My students can change history

Chapter 167 History of Great Changes

Chapter 167 History of Great Changes

Although computers have become VR, the basic functions of personal terminal equipment such as mobile phones will not change the way of use no matter how technology changes.

Find out the search software and pop up the projection.

Called Xunze can control the huge projection screen only with the strokes of his fingers or the rotation of his eyes.

"Enter search keywords, Chinese history, and search."

Ask Xunze to speak out.

A concise search result page appeared in front of Ming Xunze, the advertisement was placed in the special corner on the far right, and the search result was in the middle.

All the search results of the same type have been merged, and Ming Xunze needs to further confirm which type of search results he is looking for.

"Choose a brief history of China, text version."

After the mobile phone heard Xun Ze's words, it immediately turned the projection screen into a text version of Chinese history, and at the same time added the classification of various dynasties.

With a single tap of your finger, history can be pulled back to the constitutional era of the Three Kings in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Gunpowder, navigation, and constitutional monarchy.

In the vast history of Chinese civilization, there are many eras worthy of elaboration.However, if we want to talk about the origin of the Industrial Revolution, we cannot avoid the era of the constitution of the three kings.

When the decadent Han Dynasty entered its final years, people thought that this dynasty, which had been passed down for hundreds of years, would eventually perish.

But just as there were leaders like Wang Mang and Liu Xiu who could extend the life of the empire in the late Western Han Dynasty, three extremely outstanding leaders also appeared in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Ce.

These three great leaders stood up at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty when the country was in chaos and order collapsed.

Among them, Cao Cao quelled the chaos of the warlords in the north, Sun Ce conquered the disobedient south, and Liu Bei punished Yizhou, which was the first to become independent.

After the three of them restored the order of the country, they did not immediately think about how to defeat each other and unify the world. Instead, they met in Luoyang and jointly discussed the constitutional monarchy, an extremely great system at that time.

And it also left the most precious legacy for the Renaissance of the Song Dynasty in the future.

The establishment of a constitutional monarchy represented the end of the era of imperial power for the first time in history.After that, Liu Bei built the land of Shu into the handicraft base of the Han Dynasty, continuously delivering gunpowder and various handicrafts to the north and south.

Sun Ce built the south into a dock for the Han Dynasty to explore the outside world, established commercial ties with ancient India and many countries in the Middle East, and began to bring the excellent crop seeds from Southeast Asia back to China for planting.

The northern group under the leadership of Cao Cao represents the most powerful force of the Han Dynasty.

To the west, the Silk Road was reopened and the countries of the Western Regions were conquered.

To the east, Goguryeo was destroyed, and the Korean Peninsula was brought under the rule of China.

Going north, drinking horses in Beihai, established Beihai County, and completely drove the nomads to the west.

Cao Cao led his powerful army to wipe out almost all the alien races that could threaten the Central Plains.

The era of the Three Kings Constitution lasted until 420 AD before it ended completely. China returned to the era of warlords' melee.

However, the legacy left to China from the constitutional era of the three kings has always existed.

The powerful Tang Dynasty was an era of highly concentrated imperial power. In order to avoid people's nostalgia for the era of the Three Kings Constitution, on the one hand, Datang devoted itself to restoring the territory of China in the era of the Three Kings Constitution, and established colonies in various places to prove that under the rule of the royal family, China is not There is no fading.

On the one hand, books related to the constitution of the three kings were burned wantonly, which showed that the royal family ruled the world correctly.

However, this practice of the Tang royal family was forcibly terminated in Li Longji's later years.

After Li Longji came to the throne and ended the infighting within the royal family, in order to avoid being ousted from the throne by his own son, he had to rely on the aristocratic forces, mainly the slave owner An Lushan, and handed over many colonies to An Lushan. Lushan ruled.

This led to An Lushan's unprecedented expansion of ambitions. He formed a large number of alien legions without telling Li Longji, and sent a lot of technology to Western countries in exchange for their support for him. This led to Western civilization. Start a slow rise.

In the first 755 years of the Yuan Dynasty, slave owners and new aristocratic forces dominated by Anlu Mountain set off a massive rebellion, known as the Anshi Rebellion in history.

The Anshi Rebellion was the first war in world history in which both sides used gunpowder weapons on a large scale.

Matchlock guns, artillery, and grenades were widely used in the war, making the war unprecedentedly cruel, and several cities were directly razed to the ground.

Because the elite troops of the Tang royal family were all stationed in the colonies, the Li Tang royal family suffered repeated defeats in the early stages of the war.

After Luoyang was captured, Li Longji felt that Chang'an could not be defended, so he led the royal family members to flee westward.

But at that time, Yang Yuhuan, who was called the Holy Queen by later generations, led some soldiers who vowed to defend Chang'an to stay behind, and appointed Guo Ziyi, who proposed the theory that the army should fully use new-style flintlock guns and eliminate matchlock guns, as commander. Defeated An Lushan's army on the frontal battlefield, forcing An Lushan to stop attacking.

Subsequently, Li Bai, the most famous swordsman in Chang'an City and the last master of cold weapons in Chinese history, led the Qinglian Brotherhood to sneak into Luoyang and assassinate Anlu Mountain, making the rebels leaderless and finally defeated one by one.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the Li Tang royal family tightened the slave trade unprecedentedly, resulting in a large number of factories and plantations in the Tang Dynasty lacking slave labor, and forced to hire natives with high wages and short working hours, who were also protected by national laws.

This has slowed down the country's development to a certain extent and narrowed the gap between the West and my country.

At the same time, after the Anshi Rebellion, the weakness of the Li Tang royal family was exposed to the eyes of the colonies.

Within a few years, the colonies outside the Tang Dynasty began to refuse to obey the orders of the Li Tang royal family and began to cultivate their own forces and armies.

In 907 Yuan, the royal family of Li Tang refused to implement the constitutional monarchy after gradually losing power, and was kicked out of the throne by the angry new nobles.

China once again fell into chaos.

In 960 AD, Zhao Kuangyin established the Song Dynasty with the help of the new nobles. However, after he ascended the throne, he betrayed his promise to restore the upper and lower houses of the Three Kings Constitution era, massacred the new nobles and strengthened the imperial power.

Zhao Kuangyin's actions caused dissatisfaction among the new nobles. They supported Zhao Kuangyin's younger brother Zhao Guangyi to kill Zhao Kuangyin, ascend the throne, and reestablish the House of Lords and the Lower House.

The establishment of the House of Commons means that the imperial power has once again been controlled.Although the royal family of Zhao and Song wanted to change all this, under the repeated opposition of the new nobles, the power in their hands became less and less.

At the same time, the new aristocrats also launched a massive Renaissance movement, believing that the dual-emperor rule and the three-kings constitutional system of the Han Dynasty were manifestations of human civilization.

During this period, the idea that imperial power was not the only one spread throughout the land, and enlightened people soon eager to expel imperial power from the court again.

So in 1127, the new nobles forced the Zhao and Song royal families to sign a treaty and give up all their rights.

(End of this chapter)

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