My students can change history

Chapter 168 Qinhuai Performance Troupe

Chapter 168 Qinhuai Performance Troupe

History is still that history, but technology has accelerated a lot.This also led to changes in some histories and personal fates.

However, in the overall general direction, history has not changed much.

The world situation is still the same. Europe and the United States took advantage of the war in China to rise, and the failure of the two world wars (the East-West War) made China fall behind a lot after entering the modern era.

However, fortunately, Huaxia has slowly caught up in recent years.

In the past two days, Xunze finally found out why there was no toilet at home.

Because of the rough way of excretion, it was replaced by machines and drugs.The specific principle is that Xunze is not very clear. I only know that all newborns in the future society will be fed with drugs that can enhance their absorption capacity, and then lie in the medical cabin at home every once in a while. All the things that the human body originally intended to excrete are transported away.

It is said that this was invented by an innocent scientist who broke down after seeing a goddess going to the toilet.

Judging from this technology alone, the current 2018 is at least 2018 years ahead of the original historical 300.

The 300-year gap in technology makes Xun Ze live in this era like a primitive man.

He tried playing computer games, and the picture quality was really cool. The VR immersive experience makes people feel like they have traveled to a different world, if it wasn't for the eye-catching "in-game" in the upper right corner to remind him that this is a game.

Learning while playing, the time soon came to Sunday afternoon.

Through the building's mobile elevator, Ming Xunze came to the cram school's large classroom full of VR learning equipment and waited for Big Meow's arrival.

It seems that a new student is coming this week.

Asked Xunze to try his best to recall what Da Miao had said to him, and found that Da Miao didn't seem to remind him who would come this time.

I am almost becoming an illiterate, if there is a historical figure whose technological level is higher than the original 2018, I am afraid I will not be able to teach him.

Just when Xun Ze was thinking this way, a ray of light flashed, and Da Miao led a dozen boys and girls to appear.

Wait, a dozen? !
He asked Xun Ze to look carefully and found that there were really more than a dozen people. Besides the three men Liu Bei, Sun Ce, and Cao Cao, there were also eight girls with top-notch looks.

"This is the teacher who will be responsible for teaching you in the next month."

When Da Miao saw Xunze, he jumped out of a girl's arms, and then stood on the table and introduced Xunze to the eight girls.

"Hello teacher."

Eight young and beautiful girls bowed to Xunze together, and then began to introduce themselves.

"Hi teacher, my name is Gu Hengbo." "My name is Dong Xiaowan." "My name is Bian Yujing." "My name is Li Xiangjun." "My name is Kou Baimen." "My name is Ma Xianglan." "My name is Liu Rushi." "My name is Chen Yuanyuan."

"We are the Qinhuai Performance Troupe!"

. . .

This amount of information is a bit large.

Ming Xunze stared at the eight Yingying and Yanyan girls with wide eyes, and there was a bang in his head that felt like it exploded.

Isn't this Qinhuai Bayan? How did it become Qinhuai Performing Troupe?

Wait, it seems that the technology at the end of Ming Dynasty has almost reached the level of the original history before World War II.

At that time, Huaxia was setting off the last bourgeois revolutionary uprising, and the revolutionary army in the south and the royalists in the north were fighting a tragic war on the vast land.

Under the circumstances of this war, people chose to use songs, dances and movies to escape reality, which made a qualitative leap in China's entertainment industry during this period, and many famous artists were born.

Among them is the Qinhuai Performing Troupe composed of eight girls.Their status in China at that time was comparable to the queens of today, the concert venues were sold out, and the sales of vinyl records broke records time and time again.

It's just that because of the war, the fate of these eight girls was not very good.

Ming Xunze only glanced at the histories of these people while researching the information. He really didn't know what was wrong.

But the point now is not that the students are eight girls this time, but to ask the bastard, Da Miao, what is going on with this drastic change in history!

"Hello, I'm your teacher named Xun Ze."

Asking Xunze to speak while motioning the eight girls to sit down first, then he reached out and grabbed Big Meow.

"I have something to discuss with the cat fairy, please sit down for a while."

"Tell me, what's going on this time."

Ming Xunze grabbed Da Miao and came to the next room, pointing to a pile of high-tech in the room and asked Da Miao.

"Isn't it said that there is historical inertia? How can technology speed up so much in a blink of an eye?"

"The inertia of history mainly reflects the main process aspects of history."

Big Meow was not in a hurry at all, it explained to Xunze while licking its paws.

"For example, the Jin Dynasty did not come into existence after the Three Kings Constitutional Era. But the Three Kings Constitutional Era was born and died at the same time as the Jin Dynasty. Therefore, after the Three Kings Constitutional Era ended, the Tang Dynasty would definitely appear.

Li Bai, Yang Yuhuan, your former students will also appear, and in the past history, they have also received your teachings.

After the demise of the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty was born as scheduled.However, the Yuan Dynasty did not appear because the development of science and technology in the Central Plains was too advanced, so that nomadic people had no room to survive.Including the Ming Dynasty also greatly extended life expectancy for this reason.

You see, isn't this the best embodiment of historical inertia? "

"Then why did I teach students that history hasn't changed so much?"

"That's because the degree of change is not enough. The change of history does not change bit by bit, but there is a threshold, but after the degree of change reaches this threshold, the inertia of history is unable to continue to maintain the original level of technology.

This is why I asked you to let Sun Ce, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei come over after you have taught so many students.Because after the end of the constitutional era of the three kings, the strength of the Central Plains was unprecedentedly strong, and the nomads no longer had the qualifications to harass the Central Plains.

In order to prevent the entire history from looking very unreasonable, it will adjust itself, instantly speed up the development of science and technology, and fine-tune part of the history to make the overall history look reasonable. "

"Then what would happen if the first wave of students you sent were Liu Xiu and Wang Mang, and the second wave were Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Bei?" Ming Xunze asked curiously.

"Then there will probably be a catastrophe no less than the Tungulas explosion in Chang'an, and these three people will be wiped off the face of the earth."

Big Meow said very seriously.

"I probably understand."

Asked Xunze to think back to his previous digital students, it seems that the first few students had very little changes in history, and then gradually became larger, and finally the arrival of Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Ce changed Huaxia Science and Technology in one fell swoop. degree of progress.

To put it bluntly, this kind of operation is actually boiling frogs in warm water!
It's just that what is boiled in Big Meow's pot is not frogs, but history!

 Note: Group 575580366, see chapter 166.

(End of this chapter)

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