great Elder.

"Great elder." A young member of the Legalist discipline group walked into Han Fei's room.

"Jin Bang, you're here." Han Fei, who was over 50 years old, looked up at Jin Bang, and then put a roll of bamboo books on the table.

"Yes, Great Elder." Jin Bang greeted Han Fei respectfully.

"Do you know what happened to the commandments group recently?"

Han Fei looked at Jin Bang and asked.

"It seems that Elder Chen and his Majesty ordered them to be imprisoned because they violated the law."

"They were not pushed into prison, but they were all executed."

"What!" Jin Bang was stunned.

Even Jin Bang, who was at the bottom of the commandment group, had heard about the fact that the discipline group wanted to get rid of Li Si, a villain who had been slandering His Majesty.

But he never expected that this action not only failed to get rid of Li Si, but caused most of the elites of the discipline group to be directly executed by His Majesty.

"The Discipline Group is the mainstay of Daqin, why does Your Majesty do this?"

"Because Daqin has already unified the six kingdoms, there is no need for a discipline group."

Han Fei let out a long sigh.

"I originally thought that I would let the Discipline Corps abide by the commandments and maintain order. His Majesty would not treat the Discipline Corps the same way he treated rebels. But I didn't expect that I still underestimated people's hearts."

"Rebel Mo, do you mean those Mohist disciples who took refuge with the Qin nobles after the Mohist family fell?"

Jin Bang didn't understand why Han Fei specifically said the word "treason".

"No." Han Fei shook his head, then looked at Jin Bang and said, "Some things are better than knowing."

"No." Jin Bang didn't know what Han Fei meant by these words.But he was just an inconspicuous pawn of the Discipline Corps, so he bowed his head and made a promise.

"Your Majesty sent me a document just now, asking me why I secretly instructed Elder Chen to rebel."


Jin Bang was really stunned this time.He did not expect that a fight among the powerful would be slandered as rebellion.

"Yeah, taking someone privately to attack a minister's mansion is not treason or anything."

Han Fei sighed, and then continued, "It is clearly written in the Daqin law formulated by me. Without His Majesty's consent, private murder of ministers will be punished as treason."

"Then our discipline group also have to bear the responsibility together." Jin Bang was a little scared.

"No, the discipline group is still useful, but the Legalists don't need to exist anymore." Han Fei shook his head and said, "Your Majesty's meaning is obvious. He will be restless every day he doesn't hold the discipline group in his hands." .

Only when I die and the elders of the Legalists die, can the precept group truly become the Daqin’s precept group, not the Legalist’s precept group. "

"Although Jin Bang is dull, he is willing to die with the great elder." Jin Bang knelt down when he heard Han Fei's words, and then said to Han Fei,

"Whether the Great Elder wants to escape from Xianyang to live in seclusion or fight to the death with Li Si'er, Jin Bang is willing to be with the Great Elder."

"Need not."

Han Fei looked at Jin Bang kneeling in front of him and said,
"I have already made a decision on this matter. I called you here today because I want to give you a task."

"What mission?" Jin Bang looked at Han Fei in confusion and asked.

He only joined the Legalist Discipline Group five years ago.Although the talent is good, he was already an adult when he joined the commandment group, so his internal strength was so-so, and he didn't make many legalist mechanism weapons.

Logically speaking, a low-level member of the Legalist discipline group like him should be the last to know about these things.

For some reason, the Great Elder suddenly called him over today.

"I'm in the backyard and have prepared a car for you. There are blueprints for most of the exercises and mechanical weapons of our Legalist Discipline Group in the car.

You will go to the backyard in a while, take the car, and escape from Xianyang alone. "

"Elder, what can I do." Jin Bang was stunned at that moment.

If he didn't know that he was just an insignificant pawn in the Legalist Discipline Group, and it didn't matter at all, he really thought that Han Fei was asking for help.

But Han Fei really wanted to ask Gu.

He looked at Jin Bang, took out a jade-like bead from his hand, and then said to Jin Bang.

"I used to want to rely on storing internal force in the jade body to solve the problem of difficulty in inheriting internal force.

But I have studied for a long time, and it is only half successful.Although this jade stone has the function of inheriting internal force, it can only be used once.

In order to make this jade, I have exhausted all my efforts, and I am afraid that there is not much time left before the deadline. "

"Great Elder." Jin Bang looked at the aging Han Fei with a confused look on his face.

The sect is about to be destroyed, and he is chosen by the elders as the only successor.

At first glance, this seems like the treatment of the protagonist of a novel.But in this era, there is no concept of novels.So Jin Bang panicked. He didn't know why he was valued so much by Han Fei, the first elder of the Legalist discipline group.

"Jin, it's actually not your real surname." Han Fei looked at Jin Bang like that, and then handed him the bead in his hand that could inherit the inner power of jade.

"Elder, my surname is actually."

At such a time, Jin Bang dared not tell the truth. He took the beads and spoke in a hurry.

"Actually, your surname is Liu, I know it."

Han Fei laughed, then continued,

"Your ancestors used to be officials in Wei State, so in your great-grandfather's generation, in order to prevent being persecuted by Qin State, the surname Liu was changed to Jin surname for a period of time.

So when you joined my Legalist Discipline Group, you deliberately used the surname Jin.At that time, did you already plan to flee back to your hometown of Pei County once the Legalist discipline group is destroyed by His Majesty? "

"Order first, Great Elder, I promise I didn't."

When Liu Bang heard Han Fei's words, he knew that all his details had been found out by the great elder, and the head of the family was frightened out of his wits.

"Whether you have it or not, it doesn't matter anymore. The Legalist Discipline Group is about to collapse, but I don't want my life's hard work to go to waste. I also don't want the Mohism to re-emerge because of the collapse of the Legalist Discipline Group.

So, today I will give you all I can give you.You flee back to Pei County as soon as possible, and when the time is right, you can re-establish the Legalist discipline group. "

"Why." Now Liu Bang finally understood that the Great Elder was not playing with him, but really wanted to ask Gu.

So while stuffing the jade beads into his arms, he asked the elder why he did this.

"Because your name is Liu Bang." Han Fei sighed, and then signaled Liu Bang to leave now, if he was later, he might be surrounded by soldiers sent by Ying Zheng.

Just because my name is Liu Bang?
Liu Bang was a little confused. What was the reason?There's nothing unusual about my name. It's worth giving away treasures, blueprints, and techniques like this.

Although all the elite members of the Discipline Corps have been executed, there are still many good prospects.At this time, what was Han Fei thinking, instead of leaving the good young talents of these Discipline Corps alone, instead of leaving him alone, a person of unknown origin? !
Liu Bang couldn't figure it out, and he didn't want to figure it out.

He joined the Legalist Discipline Group just to learn something.But before he joined the Legalist Precept Group, he already guessed that the Legalist Precept Group would not be tolerated by Ying Zheng in the future, so he deliberately hid his name to avoid being implicated in the future.

But unexpectedly, the elder of the Legalist Discipline Group not only knew his name, but also entrusted the future of the Legalist Discipline Group to himself.

In this day, there is really a good thing about falling pie.

Liu Bang left the elder's house as soon as he could, and hurried to the backyard, and found a carriage parked there, so he got into the carriage and drove away.

Not long after Liu Bang left, Han Fei, the first elder of the Legalist Precept Group, believed that the Precept Group had indeed violated the precepts, so he died by abolishing his meridians to make up for the crime with his death.

After Han Fei's death, the Legalists fell apart. Except for some loyal members of the Legalists, the other members of the Legalist Discipline Group were reorganized by Ying Zheng, and then the Legalist Discipline Group was renamed the Dazai Discipline Group, led by Daqin Dazai. Responsible for continuing to eliminate Mohist disciples and maintaining the rule of Daqin.

But what Yingzheng never expected was that before his death, Han Fei actually planted a seed that would make Daqin perish.

In 209 BC, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang revolted, which opened the prelude to the demise of the Great Qin Dynasty.

October of the same year.Liu Bang revolted in Peixian County, claiming to be the second elder of the Legalist Precepts Group appointed by Han Fei, the first elder of the Legalist Precepts Group, before committing suicide.

It was also at this time that the Mohist disciples who originally fled to Chudi also began to move around.Among them, the Mohist Brotherhood headed by Xiang Liang also raised the banner of rebellion, and sent troops from the south of the Yangtze River under the slogan of punishing Qin and reviving the Mohism.

The Legalists and the Mohists, who were originally enemies, stand on the same front in the matter of opposing Qin.

Uh, Han Fei has made a big change to history this time.

Asking Xunze to look at the unrecognizable history that has been tampered with, he didn't know what to say for a while.

The birth of the Legalist Discipline Group resulted in the Mohist family not rebelling against the Mohists and leaving the country despite the presence of foreign enemies.

However, the struggle between the French and Mexican families still caused the two families to be seriously injured at the same time, so that after Ying Zheng wiped out the six countries, he had the strength to get rid of the Legalists as well.

But did this Liu Bang really join the Legalist Discipline Group, or did he just pull a tiger flag?

Ming Xunze was very curious about the dispute between Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, France and Mozambique, and wanted to check the relevant history in more detail, but the communicator that suddenly remembered interrupted him.

"Your Excellency Commander!"

Chen Junnan's voice appeared on the communicator.

"The National Defense Force has detected a huge interstellar spacecraft that is flying rapidly towards the earth. Do you know which country's spacecraft it belongs to?"

"Not from any country." Ming Xunze heard Chen Junnan's voice, and immediately understood that the alien spacecraft was about to reach the earth, so he immediately asked, "Has the Earth-Moon defense line been deployed yet?"

"Most of the arrangements have been made. The time you gave us is really tight!"

"Immediately order the troops and warships that are already on the defensive line to turn off external communication and contact equipment. And let them launch an attack immediately when they notice a spaceship that does not belong to the Huaxia Alliance passing by?!"

"You mean there's something wrong with that giant starship?"

"Nonsense, do you think that spaceship looks like it can be built by the Alliance now?"

Let Xunze know that once the spaceship reaches the vicinity of the earth, the arrival of aliens cannot be concealed, so he immediately said, "This spaceship is equipped with a device that can control our spaceship, so except for the main ship, other spaceships must be shut down." Remove the communication device, so as not to be hacked by this alien spacecraft."

"Understood." Chen Junnan also understood that now is not the time to ask questions.

If an alien spacecraft really arrives on the earth, then the first war of mankind in the universe is likely to start.

"Xiao Hei." After Ming Xunze contacted Chen Junnan, he immediately contacted Xiao Hei and asked Xiao Hei to send a signal to the earth to send diplomats to the moon.

If the earth-moon defense line can intercept this huge alien spacecraft, then diplomats need to step forward to communicate with the aliens.

(End of this chapter)

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