My students can change history

Chapter 230 What's in the Iron Ball (4-character chapter)

Chapter 230 What's in the Iron Ball ([-]-word chapter)
"Tell Shadow Juzi and Da Juzi to come here, we must hurry up and open the Mozi scriptures."

The woman glanced at the iron ball in the display cabinet, took out a device, smashed the bulletproof display cabinet, took out the iron ball and confirmed that the iron ball was real, and immediately spoke.

"Understood." The man bowed his head in response, and immediately opened the door and walked out.

This gang, who likes to use hacking technology to shield the government's eyes and break through the museum's anti-theft system, never trusts electronic devices when it comes to delivering messages.

New Mohism is an organization that was born after humans entered the interstellar era, productivity was greatly improved, and machines basically replaced humans to complete more than 80.00% of the work.

People in the old days feared that machines would replace humans, and most humans would have no jobs, which would cause social unrest.

In the eyes of people in the interstellar era, this kind of fear is as ridiculous as ancient humans worrying that the country would not be able to function without the emperor.

Fully automated factories are now spread across every land that is not suitable for human habitation, the word worker has disappeared, and human beings have been completely liberated from manual labor.

The entertainment industry is unprecedentedly prosperous. Film, television, games, and various entertainment industries not only give people with nothing to do a place to spend time, but also create countless jobs.

Of course, there are not enough jobs to accommodate all the unemployed.

In fact, the employment rate of Yanhuang League is less than 50.00%.But this is already very high, because of the emergence of fully automatic factories, the cost of basic living items that humans need has infinitely approached zero.

The state-owned factories opened by the government produce far more food, clothing and goods for the unemployed every year than they need, leaving them free to pursue the lifestyle they like.

Whether you stay at home and spend your whole life with your paper man wife, or indulge in some weird hobbies, the government will support you unconditionally.

Because these people are useful to the government.The geniuses with high IQ who really support the operation of this country now need to invent and create to contribute to the advancement of the country.

And these geniuses will stand out in various government examinations at a very young age, be treated specially, and finally take the jobs they are most suitable for.

It is ordinary people who supply the country with these geniuses.The Huaxia Alliance, which has the resources of an entire solar system, can feed tens of billions of worthless humans without any pressure.

It cannot be said that they are completely worthless, at least these people have contributed a lot to the entertainment industry of mankind.

Of course, in order to prevent all human beings from gradually losing their fighting spirit, ordinary people don't have enough money to get the best things even though they live a carefree life.

If you don't work hard, you won't be able to buy the top-level equipment and fashions of many games under the Penguin Company, as well as the latest high-tech products, even if you save a lifetime of money.

In this era of advanced technology, there is a huge gap in technology between human beings.

For example, Xiao Hei uses the latest mobile phone that can be implanted into the human body.Its price is equivalent to the sum of subsidies that a hundred ordinary people without jobs can get from the government in their lifetime.

And if you are more self-motivated and engaged in some lighter jobs, such as manual customer service, then you only need to save a lifetime of money to buy it.

Of course, if you are a hardcore person in the entertainment industry, you can get your salary for ten years.

And if you are a high-tech talent who has contributed to society, then congratulations, not only is this mobile phone only worth one month’s salary, but the government will also give you a purchase subsidy, and you only need to spend less than one-third of it in the end You can get this thing for the price of one.

Therefore, in this era, there is no shortage of lazy people, and there is no shortage of hardworking people.Because the gap between the upper class and the lower class is almost like the ancient emperor and slaves, as if living in different worlds.

The New Mohism is an organization born under this background.Most of the members of this organization are people who receive government subsidies or do some simple jobs.

However, unlike other people who ate and waited to die, the reason why these members of the New Mohism lived at the bottom was because they were not capable enough to climb to the top.

So, under the call of several geniuses, these people formed the New Mohist School.

The upper echelons of the New Mohist School are all geniuses who are one in a million. They have already stood at the top, but they still want to continue to climb up.But the top level of the Huaxia Alliance has been almost monopolized. There are Xiaohei and Xunze everywhere who can easily climb to the commander-in-chief of the Moon Defense Force and the second generation of the mayor of Chang'e City by virtue of their background.

So these geniuses decided to find another way.

Following the historical context, they gradually investigated the truth of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, proving that the Mohist family indeed possessed such miraculous power as internal force.

Internal force, although according to historical records, its destructive power is not comparable to energy weapons, but it has unlimited potential.Because in the genetic development and the almost stagnant interstellar era, the discovery of internal force is likely to open the way for human beings to tap their own potential.

Whoever can master this first will start a new era and stand at the new top.At that time, although it is impossible for the top leaders of the New Mohists to control the world, they will have no problem squeezing into the top society of the Huaxia Alliance.

That's why the New Mohists spared no effort to block the police's Sky Eye system over and over again, in an almost provocative way, to find the iron ball that is said to be left by Mozi.

There are three giants in the New Mohist School. They are the big giants who are in charge of the ordinary members of the Mohist school, and the opponents are the giants of the former Mohist organization.

The shadow giant who is in charge of the shadow ink is targeting the shadow ink organization giant who was in charge of overseeing the Mohist Brotherhood in the past.

The giant who is in charge of the Mohist Brotherhood is against the giant who used to be in charge of the Mohist Brotherhood.

These three giants are all geniuses who once shined in the China Alliance, but because they were born ordinary, they found that they had reached the ceiling of their careers shortly after working.

They will either work hard in the future, wait until ten thousand years, and rely on luck to be promoted to the upper class, laying a further foundation for their descendants, or do something special to make the whole league pay attention to them, so as to enter the final with dignity. among the top classes.

For geniuses, what holds them back is never difficulty, but rather the inability to find a way forward in the face of difficulty.

So they resolutely left their original working environment and formed the New Mohist School, preparing to find the mystery of internal power.

"It is said that before Mozi died, he made a volume of scriptures that he had learned in his life, which is the legendary Mozi scriptures."

A middle-aged man opened the door and walked into the room.

"It is said that Mozi's scriptures explain the ins and outs of internal strength. Now we have almost collected the ancient Mohism's inner strength cultivation methods, but we are stuck on how to cultivate internal strength. Maybe Mozi's scriptures can help us solve this problem."

A tall and slender lady Yu walked in following the man.Behind the two of them, there are seven or eight people who are geniuses of the New Mohism.

They are all the proud sons of the alliance. Some are new Mohists who are worried that they are not capable enough to further join the alliance.

After paying a huge price, these people finally see the dawn of hope.

"Big master, shadow master." The woman who was originally in the room, who was also in charge of the Mohist brotherhood, saw the other two masters coming to the room, so she nodded to them and said,

"What you are talking about is not a legend, but the conclusion reached by the members of the Brotherhood after digging through the tombs and ancient books left behind by the descendants of the Mohist school. As long as we open this iron ball, we will definitely be able to obtain the method of inner strength cultivation. "

"Actually, I suspect that someone has obtained the method of cultivating internal strength through this iron ball."

Seeing that the core members of the Xin Mo family were all present, Ying Juzi showed his wrist, and a tube of light projected across the skin on her wrist, forming a projection screen in mid-air.

This is the latest implantable mobile phone, which can exist in the human body instead of human bones. It has powerful functions and is more convenient to use.

Some scientists believe that this implanted device will even usher in a new era, allowing humans to enter the era of half-human, half-machine.

It's just that the government is not very supportive of this kind of technological equipment because it is worried that this will affect human reproduction.

Therefore, this kind of equipment is not only expensive, but also not available to ordinary people.

The projection screen in mid-air began to play the picture of Xiao Hei's farewell dinner before.After Xiao Hei and Ming Xunze discovered that the showcase had been replaced, Ming Xunze immediately showed various magical powers.

"Are you sure he doesn't have any implanted technological equipment?" The giant was silent for a while before asking.

"It's basically certain." Shadow Giant nodded, and then continued, "So I'm worried whether this iron ball has been opened."

"Impossible." Although Nei Juzi was amazed by Xun Ze's performance, he still said with certainty,

"The reason why the Mohist scriptures have not been taken out of the iron ball for so long is because opening the iron ball requires internal force."

"Then isn't this an endless loop?" A core member of the New Mohist School said, "We need the scriptures in the iron ball to have internal power, but now we need internal power to open the iron ball. If we have internal power, we don't need it." I worked so hard to grab this iron ball."

"Can't it be opened with a tech device?" another member asked.

"The structure inside the iron ball cannot be scanned. It is not ruled out that there is a mechanism inside. Once it is forcibly opened, the scriptures inside will be destroyed. We cannot afford this risk."

The inner giant patted the iron ball, and then continued,

"However, we took such a big risk to snatch the iron ball this time, and even offended the two second generations, because I have a way to open the iron ball."

"That's up to you." Shadow Giant stretched his waist and said, "I've already monitored all the Sky Eye systems around. You have enough time to open this iron ball before others find us."

"Just give me a few minutes. In fact, if you didn't come, I would have already opened the iron ball. The reason why I waited for you is because I want everyone to come and witness the results of our hard work for so many years."

As he spoke, the inner giant took out a small glass test tube from his pocket, which contained human blood.

"Human blood can open the iron ball?" The big man only knew that the inner man had a way to open the iron ball, but he didn't know the specific method.Seeing Nei Juzi take out a tube of blood now, he himself felt very strange.

"As long as it can be opened, it doesn't matter whose blood it is." The inner giant didn't answer the big giant's question, she opened the test tube, and then sprinkled the blood on the iron ball.

As soon as the seemingly normal-looking blood touched the iron ball, it immediately began to boil, and soon all penetrated into the iron ball.

The pattern on the surface of the iron ball began to turn red gradually, as if it had been burned by fire.

Then, under the watchful eyes of all the core members of the New Mohist School, the iron ball split into four petals, revealing a scroll of scriptures inside.

"It's done!" Even the always prudent giant roared involuntarily when he saw the current situation.

"Don't worry." Nei Juzi signaled the excited people to be calm, she opened the scriptures, and then took out a device to shine on the scriptures.

'Scanning. '

'The scan was successful, and it was preliminarily judged to be a cultural relic during the period of disputes among the nations. Would you like to translate the ancient text above? '

"Translate!" The big giant couldn't bear it anymore when he heard the continuous sound from the equipment.

"Teacher Xunze, I don't know if you will open the iron ball again to read the scriptures I left you. But I still want to tell you something from my heart.

You say that God makes no mistakes.I didn't understand it at the beginning, but after the Mohism became powerful in all countries, I finally understood when I began to slowly adjust the conflict between the nobles and the common people.

The disciples of the Mohist school have regarded me as a god.If I say that the nobles are hateful, they will kill the nobles everywhere. If I say that the common people are pitiful, they will support the common people to rebel and control the city.

In the end, I couldn't speak anymore, because wherever I went, there would be confusion.Those bad guys are holding my quotations and doing evil everywhere, but I can't do anything.

If I were younger, I might have time to slowly work this out.But I am old, so old that I often dream of you.

You said many reasonable things to me, but when I was young, I didn't take it seriously. When I realized that these words were reasonable, I had no chance to do them.

My life is ending, I don't know when you will be old.Perhaps it is the time when human beings leave the solar system and spread all over the galaxy, or it may be the time when human beings become the most powerful race in the vast universe.

Perhaps, you will never grow old.

But I hope that after more than 2000 years, you will have the opportunity to read this passage I wrote to you.

You once said that instead of giving me internal strength, I should be allowed to study mathematics, physics and chemistry.

But in this matter, I have no regrets, I only regret that I didn't learn more from you back then.

Disciple, Mo Di respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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