Chapter 229

When the farewell dinner officially started, Xiao Hei got up from the bench, then walked directly to the hotel booth, picked up the microphone and began to speak.

After a long paragraph of gorgeous words, which sounded reasonable but were actually useless, Xiao Hei finally started to talk about today's business.

"Thank you very much for coming to my farewell dinner. In order to always think of the earth when I am on the moon, when I go to Chang'e City this time, I will bring a very ancient cultural relic collected in my house."

After Xiao Hei finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and then saw the floor in front of him slowly parting to the two sides, and then a glass showcase rose up from the middle of the parting floor.

The glass display cabinet is not big, and can only barely accommodate the seemingly simple iron ball left by Mo Zhai.

Although everyone present may not necessarily understand antiques, they couldn't wait to get together after the display cabinet went up.

Here, who would be a member of which theft organization?

Watching the crowd rushing up, Xiao Hei explained the origin of the iron ball while staring at them carefully.

"Is this iron ball really made by the legendary Mozi who possesses inner strength?" A middle-aged man was in front of the showcase, looking at the showcase curiously and said,

"Although there are many records in history, Mozi has many incredible abilities. But these historical records cannot be explained by science. How do you prove that this iron ball was made by Mozi?"

"Whether it was made by Mozi or not, those who understand will understand." Xiao Hei said mysteriously.

"This iron ball is indeed not made by Mozi." Just after Xiao Hei finished speaking pretentiously, a voice came in.

"Who said no, no..." Xiao Hei was about to refute when he heard someone say that the iron ball was not made by Mozi, but after listening carefully, the person who said this was called Xun Ze.

"It was swapped." Ming Xunze felt something was wrong the moment the showcase was lifted up, because Mozi's iron ball was cast using internal force, and the iron ball and internal force would interact with each other.

But as a master of internal force, Ming Xunze didn't feel any echo of his own internal force from this iron ball.

"No way." Xiao Hei couldn't believe it when he heard Xun Ze's words.

The iron ball had been staying in the basement under the booth before, protected by ten security personnel wearing exoskeleton armor.

Even if the opponent has the ability to forcibly snatch the iron ball from the security personnel, there should be a warning.

But until just now, the security personnel in the basement replied that everything was safe.

Although Ming Xunze has confirmed that the iron ball has been dropped, in order to prevent the organization that covets the iron ball, he just used some method to shield the iron ball's internal force induction, so Ming Xunze reached out decisively and directly broke the bulletproof glass of the showcase. Then his finger was like a knife, he inserted it directly into the iron ball, and pulled it violently!
The originally seemingly solid iron ball instantly turned into two halves and fell to the ground.

Calling Xunze immediately confirmed that the iron ball was fake, because the iron ball left by Mozi was hollow in the middle, and it contained the scriptures written by Mozi!

The opponent was so anxious to steal the iron ball, could it be that he has mastered the method to open the iron ball? !

Ming Xunze frowned, then looked to the ground.

The iron ball left by Mozi has been kept by Xiaohei's security team since he left Ming Xunze's house.

Before the security team took the iron ball to the basement, Ming Xunze checked it just in case, and the iron ball had not been dropped at that time.

That is to say, the opponent's only chance to attack is when the display cabinet with the iron ball is raised up!
Ming Xunze looked down at the ground under the showcase, and then stepped on it.

Under the action of internal force, the ground under the display case cracked layer by layer. The originally hard masonry soil was split in half by invisible force like tofu.

The showcase is raised from the basement to the ground through a narrow passage, and logically there is only one oval passage underground.

But after the ground cracked, Ming Xunze found another passage lying horizontally on the ground, and he didn't know where it led.

In other words, the other party has already set up organs here and waited for the showcase.Once Xiao Hei ordered the display case to go up, the mechanism would start to operate, transport away the display case containing the real Mozi iron ball, and then transport the fake display case to it.

"There is a problem with this hotel!" Xiao Hei reacted instantly!

They only released the news on Friday, and the other party will definitely not have enough time to arrange the mechanism on Saturday.

In other words, they may have been unlucky enough to choose a hotel that has ties to a theft organization.And this mechanism already existed, but they were lucky enough to give the other party a chance to do it.

But this also shows that the opponent really has a way to open the iron ball, otherwise they will not hesitate to reveal that the owner of this hotel is a member of their organization, and they will also get the iron ball.

"I am now notifying the police to summon the owner of this hotel." Xiao Hei's face was terribly dark.The two of them were originally planning to catch a turtle in a urn, but they didn't expect to be shown by the other side.

"I'll try to see if I can catch up with someone."

Xunze found that he was using all the internal energy in his body and could vaguely feel the general direction of the iron ball. He said hello to Xiao Hei and immediately chased him out.

Ming Xunze's miraculous performance just now did not attract too much attention from the guests present.In this era of technology, there are many technological devices that can complete the actions called Xunze just now, coupled with habitual thinking, so they subconsciously think that what kind of high-tech equipment called Xunze just used to make it so cool Dazzling action.

However, after Xun Ze was asked to leave, a man among the guests present silently pressed the frame of his glasses for decoration, and the video of the scene just now spread to the outside world.

At the same time, in an ordinary-looking private house not far from the hotel, an unmanned plane for express delivery flew in slowly, dropped a rather large express delivery, and then flew away slowly again up.

It can be vaguely seen that the name of an online shopping platform is written on the delivery drone, which seems to be no different from the normal delivery drone.

"Big man, the item has arrived." A man walked over and unpacked the courier package, revealing the display case with iron balls inside. The balls were placed together on the table in the living room.


A woman who would have recognized Xun Ze if she was here slowly stood up and looked at the mysterious iron ball in the showcase.

(End of this chapter)

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