My students can change history

Chapter 234 Legalist Precept Group

Chapter 234 Legalist Precept Group

"I originally thought that internal force is just a kind of force that can exist in the human body."

Han Fei explained to Xunze,

"But it wasn't until I gained a lot of knowledge through the oasis that I discovered that the so-called internal force is just a kind of energy, which is no different from the energy invented by humans in the future such as electricity.

The only special place may be that it exists in the human body.So I thought, since electricity can make the machine run, can internal force also be applied to the object. "

"Have you tried it?" Jiao Xunze looked at Han Fei's current appearance and instantly understood that Han Fei might have tried it in Oasis World.

Although he didn't have internal energy before, Oasis World has already entered the energy of internal energy, and he can use it for experiments at will.

"That's right." Han Fei nodded and said, "According to deduction, there is an 80.00% possibility that the internal force can be added to the weapon. Although the internal force cannot make the weapon perform extremely precise operations like a machine, it can be used when the weapon becomes more powerful. Sharper and more destructive. It can also make things like bows and crossbows more terrifying."

"Tang Sect?!" After listening to Han Fei's words, Xun Ze blurted out a word.

"What?" Han Fei didn't understand what Xun Ze said about Tangmen.

"It's nothing." After hearing Han Fei's words, Jiao Xunze seemed to feel that he had rediscovered the so-called internal force and the so-called martial arts.

I have been limited by certain thoughts before, thinking that internal force can only act on the human body to make people stronger.

That's why it's a pity that the Mo family didn't take the path of mechanism art.

But Han Fei explained the essence of internal force, which is a kind of energy!
Therefore, since it is energy, internal force can act on objects.Didn’t the iron ball made by Mozi in his later years use internal force, which makes the iron ball open only with internal force?

And I haven't noticed this for such a long time.

If Han Fei could really perfect his idea and pass on this method of using internal force, then Tangmen, who likes to use hidden weapons in martial arts novels, might appear in the real world.

After all, many of their hidden weapons are too strong, and it is impossible to produce such powerful weapons with technology alone.

But if the internal force is applied to the object, then it is possible to make such things as rainstorm pear blossom needles and celestial maiden scattered flowers!
If this technology is further developed, it is very possible to apply internal force to some technological equipment and weapons to enhance human strength.

Aliens are coming soon. If Han Fei can make a breakthrough in this area, it will definitely give human beings more confidence in the face of aliens!
"I think your idea is very good."

Ask Xunze to encourage Han Feidao,

"This week, I will give you full authority to open the oasis world. You can study it carefully and how to better attach the internal force to the weapon."

"Thank you, teacher." Han Fei thanked immediately.

"How about I help too?" Xu Wei, who had been silent at the side, suddenly said, "I think this is quite interesting."

"You want to learn too?" Ming Xunze looked at Xu Wei and said, "Do you want me to pass on your internal energy to you?"

"It's fine." Xu Wei nodded, and then continued, "But in my era, even if the internal energy is trained to the level of a master, it is not very useful in the face of long spears and cannons."

"It's good to learn." Ming Xunze didn't expect Xu Wei to learn an ability to pass the exam and change history.But it's much better than wandering around doing nothing now.

After Xu Wei entered the oasis world with Han Fei, he called Xun Ze to call the New Mohists who were still on Earth, hoping that the New Mohists could send some people to the moon to learn internal strength.

Because I have no time to go to Earth recently.

It's not too busy on the moon, but AWOL is a deadly sin in the military.Even if Xunze is idle, he can only stay on the moon.

Chen Junnan's ability is still very strong.Although she has not figured out why the headquarters asked the Moon Defense Force to deploy the Earth-Moon defense line until now, she still did it dutifully.

It will take up to two weeks before we can successfully deploy the Earth-Moon defense line. "Chen Junnan reported the progress to Xunze in the communication equipment.

"No." Ming Xunze said to Chen Junnan, "One week, you only have one week, I must see the earth-moon defense line successfully deployed."

"Damn it, you want us to show our strongest strength, and you only give us such a short time. Do you think the Lunar Defense Force is full of robots!"

"If you don't want to be punished, hurry up." Ming Xunze said to Chen Junnan, "This is a very kind reminder from me. Because I am destined to be unlucky, but if I want to drag others to be unlucky with me ,it is also fine."

"Can you tell me why we set up this damn earth-moon line of defense."

"In order to protect the safety of the earth!"

"Hell, the only ones who can threaten the safety of the earth are the barbaric Westerners who are still huddled in Europe. But they were also recently defeated by the Alliance. I can't think of anyone who can threaten the safety of the earth except them."

"Since you can't figure it out, don't think about it."

Jing Xunze said to Chen Junnan,
"You just have to do your job well."

"Wait, it must be an alien!" Chen Junnan opened his mind, but was immediately denied by himself.

"If it was really an alien invasion, then the alliance's cities on various planets would have already been in a hurry, so it's not as calm as it is now."

"Just do it."

Xunze would not tell Chen Junnan that she just missed the truth.

"Teacher, I succeeded!"

On Thursday night, Ming Xunze was busy authorizing the staff of the Lunar Defense Force when Han Fei broke into his room.

"Wait a minute." Ming Xunze hurriedly completed the last few authorizations, then turned to look at Han Fei and asked, "What did you succeed in?"

"I successfully attached the internal force to the arrow of the crossbow."

Han Fei dragged Xunze into the world of internal force, and then showed Xunze his Chengguo.

He took a longbow and shot an arrow at a steel plate simulated by the oasis world.

After the bow and arrow broke away from the bowstring, it hit the iron plate at an incredible speed, and then like an energy bullet, it instantly penetrated the iron plate.

You must know that although this iron plate is not a special steel, its thickness and hardness cannot be penetrated even by some old-fashioned gunpowder weapons.

But now, Han Fei shot through the steel plate in front of Xun Ze.

"Teacher, just now I attached the internal force in my body to the entire bow, so that the arrows shot out will carry the internal force for a period of time. You have also seen the destructive power produced, which is definitely not weaker than the full strength of some internal force masters." one strike."

"I'm afraid the Mo family is going to be in trouble." Ming Xunze looked at the steel plate in the distance, and immediately understood the significance of Han Fei's research on internal force weapons.

Although Han Fei gained internal strength, but because he didn't practice internal strength for as long as Mozi, it was difficult to immediately set up an organization to counter the Mozi after he went back for a short time.

But it would be different if Han Fei had the skill of attaching internal force to objects.With the help of weapons, Han Fei and his apprentices can quickly approach the Mo family in terms of strength.

I'm afraid they can even wait until the Mohist sect splits to use this weapon to confront the Mohist sect head-on.

As long as the battlefield is chosen, the Mo family is very likely to be taken away by Han Fei if they are careless.

History, I am afraid, will change drastically again.

And if Han Fei can pass on his method of using internal power, I am afraid that many organizations like the Tang Sect that use hidden weapons will be born in China in the future.

I don’t know whether this is good or bad for China.

The day before the Earth-Moon Defense Line was about to be deployed, Han Fei and Xu Wei returned to their own era.

Ming Xunze also got up early on Saturday morning to check the historical changes.

"Well, it's still in the commander's mansion on the moon. It hasn't changed much." After Ming Xunze opened his eyes, he found that the position he was staying at hadn't changed, and he was relieved immediately.

He was afraid that after Han Fei spread the technology of attaching internal force to weapons, it would change the fate of Huaxia from now on.

After all, after the birth of this weapon technology, the safety of many important leaders cannot be guaranteed.

If a master who is good at internal force attachment wants to kill the emperor, it will be much easier.As long as you shoot an arrow from a distance, you don't have to fight the emperor's imperial guards in person.

"Open the search software and search for Han Fei."

Ask Xunze to sit on the edge of the bed and speak to his smart butler.

"Okay, I received the order." After receiving the order from Xunze, the smart butler immediately projected Han Fei's life story on the screen.

"Han Fei, the first great elder of the Legalist Discipline Group, is said to be no less than Mo Zi's internal force master.

In the era of disputes during the Warring States Period, the emergence of the Mohist School quickly stopped the struggle among the nations.Although China has become much more peaceful, the contradictions among the countries have become more intense because of the long-term failure to unify.

So, in this context, Han Fei stood up.

Han Fei was originally a disregarded son of King Han.But at the age of 15, he got the help of the legendary teacher Xun, and learned internal strength.

No one knows why Xunshi, after imparting internal power to Mozi more than 100 years ago, would also teach internal power to Han Fei, who was completely inconsistent with Mozi's philosophy.

However, after gaining internal strength, Han Fei quickly gained the attention of Qin Wangzheng.After Han Fei was invited to go to Qin State, Qin Wangzheng came to welcome Han Fei in person as soon as he set foot on the territory of Qin State, which moved Han Fei quite a bit.

Under Qin's embrace, Han Fei quickly established the Legalist Precepts Group, the only organization in history that could directly contend with the Mohists.

It is different from the Mohist belief that if you want world peace, all countries must give up war.

The Legalist Precept Group believes that if China wants eternal peace, it must use force to unify China.

Therefore, the Legalist Discipline Group adhered to the precepts formulated by Han Fei, and shouted the slogan that precepts are more important than everything else.

Although it does not sound as compelling as the Mohist slogan that everything is empty and everything is allowed, it was very popular with Qin Wangzheng at that time.

In addition to being a mysterious and unpredictable mechanism master, Han Fei is also a knowledgeable jurist.

During his stay in the State of Qin, he helped the State of Qin perfect the laws, and set ninety commandments for the Legalist Precept Group, ensuring that members of the Legalist Precept Group would not cause trouble everywhere because of gaining internal power.

The Mohists, who were far away in the hinterland of the Central Plains, didn't take it too seriously when they first heard the name of the Legalist Discipline Group.Because the Mohist emphasizes that internal force is fundamental, and looks down on the Legalists who rely on external force.

So although the two families had no hatred in history, they collided constantly.

But what the Mo family never thought of.The Mohists just believed that the development direction of the Legalists was wrong, but the Legalists believed that the Mohists hindered the development of China.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Mohists that the countries cannot be unified, and China has never been able to usher in real peace.

So after many years of planning, the Legalists took advantage of the opportunity of many elite members of the Mohist Brotherhood to go out and attacked Mohist Fort.

This battle between the Mo and Fa families was extremely fierce. Several elders who inherited internal energy died in the Mojia Fort. Even nearly half of the internal energy masters from the Fa family and the Moh family died in the battle.

However, the newly born Legalists still defeated the Mohists with the convenience of weapons, and burned down the Mohist Castle.

The burning of the Mohist castle led to the complete split of the Mohist family.

The Mohist Brotherhood couldn't stand such an insult, and took crazy revenge on the Legalists.

But at this time, the Legalists had already relied on Qin and stood still.

Yes, although they suffered heavy losses in the Mohist War, they had time to recuperate, and the Mohist Brotherhood gradually had fewer and fewer people in the process of revenge.

After Qin State began to unify China, several surviving masters of the Mohist School believed that only Chu State could defeat Qin State in this world, so they all went to Chu State to live in seclusion and teach apprentices, hoping that one day they could defeat Qin State with the help of Chu State country.

But it is a pity that although Qin State failed to attack Chu State for the first time, it eventually destroyed Chu State, and the Mohist Brotherhood did not dare to act freely so far, completely hidden among the nobles of Chu State.

Birds do their best to hide their bows.

This is an eternal truth.

After the demise of the Mohism, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng worried that the Legalism would develop into an organization like the Mohism, so he used the excuse that several elders of the Legalist Precept Group violated the law, so under the command of Li Si, he launched a war of extinction against the Legalism.

This is the well-known incident of burning books and burying the law in history.

Han Fei, the elder of the Legalist Discipline Group, died in the legal provisions set by himself.Because before Li Si wiped out the Legalist Discipline Mission, several elders of the Legalist Discipline Mission rose up to fight for their lives.

Therefore, Ying Zheng personally wrote a letter to Han Fei, arguing that although the Legalist Discipline Mission believed that Li Si intended to destroy the Legalist Discipline Mission, there was no evidence that he would actually do so.

On the contrary, the Legalist Discipline Group preemptively rebelled without evidence, and deserved to die.

(End of this chapter)

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